King of Obsolete?

ben there

i remember seeing posts about this he the same one thats gonna be on ice road truckers? looked like a ancient vehicle on the preview.
I asked him about it the other day. He says they didn't film him with the cast, but he kinda has his own segment of the show. I have followed his website for a couple years, and if the show is anything like his website, it should make for pretty good watching.
He is a great example of not wasting anything. He is a true recycler.

I check out his website every couple months to view the latest projects. I wont be able to see him on Ice Road Truckers as I dont have cable. Figure the $50-100 a month is better spent elsewhere. Plus if I want to watch something specific I can find the episode on the internet for free.

ok yall,thanx for info...i was expecting a much older guy the way yall talk about him...i think his episode is on Sunday nite at 8 central.
(quoted from post at 21:53:55 07/12/13) i remember seeing posts about this he the same one thats gonna be on ice road truckers? looked like a ancient vehicle on the preview.

He has some true adventures up there in the frozen north. Out on a frozen lake in the middle of nowhere with hia cat train delivering supplies to places that have no roads to them.
He should have his own show. From what I've read, he's a darn resourceful guy and a first class mechanic to keep all his (old)obsolete machines running.
If you can find it on his website he has good stories. I especially like the one about his Linn tractor when he came off the frozen lake , hit the bank knocking down trees left ,right and center.

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