jon f mn

Well-known Member
With all the rain the mosquitoes are the worst I've ever seen. This morning while out in the fields I looked down and saw 5 takin a bite out of the back of my hand at once.
I remember when I used to help hay in Gunnison Colorado,the (wet) hay meadows would have black clouds of skeeters.Seems they would be sleeping in the tall grass.The mower would come along and wake them up.They would be mad and HUNGRY!
big as hornets ???? musta been young ones,....i once had 2 drag me off the tractor onto the ground, one looked at the other and said "lets drag him over to the woods and eat him" the other one replied "if we take him over there the big ones will take him away from us......LOL
Sceeters aren't so bad - the chiggers are terrible though. Can't kneel on the ground to work on something without 10-20 bites.
You do have big'uns. I've seen them swoop down and take a bite outa me and fly off and sit in a tree to eat it, but never heard one talk before.
Thank goodness they are not too bad here in BJI, but up at the farm they are terrible! I have had a real bad reaction from bites for the last 3 years so it really is limiting my summer farm activities. Hopefully with the dry weather we are having they will subside.
We have two months here in Florida with out Sceeters January and February. The rest of time you better not be outside at dusk if you don't want to go get a blood transfusion
Around here they work in groups, too. I swatted a bunch with one hand, and the ones on my other hand, flew up, and smacked me with my own hand!
Here in Indiana they are bad this year, been spraying Malathion 2 or 3 times a week. then the rain washes it away. It helps some. joe
Best way is to carry a claw hammer with you. Then when a skeeter takes after you, you can run and dodge around a tree. The skeeter can't dodge quite that fast and will run his stinger through the tree.

Then you take the hammer and clinch his stinger so he can't pull it out.
That used to be a common thing to do in the vast forests of my home state of North Dakota. Then one year a swarm of the really big skeeters came thru. Well, folks was runnin' behind trees, clinching them beaks over, and the skeeters would just fly away with the tree, roots and all.

That's why there are no more trees in North Dakota.
We've been in drought conditions for the last 3 years and they aren't as bad as they used to be. You still can't sit outside after dark and the hum is almost deafening. The rice fields give them plenty of breeding ground. We also have plenty of chiggers, ticks, rattlesnakes and copperheads.
The skeeters in my low spots take as much runway to land as a Canadian goose, they are about the same size too.
Hit one with the 12 gauge on take-off, he said he was going to get his friends. They are so big here, there is no buzz, their wings go flap, flap, flap. Im laying prone on the deck with the M82A1 waiting for their return. Im ready.

Not many skeeters here but the gnats and those tiny little black biting bugs are making a pest out of themselves. Jim
Sceeters are pretty darn scarce around here.
I heard they had all been recruited by the big city gangs.
No need to go to jail for a drive-by shooting when they can
get the sceeters to just swoop in, do the dirty work and clean
up all the mess at the same time!
The mass population was the biggest selling point, but since
most big cities are near a big body of water, that cinched it.
Oh, I see. I thought the biggest bloodsuckers around here was in Annapolis and Washington, DC. They already have sucked my wallet dry and now they's goins for blood....
I find lots of sweat and some BO deters them a bit. Can't be around other people though. I'm grateful to be in Ontario though. I was in Manitoba 4 years ago. Never seen mosquitos that big before. Literally the size of a hornet. Manitobians seem to be immune to them, so the "fresh meat" from Ontairo must have been a refreshing change for the mosquitos.
They are terrible here in Sask. At least in my yard. Just came in from the tractor and the air is humming with millions of them. Can't do much outside in the evening or early morning. I might actually have to resort to mosquito repellent. I haven' t used that in years.

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