pat sublett

Well-known Member
Read that the earth is the hottest that it has been in eleven thousand years. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an occupation ,like scientist or weather people, where you got paid for guessing and there was no penalty for being wrong. First I would like for them to prove that the earth is 11,000 years old. Of course this information came out of Warshington.
i believe its proved that earth is way over 11,000 years old. may be it is the hottest in 11.000 years, very possible. as they are predicting the antarctica will be ice free in 10 years.
Who are the ''they'' that is predicting an ice free Anartica in 10 years? The media sheep or the liars in the administration? Anything weather related that anyone predicts for 10 years out does not even qualify as an educated guess, marginally accurate records have only been kept for a couple hundred years and there is exactly no pattern what so ever apparent from those records.
Who had a temp record then and where is it recorded. Article said also 1900-1910 was the coolest i guess the ice age didnt count. People forget that now out temps are more accurate now because of instruments so when they say we warmed up like 2 tenth or so from average does that realy count.Just like Canada quit counting Polar Bears said theres no decrease in numbers
What a load of crap. It's warmer at the airports,big deal. Just this morning,the "official" temp at the Grand Rapids airport was 20 degrees,in Stanton it was 10.
What do they expect when the "official" temps are taken at "heat islands"?
I once wrote a term paper on global warming. At one time in the past, the average temp on earth was some 14 degrees warmer than it is now.

Now, take the earth as a whole. Subtract the area covered by water. Subtract the uninhabited/uninhabitable areas. Subtract the undeveloped countries. Subtract the wilderness areas. (Even the U.S. is 38% wilderness). Subtract the polar regions. The area remaining where man MIGHT have an effect on climate is really very small.

BTW, in the 3.6 billion year history of the earth, the polar ice caps didn't form until 250 million years ago.

A few cataclysmic events aside, the earth has historically gone through roughly ten thousand year cycles of warming and cooling. Right now, the earth is nearing the end of a 10,000 year warming trend, and if past cycles repeat within 2,000 years will enter another ice age, or at least a significant cooling off.
There is "good" news right around the corner. North Korea is going to give us a nuclear winter soon.
Try to get your thought process around the fact of how big the universe may be or even how big the planet Earth is in relation to humans and their abilities. Then ask yourself, "How much 'good' (damage) can any earth government do to even, in a SMALL way, affect the environment or weather?"

Anyone crazy enough to try is playing in God's realm and doesn't have a ghost of a chance to make any difference.
We must always get our information from people a 1000 miles from the ditch and never believe the people standing in the ditch.

Better check your source.
Our knowledge is limited in the grand scheme of things. And time and distance is relative to only what we know. We might be riding on a rock that's among a handful that some kid threw at a streetlight. A second ago to him, and 11,000 years to us. That's not what I believe, but - it could be. Prove that I'm wrong.

And on top of that - my favorite saying - there's nothing that you and I, as peons, can do about it.
It was a lot hotter when the dinosaurs were on earth and man did not cause that as he wasn't here. The environmentalists can go climb a tree.
Good! Then maybe my propane bill will go down.

There is a good and bad to it all.

I do think that the scientists that dream this crap up are funded by left wing wack jobs.
check out this site, it has the daily satellite photos of the ice caps, plus their respective coverage charts. Note the farthest back the data goes is 1979. Also note the normal seasonal changes and the fact that the South pole ice is not shrinking.
Stolen from the internet:

"The first clear diagram of a thermoscope was published in 1617 by Giuseppe Biancani"

Considering the Bronze Age was roughly 4000 years ago. I dont think anyone had any idea how hot or cold it was, other than putting on more clothes if cold, taking off more if hot.

No, the earth isn't eleven thousand years old. It's about four and a half billion years old. Of course, if you want to trust the opinion of some sheep herders who've been dead a few thousand years over scientific opinion, that's your business.

Not a matter of "guessing". Just a matter of collecting more and more evidence, and it all says the same thing: the earth is getting hotter.
1934 was over 2 degrees warmer than 2012, and 1998 was nowhere near being the hottest on record.

Global warming is about as real as Enron's healthy profits.

It's also completely man-made. Manufactured may be a better word for it though. At least look at the graphs if you don't read this article.
Climate Fraud, Range Magazone
While I think global warming warming is a complete load of bull, I can't be convinced that the world is 6,000 or 11,000 or 4.5 billion years old. Read the first verse in the bible. It reads(NIV)-"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." No where does it say that God created the heavens and the earth, and immediately created light and dry land. He was pleased with what he saw and decided to add to it. He could have been pleased for 4.5 billion years, or whatever science claims, and then decided to add to it. Fr all anyone knows, he could have been pleased to 1 day. No one knows. Now I have my doubts about dinosaurs being as old as they claim. I have little doubt that dinosaurs existed, because there is actually mention of them in the Bible(Job). Carbon aging is proven unreliable, inaccurate and useless overall.

This comment is also directed at Markb_Mi.
the source of your info is proven unreliable, inaccurate and useless overall.
how hasn't this thread been poofed already?
Arguing over the age of the earth or dissing a persons faith. Both are useless and lead to threads going POOF. Leave it be guys.

Back on topic of our OT subject- There are ancient maps showing Antarctica's land mass minus the ice, Greenland as the 2 separate land masses it actually is and the land bridge from Asia to Alaska. The earth has been far warmer in the past and will be again. I don;t believe the current claim at all. Look into how the majority of temps are recorded now- at airports or municipal centers surrounded by acres of black top. The temp used to be taken at a grass airstrip, later a concrete airstrip, now a huge mass of blacktop covering hundreds of acres. I used to have a link saved of pics of locations the temp sensors were placed. Several were directly in the exhaust path of an air conditioner!

The sun and ocean control our temps and weather. Anyone denying that fact to start with has a flawed set of facts.
Doesn"t it stand to reason that the earth has been getting warmer since the last ice age? As the polar ice melts the climate would logically get warmer until another major event propels us into another ice age. It is not man made just the natural progression of time and temperature. Otherwise why would the earth still not be in am ice age?

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