Speaking of Black Flies Gnats - swarms today !

Billy NY

Well-known Member
Anyone else have swarms of these, they are worse than anything else here, swarm and surround you, up your nose, but are not biting ...yet, any home remedies, I have used Listerine in a spray bottle, be nice to find a home remedy, they will chase you into the house !

This is the worst I have ever seen them here, overcast today, that seems to bring them on like crazy too.
Yes, I'll be chasing myself around, anything with vanilla extract in it, is immediately addicting in my book, I will try that !

They are intense this summer, I've heard of them like this in the spring time up north, not sure how wildlife copes, then when the sun goes down, the next shift takes over mosquitoes.
I have found that ABSORBINE JR. works better then vanilla. It don't smell as nice but seems to last longer.

I put absorbine on my neck, it keeps them away pretty good and makes the arthritis feel better too.
I was in Florida once working a turn around. I've never seen these things. The people there offered me this stuff to keep the "no see'ms' away. Never heard of them. I've never itched so much in my life.
Those a miserable little insect and we have them here at times, not prolific, but if you got in a bunch of those, for something so small, they always leave a mark and anytime I get bit, its known, immediately, some of the flies and mosquitoes you at times do not notice, these every single time! I have a head net, pain to see out of, have to wear a sweat band, it strains your eyes, I don't think they can penetrate the material, there are times that's the only sanctity you have when outside.

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