good bug/bad bug


Well-known Member
pic aren't very good. Been in the corn weeding and come across a lot of these little red bugs. Looks like as they mature the get a more black on them. Chickens don't seem to like em - I haven't tried them myself. Could they be immature boxelders?
they are fast too - see if I catch them this time-lol
OH Also have ones that look/act like lady bugs but are pink with black spots!

Yup, that's what they look like to me.... I've got 2 box elders in my yard that're infested with them, and will probably have to come down soon. To kill them, take a garden sprayer and fill it with a mix of Dawn and water, and hose them suckers down. It suffocates them and doesn't harm any plants.

I had to do the side of my house and the deck in April/May because they were coming in the house. After I did 2 tanks of the mix, there was a noticable drop in their numbers.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Don, I was able to find pics of nymph box elders on the web and yep that's what they look like. And they are in the corn because I have a few million silver maple trees trying to grow in there. Good to know that their not messing with the corn.
Well, I was Kornfused there for a while.
I know boxelder is a tree and I've seen those little insects all my 72 years of life but did not know they were called "boxelder bugs".
Now I know all about them. Computers can be great teachers!

When they start coming near your home - you may want to spray all around the foundation and windows to be pro-active in trying to keep them out.

Our house got quite a few box elder bugs in it last year. But the rural office where I work (in an old house) was positively INVADED by box elder bugs. They would always come out heaviest in late afternoon - kept coming everyday this winter too. Finally told my employer they needed to spray or I was working from home. Nasty things crawling all over and dive bombing at you while trying to do computer work. They sprayed a couple times and no more bugs.

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