OT but please read

Ok off topic and this or me may get nuked but even the moderator needs to read this. From a Bio-Farming bulletin titled
“ Does Monsanto now hold ultimate legal power in the U.S.?”
Public outcry has erupted into a fury over the current passing of the temporary government funding appropriations bill. Tacked unto it was a rider, the so called “Monsanto protection act,” a rider that hands Monsanto the power to nullify the decisions of federal courts. If the courts decided that genetically engineered crop is dangerous to the public or the environment, it can no longer order Monsanto (or any other company) to stop planting the crops. Instead the law mandates the Secretary of Agriculture to issue permits and deregulation orders that allow the continued cultivation, commercialization, and other specifically enumerated activities even if the crop is deemed to cause a plague or unleash dangerous genetic pollution. It is not difficult to see that our government which conspires with the biotech industry to sneak GMO into our food supply. If there is a silver lining the rider was attached to an appropriations bill that has a shelf life of 4 months but it can be passed every time it is due. Your thoughts?
Without GMO you would be getting hungry or paying more for your food. Try to farm 4000+ acres without it and see how far you last.
I don't get the argument against GMO seeds. People want cheap food, they don't want pesticides used - something has to give. There's not a shred of evidence that there is a problem with GMO foods. I know there is politics involving Monsanto but that's not a food safety concern. I'm in the food safety business and people should be more concerned about who isn't washing their hands before handling your lettuce than if it is GMO.
I"m not going to get into the argument over gmo, but I take serious exception with granting a private company the power to overrule, ignore, etc., a court order.
First I do not like that Monsanto gets all those tech fees from all other seed sales besides the ones from there own seed.

As far as GMO grains here is my take.

Putting genes in a plant to resist pests or chemicals is no different than if it happen naturally.

There are certain plants that certain bugs will not eat that are not genetically modified. So if you take that gene out of those plants that resist bugs and put it in another, it is somewhat still natural.

Same holds true with herbicide resistance. There are genes in grasses that allow herbicides to be use to kill broadleaf weeds in grass and not harm the grass. Same holds true for grass killers that don"t kill broadleaf weeds.

So if we switch some genes around that allow you to kill grasses in grass without killing the grass that is genetically modified what"s the harm. That gene is already in some plants.

By the way some of the countries that would not import GMO grains have now started to accept them in just the past week.

There has been no proof that GMOs are hurting humans or the environment that I have heard of.

Just my view.


I find it interesting that large numbers of the populous are up in arms against GMO foods, while they pump themselves full of prescription drugs. It has even gone so far now that the last USDA producers survey asked if the crops grown on my farm were GMO, ie herbicide resistant. Perhaps some protection from the Feds is needed but I do not believe that the power mentioned in this article should reside in the hands of any corporation.
Really? Are you jealous or just plain stupid? He never said anyone was forcing him to grow 4000 acres, just saying to try farming that much without GMO crops. Yea we used to do it, but that was back when you had $5000 tractors, seed corn was $15/ bag, and not everyone thought they had to have a "career" instead of a job!
I am tired of hearing about how the "BTO" are running out all the small time guys. If you are as efficient as the big time guys, you could take ground away from them!!

Sorry for the rant, sorta.
Somebody will farm those acres.Lots of us smaller operators are being forced out by the greedy BTOs.Dont tell me that you cant make it on 160-320 acres.I do on less than that.But I dont have new hi-dollar equipment....My stuff is older and PAID FOR.
I thought we are supposed to be a nation with no monopolies.....apparently not. Monsanto has more than just seed...I even remember reading the label of some of my moms Red Heart brand yarn....it said.."A Monsanto Company" That was a few years ago and of course it doesnt say that on them any more. Years ago companies used to compete with each other and who was the best got your business, now just buy up the competition...then they have to come to you. And Monsanto is doing just that. What seed companies are left that are not associated with Monsanto? There will come a day when nearly everything will be resistant to something, we allready have bacteria-resistant strains, that will happen with weeds as well, but at least they wont attack your body directly. I remember when Bush got in office (no Im not stabbing at Bush...) I told my brother nearly a hundred years ago the government broke up big oil....now its run by it. (meaning government in general). We used to have leaders that would lead and do what was right....now we have figureheads who dont think things through....
Please remember your basic civics lessons. Congress can not over-ride court decisions, even if they pass a law saying they can over-ride court decisions. I'm not an attorney but I can tell you the underlying case is Marbury vs. Madison.
President/Secretary of Agriculture already has the authority to tell you what you're going to farm, how you are going to farm it and what your production methods will be, at any time, so long as controlling or altering your agricultural activities benefits the "national defense".


We have runaway government at so many levels today it's disgusting. The government should not be in the business of protecting anyone from our legal system.

Monsanto is not the legal system, and surely they are not above it, or beyond the reach of it.

If you don't know or don't like what you're eating, find someone who grows food with the practices you desire or raise your own food.

The courts only interpret laws when there is a constitutional challange so while it is true that Congress cannot over ride the court it is also true that congress can very easliy nullify the courts decision by passing another law over riding or amending the law in question. It is when Congress fails to act to subdue an overreaching court, as in roe v wade and thousands more that the nation suffers.
Actually, Congress can nullify federal court decisions so long as the decision is not based upon constitutional grounds.

Actually in this case the courts over ruled the findings of the USDA that said Monstanto's seed was "OK" to plant. It does not give Monsanto any "rights", it simple affirms that the USDA regulatory agency of the areas within its powers, not the courts.

The court ruling barring Monsanto from selling its seed was flawed from the very beginning because the case was based in the 7th district but was ruled on by the 9th district.

The best one I've seen was of woman listing all the hormone free milk and vegetarian food she eats to be "natural and hormone free" - then takes "the pill" that is nothing but synthetic hormones.
(quoted from post at 05:48:54 06/20/13) I"m not going to get into the argument over gmo, but I take serious exception with granting a private company the power to overrule, ignore, etc., a court order.

Ditto X100000000!!!!!!!!

IA Gary summed it up pretty well. As far as the Europeans keeping out GMO crops, My understanding is that this was largely a method of protecting their farmers. Starvation during World War II had the effect of getting European governments on both sides of the conflict serious about supporting agriculture. I'm wondering if European farmers now are planting GMO seeds.

I don't like big business that gets bigger, so I understand the anti Monsanto hype.

This law or whatever it is is a bit more complicated than some say, and is more of a reaction to the extreme hate and fear going on against one company, out and about these days, which is not right either.

Gmo crops have been around for several decades now, its not really hidden, its just out there. Any new technology has some risks, and some rewards.

The rewards are using less, and less harsh, pesticides in our environment, while growing higher crop yields.

The risks are that something happens that we haven't been able to test, plan for, or foresee.

We can all be on either side of that I guess.

I don't really care for that law, or exception, but it is more of rule that clears up some ambiguous, impossible to follow setups of regulations and laws.....

In that way, I understand why it has come to be, and why the ruling was asked for, to clear up what actually does happen.

Europe had a gentleman's agreement that they would import grains from brazil and brazil would not allow gmo crops.

This agreement lasted a long time.

It was estimated about 50% of Brazils soybeans were gmo, but Brazil simply didnt keep any records, and officially said they didn't have gmo.

Europe could protect their ag industry with big subsidies, and the tax payers were appeased that they were getting 'safe' food even tho it cost more.

brazil got good prices and a supportive buyer.

Everyone came away happy, as they used their 50-50 gmo non-gmo soybeans......

I started with 14 acres back in 06 and now I am up to 94. A "BTO" helped me get started by helping me with the harvest. I can see why you might think that way though. Rental rates can run you dry real quick. I dont have all the answers, but I hope to be a big 1,000 acre farm some day. Last time I checked, this is America and the sky is the limit. Just remember, just because you are big, doesnt mean you are bad. I mean no disrespect, I just wanted to share my experience.

Also: IIRC, Farm Futures had an article on the "Monsanto Protection Act" a while back. I believe they said it prevented a cort case WITH NO SCIENTIFIC FACTS from going before a judge. This is to prtect the farmers who planted said crops who could be forced to plow them under if the judge ruled so. If the crops where found to be unsafe...then that is a different story all together. Can anyone confirm this? I dont have the article anymore (it was on the iPhone news feed) but I remember that it went into great detail about the rider.
Agreed. Be it through hybreeds (also modifying genes but it takes longer) or through the lab its been going on since the first turn of the earth.
Monsatan is the most vile company that I do business with. They are like teachers getting tenure and being union. Monsatan gets the tech fee plus not being able to keep your seed. Clarence Thomas, our supreme court judge, worked for them. Danforth got him appointed judge and then boosted to supreme. His first decision was to allow Monsatan to patent seed and now voted against Brown. Yet he never recused himself on either. I guess he never heard of conflict of interest. Most judges think they are gods.

The old golden rule .. those with the gold makes the rule.

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