This has never happened to you! LOL


Well-known Member
The flighting in my gravity wagon seed auger was cupped steel flighting. Bought it used that way last spring. Used it last spring and it was cracking too many beans so this winter I pulled the flighting out while it was sitting in the Morton shed so I knew what I was dealing with when I shopped for plastic flighting. When I took it apart I left everything right there so I could find it. Bought the plastic flighting three weeks ago and decided to put it in today so yesterday I got the wagon and parts ready. There was NO end cap for the top of the auger anywhere. It's the one with the bearing in it. I scoured the shed three times, checking every corner with a flashlight and nothing, and I do keep a neat clean shed so errant parts aren't usually hard to find. My son went in there and scoured the shed . Nothing!

This morning I went to the Sudenga dealer and bought a new top bearing and I spend a couple of hours making a new end cap. Got the cap painted, went in for dinner, came out and cranked the auger down to the ground to slide the new flighting in, and there was the end cap I was looking for in the hopper. Then I remembered I'd put it there to keep it safe, and it certainly was. I put it in there and when I folded the auger back up to the transport position it hid the end cap. Wasted the whole morning away for nothing. Now I have to return the spendy little wooden bearing and flangette with a red face so I can get my $32.00 back. Anybody need a new custom made end cap for a 6" auger? Next time the spare parts will be hanging on a wire in plain view. You know the old saying. "If you want to find the lost part, go buy a new one"! Heck of it is, this is certainly not the first time I've pulled this stunt. Jim
Funny what a person does sometimes. Last time I went to move my H it was in the middle of winter and it flooded or something and wouldn"t start. Tried messing with it in the cold and dark with no luck. Went down to it Sunday and started checking it over and found that 3 and 4 spark plug wires were switched around. Did I do that? How? Thats the simplest thing to get right and I screwed it up, oh well .
I can't tell you how many times I've put something
where I know I'll find it only to never find it.
Just leave it lay, it'll be easier to find. lol
Last week workied on a project and needed black tape. Had it on the list and reminded the boys twice while we were at the store in town but still forgot it. Wasted an hour looking at home. No tape in shop, shed, garage, house, truck, anywhere. Drove half way back to town, spent three dollars for a roll at the conveience store. Got back home, finished the project. When putting tools away notice two brand new rolls of black tape in the open lid of the plain sight! Long story short...yes it happens to me frequently. I often joke the best way to find a lost item is to buy a new one. The more non-returnable and expensive the item, the more likely and quickly I will find the original. Works every time!
All her life, my mom would put things up so they did not get lost. After she died, I got the pleasure of cleaning everything out. I found so much she put away and could never find again, still in good condition. Now I find myself doing the same thing. I tell my wife the treasure search fun will be hers some day when I am gone.
Took a shower this morning, took farming stuff out of bluejeans so they could be washed. Had tractor keys in there, and now I can't lay hands on them. I wasn't going to carry them today - off farm for the day... Can't lay hands on where I put keys. Fortunately, have a spare, but didn't want to get that one lost, by the grandkids!
Thats a classic, always happens like that, put something down or away temporarily, can't find it, need it to finish up, now your whole day and focus is in jeopardy, before you know it, some s.o.b. pardon the expression) stole it LOL !! whole thing is spiraling out of control, then it slaps you right in the face, 'cause its right in plain sight but you just don't see it LOL !

Hard to say how many times I've done something similar, whats worse is, if I leave a table or have any horizontal surface, things just grow on places like that, like I planted clutter of all the various things in ones garage as if I was going to harvest something from it later ! It was just a bad habit and boy just put one small thing on any of those junk covered tables, it gobbles it up and says thank you may I have another! LOL !

So now I use a fold up table along with my tool chest, and whatever I am working on and the rule is it gets folded back up when done, sure has eliminated the above.

I find I only did this at home, any side job, work for a customer, or anywhere else, even in the farmers shop I use to help, just a neat freak and always have good housekeeping throughout the job. In his shop, there were a few different tool chests, one his sons, they kinda clashed a bit, but no trouble working from any or all of them, I would make a mental note of what came from what tool chest and what drawer and made darned sure it went back exactly where it was, come home to my garage, clutter on top of tools on on of those tables, shameful to admit, maybe lazy or just worn out after long days, fold up tables sure helped get of that habit, funny how people will remark how neat and tidy you work, just don't look around my place at home LOL ! In more recent times, I've made sure to rid myself of these habits, + I've had more time, the tools are neatly put away immediately and I try to work off a clean bench or table, funny how one acts differently when no one is watching, all human nature, and always comical, 'cept when you have to buy something you already have 2 of but can't find it LOL !
I use to heckle my grandpa about that. He would misplace a tool or a hardware piece. We would head into town to buy another. No more get back and there it was in plain view. He managed to pass that gene down to me. :(

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