Taking a break from drivway repair and pickling some eggs


Well-known Member
Well since my chickens are laying 6-10 eggs a day I figured since I found a recipe to pickle eggs I would do some today Doing 22 of them. Would have been 24 but two did not peel well and we ate those LOL
Put eggs in hot beet juice with pinch of sugar and dash of port wine. Let steep and cool in refrigerator overnight. Throw away the beets and eat the eggs! :)
This spring my son and I went to a gun/preppers thing and he picked up 2 book on canning/pickling for me and I found 3 recipes for doing pickled eggs so since I have lots of eggs on hand figure why not give one a try
My Dad used to eat pickled eggs & drink beer. Next morning you didn't want to anywhere near him. We 're talking massive sulfur smelling gas attacks. He could clear a room faster than yelling fire.
I tell the grandkids, Santa doesn't want milk and cookies - he wants pickled eggs and beer. They scrunch up their faces.
Grandpa and grandma kept a big garden and canned well into their 80s. I'm not a huge fan of beets but her canned ones were pretty good, warmed as a side dish on a cold winters day
I grow beets and pickle them. They are great cold as a side dish. Just wish I could get a good crop of them but seems they do not grow well in this Missouri black clay
Don't eat as many of the beets as I did since my heart problems. The only way I could eat bacon was a bite of the beet with a bite of bacon as the acid in the vinagar would counteract the stomac acid from the bacon. Half pound of bacon would take 2/3 of a can of beets and they were store boughteen beets. Now beets fixed any other way I cannot eat. Have been on ulcer medication for 30 years and since the heart problems switched to turkey bacon and turkey burgers.
Speaking of eggs . . .

A woman went into a Diner and asked what the Special was? The Chef said: "Ma'am, the Special today is fresh Beef Tongue with Onions". To which the woman replied, EWW! I wouldn't eat anything that came out of an animals mouth, just give me two fried eggs.

Try adding Gypsum & sand to your soil, that's what we have to do for our red clay here in S. Nevada to loosen it up.


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