Things I have Learned


Well-known Member
Over the last few days I have come to a realize some things. Now don't get me wrong or take this the wrong way, It just seams to be this way to me. Never say anything bad about JD or IH (anything else is fair game) and IH is the best combine ever made. Never talk about motor oil unless its about R brand cause its the best for everything. Dodge is the ONLY diesel truck to have cause there the best at getting everything done and hauled because there so powerfull. Never talk about cutting a tree down (you will allways be wrong on how you do it). Never say you made a boo boo or had an accident(I wont say anymore). Never say that your a small farmer because If Your Not Farming 500 acres then your a hobby farmer so you don't count as a farmer it seams.
Well it seams to me this is still America and I have a right to disagree with all the above statements. There are allways bullies around it seam and they want to bring you down.
Well I AM a small farmer, I drive a 96 Power Stroke and it gets me ware I want to go. I am color blind when it comes to tractors and equipment and it don't have to be new or even newer, Old works for me. As for oil I use good oil and what the books call for and have never had any problems doing so and try to stay up on the changes that have been made in resent years. When I am wrong, Well I just man up and admit it. But if I am right, I will never back down (has cost me a time or two).
Maybe I am getting old, or been in one to many accidents, Or been around to many chemicals. Or it could be from the brain tumor, Or the jungle rot from working for my uncle. WHO KNOWS? I am just glad to be here and can voice an opinion or help someone when there in a tight spot and need help on fixing something. I enjoy everyone here and I may not all ways agree with someone, But that's what's great about being in the good old USA. We have the right to disagree and have an opinion and can voice it. Hope it didn't make anyone mad with this not my intension, Just an oppservation . Bandit
Good Post Bandit.

I too have learned to keep silent. If there is something I know I will mention it if no one else has, but I prefer to stay on the sidelines. Besides, it is best to make everyone think you are an idiot. I won't prove it by speaking.
JD and IH are ok. Just be glad you aren't using a little Ford. A team of 4 mountain lions would be easier and more useful for getting your plowing done according to some here.
Probably safer too.
Excellent post. You missed what is said about safety if you show a picture of your 10 yr old on the tractor with you. Maybe I should find and post an old pic of my ten year old plowing snow with the Ford.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, even if they are wrong.

I do like IH, Deere, and Ram. Just an FYI there.
I think it should be ok to voice an opinion,or even joke around a bit,but when and if it hurts people it should stop,not keep going to try to hurt peoples feelings,there should be no joy in that. that is my 02 cents. I dont know why some people seem to enjoy inflicting pain,or try to ruin a good thing.

I say that it is OK to do all of those things!!!!! Just expect what you will get, and as they used to say "Take it from whence it comes" or "illegitimi noncarborundum." just try to be thick skinned and remember "it is not about me."
Nothing wrong with the way you look at things. If things everywhere are like things here half of the big guys got to where they are by inheritance or being a crook so they can crow all they want but the people who matter know better. I hear crap all the time about how I do things. I came up the hardest way possible which meant helping mom and dad out financially, working a fair amount of marginal ground, trying new things to increase productivity or save money, and taking some risk. Even if I were rich it would not be good enough for some as my ancestors did not come over on the Mayflower and I am part Irish. Then there are the Mennonites who see anybody suffer misfortune as punishment from God unless they suffer the misfortune. Anyways, as long as you are honest and work hard everybody else can stuff their opinions.
Nothing wrong with the little Fords talking with guys like you as they just want to talk up their virtues. The problem is that tractor attracts a number of jerks including elitists. I have heard a great number of people over the years who have no real connection to modern agriculture say the worst thing to happen to American agriculture is that it progressed past the year 1950. Most of these people have a heavy political involvement and if it were up to them a farmer should have nothing more than a Ford N series, wear overalls and a straw hat everyplace (not by choice), and not farm in excess of 60 acres among other things. I'll admit the little Fords are not my thing despite myself owning an 860 but if somebody is making a living using one I am certainly not going to criticize that.
I agree with you and do things the way it works for me.I don't need an "Amen Crowd" in my life.In fact when over 25% of the people I know start to agree with me I figure I must be doing something wrong.(LOL) But I find many people are like Lemmings they need to be part of the herd even
if it means mindlessly going over the cliff.
I own equipment from just about every major company and some small ones too, they all break. I use what ever oil I can afford and drive an 18 year old vehicle of no particular note. I farm sheep, lots of sheep, but I'm still a "hobby farmer" according to most in this area because this is my 2nd career. I gave up caring what most other people thought a long, long time ago.
I agree with your post reminds me of Twains
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
Well said Banditfarmer! There are so many narrow minded people,that can only see one way of doing something,I'm like you ,I do what works best.I was considered a hobby farmer too,even though the farm has been in our family since 1932 and consisted of 300 acres. I use oil recommended by the manufacturer,I use coolant recommended by the manufacturer and I will spend to get the right tires or the right parts..never lost an engine,never lost an automatic tranny or a differential,have cut my firewood for 44 way! I have nothing against anyone its just that there are different ways to do things and my way isn't more right or wrong than anyone else!
Yep. them there Fords ain"t a real tractor Larry. AND I know you would be happy if I just came over and hauled that that there make belive blue thing home to My place and hide it fer ya. Then You could buy red or green.
Good post, Bandit! Life would be pretty simple if people didn't make it so difficult. The 'net is a blessing & a curse. Most of mankind's knowledge is at your fingertips, just go to the right place or ask the right question. But, behind the keyboard some people will say things they would never say in person. Like you, I try to live my life with some simple guidelines. Treat others the way I would like to be treated. It 's my life I'll live it my way. Push me hard enough & I'll open up a big ol can of whupa** on you.
YT ers are a great group. lets try to treat each other with respect, regardless of opinion.
And you said I'd be in a better mood when spring got here and I got outside! I know people in better spirits than I am who are on some serious medication for depression and anxiety. lol
Hey,now you're making me nostalgic! I've always wanted to get my hands on my uncle's 67 acre place,a Centennial Farm on my Grandmother's side,then farm it with the Oliver Super 55 the way he did with an 8N Ford then a Massey 35.
I will voice my opinion as well....and I agree with you. :) As a person at times needs to think before they speak...(saying hurtfull things that shouldnt be said on here as its not the place for it) one needs to think before they type. I work on my cousins farm and make antique tractor parts the rest of the time....and cut about 2 acres of hay in the summer...I must be a wee farmer lol. I know what you mean about the acres. 400 acres used to be a BIG farm. Excellent post Banditfarmer, and you are right on.
Couldn't say it better. I'm still a rookie here, as I didn't start looking up stuff until I bought (second one in 40 years) an 8N and wanted more information. I have ten acres and wanted something I could afford and that was relatively easy to keep running.

One of the first posts I made was about what kind of fluids to use, I simply stated that I was using what Ford originally specified and thought that was best for me. You would have thought I was voting for Jimmy Carter again from the replies I got! Wow...Yes, there are those who know everything about everything, just ask them. Better yet, just listen to them, they will tell you anyway!

It's OK, I'm happy to read and absorb whatever I can, but I get to decide what to keep and what to throw away.
Very well said! I agree with you 100%. And yes I have a Dodge Cummins and 2 Ford tractors in the barn. Just don't tell rusted he'll try to steal them LOL
Lead Fallow or get out of the way. I guess that's why I am the odd duck in the pond and makes me go my own way. There must still be some Viking blood flowing in my vanes from my forefathers that is causing this. Life is good theses days, So I don't rock the boat to offend as I use to. Bandit
(quoted from post at 08:46:15 05/12/13) Think we all have had a rough spring, and it AIN"T over yet. Frost and freeze warnings for tonite!
Snowing at my place as I type. Doubt it will stick though.
At least I hope it won't. :roll:
Wow, Blame the Mennonite's? I know many Mennonite's that do not feel that way my parents included. My mom died of cancer and I never heard anyone blame her for her suffering.AND I never heard my parent's blame anyone else for their's.
I have to agree as well. I come here to see how everyone else does things I usually take 4-5 people"s suggestions put them together and find my way to do things off the info given. But then I"m cursed for not doing it joe smoes way. I feel I"ve done we"ll for myself at age 19 bought my first home got a wife and 3 kids just recently sold the house and bought a bigger place have 6 jd tractors and 8 horses at the moment. Done it all by ourselves with absolutely no help from family which is rare in this day and age. Also have an 02 power stroke. My opinion on oil is there"s little difference between manufacturers. As far as the 10 year old running the tractors I was that kid as was most of you if he was taught right and given a job that matches the tractors capabilities he will be fine accidents do happen but it"s not even safe to lay in bed as sink holes have been known to swallow people"s homes.
That is one great things about living in the USA and I feel some states are better than others as far as to what freedoms we have.I have always felt if a man worked hard and paid for what he got, he had the right to own what ever brand or color of vehicle that he could want or afford.He can live in the kind of house he wants and keep the kind of animals he likes. I don't always agree with everyone elses choices but, I am not paying for them either. As long as a man respects me and my belongings and opinions I will respect his, although I may not totally agree with his. It is sad to say that I think the days of helping thy neighbor,respecting your elders and a handshake is a binding contract are about gone.
Well I have a Ford PS F250. Have had Dodge, and Chevy, and use several each of IH, Deere, MF, MH, and one Ford9n. Farm less than 500 acres and still trying to make a go of it. Often wrong and pay the price for it. And I don't insult others by trying to run/put them down. Maybe I'm wrong there too.
Yes we'll said, I have a 2000 ford ps diesel, 2 80s Chevy gas trucks and a 99 dodge Dakota. I have ford tractors because what was on the farm, and they served me fine for the last 23 years, I also have an IH farmall H. JD square baler, NH haybine, ect, ect, and the farm is 80 acres, I live on 9 acres, so I'm just a hobby farmer, I use 55 gallon drums of oil from stark northeast oil, delivered to my door! Lol. What burns me is 1 uppers or bs"ers who will tell something they no nothing about but think there right! I don't even want to get started on that topic! Again very well said.
I don't know why either Larry, I think there either born idiots, are jealous of others and there belongings, think there better than everyone else, especially when they have there own known problems, or just like to pick a fight. I gave up with some family members, I don't even talk to them anymore.
Well said Bandit! I too have learned to bite my tongue on here a lot of times when someone rubs me the wrong way about my choice of equipment or my farming situation.My dead grandmother used to always say "Two wrongs don"t make a right" and I have come to realize that downing someone just because they did it to you wont do anything but cause more problems.This board is a great scource of info when you need it and to lose any member is sad since he or she may know the answer to your problem later on.
Well said.. I try not to belittle anyone or anthing on here. I have nothing to gain if I did.
If I see or read something I don't like or agree with, I just move on to the next topic.
Tell it like it is Bandit.. Well said. At 70 I pretty much do my thing and don,t pay much attention to what most other folks think but do like to read the post and view the photos on here. Get lot of kicks from the post calling other folks BTO guess it all depends on where or how you look.
I just got 300 acres, some JD, IH, NH, and MF machinery, and only about 80 cows. Guess I gotta quit posting about my hobby....
Couldn't have said it better myself. The only thing I could is this. Never berate a sorry mechanic that never showed up, or called to do a job he agreed to do for a customer. Remember, because he did it to someone other than you, what he did is perfectly OK and, besides, the customer probably had several major issues that made him not want to show up to do the job he agreed to the day before anyways.....OH, if you do tell a story about bad customer service like this others woule rather use that guy, and not you, to do their mechanic work either because you "bad mouth" people too much......

LMAO.....Got to say, I'm only 45, and as opinionated as I am, and as much as I couldn't care less about how anyone else thinks I ought to be, I'll be he!! on wheels by the time I reach my 70's....if I make it that long without the rampant stupidity in the world driving me absolutely crazy first.....

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