distracted drivers

Tim in OR

The earlier post abut distracted drivers, reminded me of a young woman and her early driving years.
It seems that she was quite heavy footed and totaled 6 cars in rapid order. The last one, she rearended the friend she was following. Her reasoning was that the friend slowed down too fast. I reminded my step daughter of this when she was learning to drive. The step daughter learned not to tailgate. She now has learned to slow down on gravel, now that she has rolled her first car. Step daughter now says "now I know why you told me to slow down".
Tim in OT
Yup. The two older of my three daughters each rolled cars in their first year of driving. The third was so scared she didn"t want to drive.

Make sure they grow up knowing to buckle the seat belt every time.
My brother put his volvo in a neighbors pasture, after rolling it end-over-end 3 times. Only injury was one of his buddies got a small gash in his eyebrow.

Donovan from Wisconsin
yep we have a fine bunch of robots,they can run a computer and a cell phone, and..... hmmmm.... even my daughter says she cant drive a standard transmission, ummm, the very first vehicle she ever drove was one of my farm trucks... with a 4 speed stick, she drove that thing all over the place here, plus a couple of the old tractors, now she cant drive one... hmmm....
Young girl not too far from here....She got her DL. Next day, she asked to borrow the car to go to her friend's house (3-4 miles). She got the keys, and headed down the road. At a highway intersection about a mile down the road, she ran a stop sign, and drove out in front of a truck. Dead at the scene. Police found her cell phone with an unsent text on it.......
We were all "bullet-proof" at some time in our early years. The ones who decided to learn from others mistakes or the ones who were just scared off by warnings from parents managed to slide by without getting hurt as bad as the rest. Why does it seem that the kids just refuse to listen at all now?
I pity the truck driver. She imposed one helluva burden on the poor guy mentally, plus no telling what it did to his profession. He probably never will get over it.

When I started driving, many years ago, I was advised to ALWAYS be alert and not distracted.
I warned my 16 year old granddaughter the same and also told her that many people have been killed by OVERCORRECTING.
I advised her that if she wondered off the road to keep calm and slow down with LIGHT braking and gradually get back on road.
Many people have lost control when they jerk the steering wheel and end up in oncoming traffic or roll the car!
I received the same advise and there is no dought that it has saved me from having a serious accident.

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