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Someone dumped a couple cats off in our area. They found their way to my place, and enjoyed the free meals from our outside cat. The neighbor's cat also enjoyed the free meals.Then the stray cats started fighting with our cat. I set a trap and caught one of the stray's, and took it to the animal shelter. The next cat I cought was the neighbor's cat. He looked just like one of the strays. The neighbors couldn't find their cat, I said I'll bet I trapped him, and he is now in the shelter. We went to the shelter where the cat stayed over night, and got him back. The cat has not been back since, Stan
A few years ago I had some type of critter getting into my calf feed in the barn where the cats hang out. I set a live trap and proceeded to catch every cat in the barn. BUT I only caught each cat once. They learned REAL quick. Then I caught coons, woodchucks, and a possum.
Daughter had a cat chitting on her front porch and marking the area, so her boyfriend set a trap. He had one in the next day, so he took it up across the river about twenty miles and cut it loose in the woods. Next day, there's a fresh pile on the porch and fresh marks. Guess one of the neighbors is still hunting for their cat.....
I live in a small neighborhood. One of the things we all got together and agree on is that all cats wear a collar.All of the cat people do this and it makes things simple. If one shows up and causes a problem, it is trapped in a no-hurt trap and deported no questions asked.(a can of sardines or cheap tuna works well)
We also had chips implanted in our two cats so that if they show up at the animal shelter, they will be scanned and we will be contacted per policy of the county animal control department.
If they are left out to roam at night, the coyotes eventually take care of the problem.
Cats can be a problem

Years ago my boss's son was moving out of state to college. His new wife had a young cat, and they had agreed that the cat couldn't go, so his dad approached me about taking this cat off of their hands. We must have had 20 barn cats at that time, and I didn't want another and the story ended, or so I thought. Turns out the dad had told the kids that he'd given the cat to me, but instead he'd taken it out on a country road and turned it loose, and now the gal was wanting the cat back. My first inkling of this fiasco was when he called me and wanted me to concoct a story about the cat running away from my place. Even though I lived 30 miles from him, I could see all kinds of problems with that, and told him I wouldn't do it. The story had a happy ending - he went out to a farmhouse near where he'd dropped off the cat and inquired about his "lost" cat. The lady of the house got a saucer of milk and hollered, and all her cats came running, including the cat that "I" had been "given". The kids were forever grateful to me for my kindness in giving them back their precious kitty, which I had never laid eyes on. I just nodded and smiled.
Years ago we live across the road from my wife's uncle. He had an old barn cat that was mean enough to fight a coon! The cat started coming over and eating our pups feed and it did no good to run him off and finally I had enough. A few days later he asked me if I had seen old so and so. I answered with the truth,"Yes, I saw him about two nights ago going across my back yard towards the woods." What I DID NOT tell him was that there was a load from a 12ga. right behind the cat which caught up with him before he hit the woods!
You are sure right about catching them once. I had a mean stray tom that was beating everything up here. I would have fed it some lead but the only time I ever saw it was when it was in the garage. I sure didn't need to have the car fixed or patch the roof.

I caught it in the coon trap and took it over to someone I know about five miles away. 36 hours later it was back. Couldn't catch him a second time so I just made him a plate of golden link_disallowed food.
Had a big tom corner my oldest daughter, she was 1 1/2 years old at the time. She was riding one of those little tykes type toys. She would ride in the lean to part of the barn Heard her hollaring, she couldnt speak much at 1 1/2. Ran over there and the cat then started coming at me. 20 lb tom vs. my .22.

Neighbor was real pizzed that I exterminated his mousing cat, told him he should have kept it home then. Not really in to killing things for no reason, but when it went after my little one then me, too bad.

I have a buddy who live catches cats while in the trap he spray paints them with a bright florescent paint shakes crate and turns them loose. He says he hasnt had one back since started this. And he says he'd def. recognize em.. lol
I used canned cat food, a little chicken broth, and about a cup of granules. No lie - it was that much. I did it the first time and was too skimpy on the fly bait. He ate the second batch and made it four feet.

It was so blue that it was almost black (the food mixture).
Neighbor's cat kept visiting and tearing into the garbage, marking territory, etc. until I finally got mad enough to live-trap it. I had in mind a spot behind the shed I had picked out to plant him (with no headstone) Wife found him in the live trap and started telling me what I could and couldn't do, sort of got me up to a full head of steam you might say. I put one hand on each end of the live trap, lifted it up over my head and shook it as long and as hard as I could. I figured that cat had little x's all over him from the wire trap. Opened one end, and the last time I ever saw that cat, all four feet were tearing up the grass, fastest I ever seen a cat run,ever.

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