We found the remains of our beloved pet Tucker this
afternoon. He had been killed by a large animal.
Neighbors have reported coyotes as of late.
We buried him in our backyard where he loved to hang
out. He was seven years old and will be missed
Our other kitty is now a full time house cat.
I'm going to the range this weekend to sight in my
AR15. Jihad is brewing..........
Knowing is alot better than "wondering". Yes it is a sad day when we lose our buddies. I have a dog and two cats that hang out with me when I am out and about the shop. Yes, take aim on the coyote population. gobble
This has been a really hard thing for us.I'm comforted to know he's here at home and I believe we'll meet again some day.
Sorry to hear that. We have cats and zero rodents. Coyotes, both wild and domestic are always worthy of a lead meal at my place. Other critters usually get a pass...

Sounds like Tucker stood his ground and the Coyote won... I know one day my cat will run across a dog that can take his claw slap to his nose ... Dipstick is not at the least scared of a dog and will stalk them... One day he will meet his match...

I witness wild dogs in action the cats that stood their ground did not fair well the ones that ran lived... I will take a strong willed cat over a chicken chit cat any day dead are alive...
Bill, So sorry to hear of your loss. We sure get attached to these animals. I keep my cats inside all the time now. I'll bet there is a coyote licking a few scratches tonight. Stan
You have our deepest sympathy's, what a great loss. My son always carried his 45 when he walked our dog, never knew what or who would show up to cause harm to one or the other.Would never hesitate to shoot if need be. Pets need protection,just as a human does.I hope you find the culprit that did the dastardly deed to your cat pal. Again our sincere sympathy for your loss.
I hope you get em, I have often heard the agonizing death of cats by coyotes out back in the early hours, and have run out there prepared to take one out, they are extremely elusive at night. Few years ago I had a mangy one casing my house, .308 right through the heart, military ball ammo, 100 yds or so, dropped and never moved again. They at times pressure the deer, and thats fine, they get some fawns, so it helps with the balance, but I too will help balance them, as they can get thick here at times, keep you up at night howling.
The do more than "pressure the deer" up here Billy. They hunt in packs just like wolves. They take lots of fawns. You can always tell when the distemper or rabies hits it's peaks because there will be a lot more rabbits and deer around.

Personally, considering all the feral cats in our area, I wish the coyotes would thin them out.

Sorry for you loss, Bill. Our cats have been great friends over the years. We only have one completely outdoor cat now, the wife named her Hunter, because that's what she does. Stays in the barn up high so the varmits don't get her. We have one house cat that goes out and hangs around the house and barn. We insist she come in at night and go "in search of" if she doesn't come right away when we call. We also watch the little dog (Boston Terrier) when we let him out at night so he doesn't stray too far. He might think a coyote is his buddy and want to play with it, he did that with a skunk, but escaped getting sprayed.
You also have to be on watch for free-roaming dogs, feral or not. A few years ago I came home and noticed my dogs didn't greet me at the gate of our fenced back yard. Then we saw chairs turned over on the back porch, and blood. I walked the yard and found my little dog dead, guts ripped out. Late that night the big dog came back, skin hanging loose all over him. My neighbor across the road said he had seen dogs running up and down alongside my fence earlier in the day. We have coyotes all around, but I never really suspected them.
Leave the AR in the closet and buy a dozen snares. They are legal here if you take a class.

I can catch 3 or 4 while you are loading the mags for the AR.
They work while you sleep or while you are having a cold one on the porch.

Walk the property and look for where the coyotes come under the fence.

Keep your dogs shut up, and let your neighbors know.

Snares are deadly on coyotes.

Sorry about your tabby, Gene
I would love to get a kitten but I don't think my poor wife would have the heart to do it right now. She is really torn up about him.
He sat in her lap every night while we watched tv and she really misses him. Our other kitty is now a total inside cat and she is getting really spoiled.
Tucker would not stay inside... he would literally tear the house up if you tried to keep him inside.
He was kind of like the kid down the street that went into the army and became a special operator... he wanted to live HIS way.
I never saw either one of them back down from anything.. SALUTE!!!

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