less gov and needin better doors....


house swarmed by dea for making maple syrup.no bs,happened in union county illinois.law thought it was a meth lab.guess a guy cant do nothing without the law kickin your door in....
DANG, whats that phone no.? Them there dand Amish round here have miles of Meth stuff strung though the woods!!! I should be a good neighbor and call!!
Yep goes to show that the gov is getting to big and the little guy looses because of it. Bet the D.E.A. is not going to pay for the door either are they
Notice the quote which has a very thinly disguised F.U. for their neighbors? One would think they would pay better attention to the buckets on all the trees....

A guy near the farm does maple syrup every year. Has old milk jugs on the trees along the road- maybe we should report them for meth, right?

Donovan from Wisconsin
Actually, there IS a little BS. They didn't kick any doors in. The news segment I saw the other morning was pretty light hearted. The property owner thought it was funny, and even send some maple syrup off with the drug cops.

I couldn't get Randy's link to run, but I could tell it was not the same announcers that I watched in the morning. Even so, I don't think there's any conspiracy here, and I don't think there's any FU to the neighbors either, but make what you want out of it.

I live in a neighboring county.
You're telling me if you had neighbors who didn't talk to you and just assumed you were making meth when to any other person it was obvious what they were doing called the cops, you wouldn't want to go tell those people off? I know I'd have a few choice words to share...

Donovan from Wisconsin
No Don, that's not what I'm telling you. I'm telling you how she reacted. I actually don't know what I'd do if I had been in her situation - might do the same as you - but I saw her on TV, and she was laughing about it and inviting them over for pancakes. She was a pretty classy gal, where I might have been a sourpuss or worse had I been in her shoes.
You really should have study these things for a bir before you post. Look at Randy's link.
We had an old neighbor during prohibition that increased the productve utilization of his maple sugar shanty by making moonshine the rest of the year. He'd fill cases of pocket flasks with that stuff and load up the trunk of his car. A "Carpenter's Special" with a very large trunk and park way off in the corner of a dance hall parking lot on Saturday nights. And just sit there. The world came to him. He was only arrested once and had to pay a $200 fine. He made sure the notice of his arrest was posted on page one of several newspapers and that his name and address were correct. $200 worth of advertising is what it amounted to. He and his wife lived in the biggest, fanciest house in the neighborhood. (;>))
While I agree she was classy and I did watch the video, there are somethings read between the lines. It's a shame neighbors don't talk anymore and this crap has to happen.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Fact is if your neighbor calls and says you are growing pot or your running a still the cops will in fact come see you and that is that but yet they have the right to use the neighbors word as fact but your not able to tell them NO you can not search. Do not believe me well I know for a fact it is so I have had it happen. Gov is getting to big and the cop can and will do as they want and we the people do not have the rights any more to say NO
Police get tips from people who think they have seen something suspicious going on. Then the police try to find out if there really is something illegal happening there. It is not all that easy to get a search warrant--you need lots more than suspicion. And absent exigent circumstances, the police better have the proper paperwork before they kick in any doors.

Years ago, our local drug squad lieutenant contacted me at my home. He asked me what I knew about a pole barn about half a mile down the road from my house. He said they had a report that the barn was being used to grow marijuana, and that they used quite a bit of electricity there, and that there were no windows. He thought there was probably enough information to get a search warrant for the property.

I told the lieutenant that I did know what the barn was used for: it was a factory that processed allergens to produce materials for allergy shots. I gave him the name of the owner (my parents had sold him the property about 20 years earlier), and suggested that he just drive down there, knock on the door and ask to be shown the operation.

The lieutenant came back about an hour later and told me that he had been welcomed, shown the operation, and that there did not appear to be anything illegal going on there. He thought the operation was quite interesting and thanked me for saving him and his unit a bunch of time and maybe some bad public relations.

But sometimes the tips lead to serious drug busts. Another of my neighbors WAS growing marijuana, apparently for years and in large quantities. I do not know the circumstances of how his operation was discovered, but I do know that he served a couple of years in prison and his farm was CONFISCATED as proceeds of drug profits.

I hope the officers handled the contact with the maple syrup producers with some tact. And I hope they did not actually kick in the door. Of course, I do not know just what information they had before they went there. They might have believed that the situation was a whole lot more dangerous than it turned out to be.
Cops on the news here are saying the meth guys have come up with new ways of making it. Seems they brew it in 2 liter pop bottles. The officer said to report any suspicious activity you notice.
the neighbors are idiots. but on a different note it seems they are tapping some pretty small diameter trees. bill
most of the world is so far removed from where there food and goods come from that it's believeable that they could think it was a meth lab,...saw a show where they asked city folks where there steaks came from and the overwelming answer was "the grocery store"....top that with a gov. that wants everyone on there support roles and you have a trainwreck comming
(quoted from post at 21:52:39 02/15/13) Fact is if your neighbor calls and says you are growing pot or your running a still the cops will in fact come see you and that is that but yet they have the right to use the neighbors word as fact but your not able to tell them NO you can not search. Do not believe me well I know for a fact it is so I have had it happen. Gov is getting to big and the cop can and will do as they want and we the people do not have the rights any more to say NO

With due respect friend, I spent over 20 years as a cop and they can't "take your neighbors word as fact", you ARE able to tell them "No" unless there is a search warrant for the premises in question and people most certainly do have their rights. The problem is people watch too much TV and can't separate reality from CSI or NCIS. They don't bother to read the Bill of Rights or Constitution or to look into what is and isn't legal. I agree gov't is over stepping it's bounds, but if people don't educate themselves and go on watching the boob tube for "information" that's what will continue to happen.

I know there are bad cops out there, but the vast majority do try to obey the law.
Anybody remember the report from Nashville, Tn in the early 70's When law inforcment was cutting and burning 40 acres of maj(cant spell it) and the county agent standing there telling them it was ragweeds. Sure enough he was right. Don't know why that was the only field they saw. County agent should have told them bitter weeds were just a different variaty and TN could have solved it's weed problems.

>Wheat Straw
I watched an interview with the woman in question. She seems amused and stated that she was glad that her neighbors were concerned enough to report something that to them was suspicious.

I know several currently serving police officers and a bunch of retired ones. According to them they can't just kick a door in. They have to knock and announce.

Few years back the MN fishing regs stated that a DNR officer could enter a fish house without knocking and announcing and that it was illegal to be in the house with the door locked. One busted a couple of guys smoking dope. Guys had the money to fight it. Judge tossed it saying that even the vaunted MNDNR Gestapo had to knock and announce. Seems there is this old piece of paper says that you have the right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure.

All I can say is; the stuff they poured out of the jar was still not syrup, It had not been boiled down enough yet. I think they need a new thermometer to tell them when the sap turnes to syrup.
Loren, the Acg.
Sorry I can not agree but then I have had the cop right here and I asked. I did ask hey if I tell you no what then. I was told they would call in for a warrant and some one would bring one but all the while they would be standing right there in my land and I could not come or go I was in fact in many ways in jail on my own place all due to a guy who has no clue can call me a crook. Sorry in this area we call the court house the little mafia and as long as you got $$ you can get away with most any thing
Old,it was that way before you or your parents were ever born.If you are a suspect in something and refused entry to law,WHY would they say=well have a nice day Mr.Old,we will be back with a warrant,so do as you please until we get back.Money has nothing to do with it.
We had a guy about 60 miles north of me 2 years ago suspected of a murder. Cops showed up at his place with a search warrant but not one for his arrest. He tells em "go ahead, I'm going to Fargo" and left. They found the gun he used in his barn and were waiting for him when he got back. Guess he figured they would never find it.

Old you sure you live in the US?

(quoted from post at 10:04:59 02/16/13) Sorry I can not agree but then I have had the cop right here and I asked. I did ask hey if I tell you no what then. I was told they would call in for a warrant and some one would bring one but all the while they would be standing right there in my land and I could not come or go I was in fact in many ways in jail on my own place all due to a guy who has no clue can call me a crook. Sorry in this area we call the court house the little mafia and as long as you got $$ you can get away with most any thing

You may have a corrupt force where you live, but in the rest of the US the way it works is you have to have reasonable grounds to conduct a search and to get a warrant you have to have it all laid out legal-like in signed documents listing all the allegations of fact, evidence, sworn statements, etc. and after a few hours review and discussion the judge may or may not issue the warrant. If you refused them access to your land and they didn't leave you ahve grounds for a civil complaint (law suit) and should have been in contact with a good attorney and the State AG's Office.
I would think folks would be thankful that they investigated the possibility of it being a meth lab.

There is always lots of complaining that the law doesn't do anything but when they do, that gets complained about too.
Ya does not work that way here sad to say. Like the time the sheriff deputy's stole a hand gun from me. Ya I was charged at first but it was then dropped but the hand gun never came back to me
Doesn't sound like a place I'd want to live Old. Too bad too because Mo in the Ozarks is one of the areas I was looking at until I read this and about the gun confiscation plan in Mo. NY is bad enough, but at least our police are legit.

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