Tomorrow is the first day of spring but...


...I spent the day shoveling off the roof with my daughter!! First three shots are the during and after of the job. Also a pic of the trail I had to clear Sunday so the power companies bucket truck could get through to our power pole and replace a blown transformer. And our greenhouses that aren"t very green at the moment. When will it end??? Calling for another 3-4 inches tomorrow and 50 mph winds with -30 windchills!!!!




Wow, we didn't get that much this time. We have in the past though. Suposed to be windy tomarrow so all of todays snow will get rearanged tomarrow.
Loren, the Acg.
I guess living in central Texas has it's bright side. Nice winters, but already getting warm. We had a record breaker yesterday, it got to 90. Not quite ready for that yet.
Been pretty cold but dry here in Eastern Iowa. It is white on the ground, but just because it is too cold to melt.
You can haul a few truck loads of that stuff out here to Colorado if you want to, all we got here is bare dirt and big clouds of dust.
I wish we could haul it there for you. We were in a very severe drought last decade, but now have more water than we need. A lot of houses in lower areas were flooded last year, and are going to be in a lot worse shape this spring. One of our productive hay fields from back then was under two feet of water last year and now grows a good crop of cattails, mosquitos and frogs
I took this picture at 6:45 PM yesterday. Crazy hot for this time of year. They said it hit 100, not sure. Today it was cooler, just over 90. Tomorrow in the 70's, a bit more realistic.
As for you, how about you copy and print the photo and take it outside in the morning and lay it in the driveway. Your snow should be long gone by noon!
I like the idea, but I better wear my swim trunks since a quick melt will likely send my house down the river. the windows upstairs, have fishing poles ready and your fishing in the river from your houseboat.
Naw, maybe not.........LOL
looks like here... i see you and me have the same taste in toques... my GF always wondered why i wore an orange toque until she saw me about a mile away feeding cows... she didn't actually see me, just the orange toque!

I'm just east of Russell Mb... got about another 8 inches on the weekend..
Yup. If I fall into a 6 foot snowdrift, my wife can still find me by looking for the orange bump.

I"m west of Saskatoon, SK. We have another potential storm moving in from Alberta over the next few days, so you may get some more snow on the weekend.

That would be no fun at all! Great pics though. I"m sure your daughter will remember it for a long time.

We were -15 windchill in southern MN this morning...I think you guys may be letting some artic air escape.

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