My response to JD Sellers post below

I just got home and read JDs post about Steve,glad to hear he is recovering. Now I would like to voice my opinion on what JD described as negative thoughts on some of JDs posts,Through the years my wife and I have read some of the most interesting,heart warming posts.I would like to tell one about JD,that no one on the site ever heard. Back when Sandy hit our state,there were difficult times all around us.We recieved a cell phone call from JD,and he asked me what we needed,one of his sons wanted to take a ride with him and bring us supplies.I assured him we were ok.He then spent the time to explain in detail how to wire up my generator safely,to make things easier for us.Many other people from this site also got in touch with us , I know how many great people are on this site,My wife and I both hope that most of the people on this site feel the same way we do,and,,,,,,we sincerly hope that JD does not change one bit,,,,,,,America needs more men like JD.
Well sir that's the mark of true friends, those who come running when the going gets tough rather than run.

I think one of the problems with Sandy was the breadth of the destruction. We have had hurricanes on the coast all of my life but even though the destruction got to be widespread at times, it wasn't of the magnitude of Sandy.

Personally I have no remorse for those who build in harms way. They know the coast has storms and surges but they do it anyway, over and over again. I don't like having to support them on my tax and insurance bill, especially when it's their second or third house. But when a massive storm like Sandy sweeps inland that indeed is another story.

I know JD appreciates your recognition of his efforts.

Never once in any of JD's posts did I ever read into it that the man was bragging. All i ever get is the fact that the man has many gifts and one of those gifts is of a fantastic writer and story teller. Those who can move people with words are special.
I for one enjoy the postings by JD and someday would be proud to shake his hand and thank him for being here and for showing me how to be a better man.
Keep on writing and sharing JD!
Thank you
I'll sure second that Larry. In my humble
opinion, Jd is one of the best.
This site is chock full of GREAT caring folks.....
I for one hope that JDSellers does not change anything about his posts no matter what anyone else has to say. I think that he is one fine person and is always one of the first to try and help people out when needed. He has shown this more than once on this site and I am sure more times than we can count to the people that he has ment throughout his lifetime. If this world had more people like him it would be a better place to live
After reading about how JD had received some neg. input, I thought that JD should take a moment to prioritize what is important in his life. I think he will find that what those people think is so far down the list, that he will realize that he is giving them WAY to much importance. I also understand that it tough to let some stuff slide off one's back.

WE ALL should stay TRUE to OURSELVES.
No matter what others think you know in your heart, what and why, you were doing what you did.
Dont let a few narrow minded people get you down.

I have a paraplegic friend that i do for, and i have heard some of the same that you have. Keep up the good work man, your type are few and far between.
I, for one always look for JD's posts. They are always interesting and chocked full of help and wisdom. Keep up the Great work, It is much Appreciated!!

I agree with you. I always find JD's stories interesting and I NEVER perceive him to be bragging. I just think he is a genuinely good person...the way more of us ought to be.
Haven"t seen the posts or the negative comments but, IMHO, JDSeller has compiled a lot of wisdom over the years, collected quite a bit of useful knowledge spanning many topics, and has proven his compassion through comments and his own actions posted on this site. Therefore, he has earned and deserves the respect of one who has BTDT and continues to prove his worth to this site and his "family". I look forward to reading posts when he comments because I feel I can count on his words coming from the heart and not only the latest tabloid news.
That's great Larry, that JD help you like that, around here we call a person like that "A Real STAND UP Guy".
I too, hope JD continues to post. As some one else said, he is articulate and reads and writes well. I have never seen any bragging in his posts. He is a good man, just telling good stories, and like most of us when we tell a story, it is based on our own experiences. So what if it is about a good deed-people need to hear stories of doing the right thing-because it is easier to do nothing-to say ,ah, too bad, someone should help them; too bad I"m busy. We are the SOMEONE at times. We need to be inspired-to hear a bad event that seems hopeless and then it gets better- well I want to hear these things. After the rest of the bad news in the world , it is refreshing to know there are neighbors like JD.
I would bet JD is the go to man in his neighbor hood-people go to him with concerns and problems because he is dependable, knowledgeable, and reliable, and , most of all, willing. He tells the events that happen because they happened. If you really read what he tells about-well, the story includes him or his sons because he is involved, but not to brag. We need these stories about our fellow man and I hope he continues to post these stories. If not, well, JD, thanks for the ones you have posted.

Were there any more than maybe two people that gave negative responses to JD's story about Steve? I enjoyed reading it myself, and two out of 2,000 is just about what should be expected and should be ignored.

I too really enjoy reading his posts and exploits of his travels and pics. It helps me to realize that there are still a lot of good people left in this country and I would be proud to know him, and would be very fortunate indeed if I could call him friend.

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