
Well-known Member
Have to get a tooth pulled this morning.Been bothering me for a long time.Couple of days ago it broke off.My mouth is sore from the sharp/jagged edge.I hope the dentist can just pull it,and not have to cut it out.I hate dentists.Scared to death of them.....
I had to have both of those top molars with the 3 roots on'em pulled a couple of years ago. Did'em about 6 months apart. A woman oral surgeon took the first one. She had to keep drilling and break it up to get it out. A guy pulled the second one in one piece. They had me good and numb,so it's didn't bother me much.
I'd been having extremely bad headaches before they took them out,would make my eyes water they hurt so bad. Having them out took care of it. It was SO well worth a few days of having to chew on one side.
Good luck,you'll get over it. It'll be worth it when it's over with.
That happened to me too, bad headaches turned out to be a wisdom tooth had it cut out and headaches went away. Jim
Steve I have a good pair of needle nose pliers and a fifth of whiskey. That should be all we need. LMAO

Good luck. I would rather be drafted than go to the dentist.
I've got two broken teeth in my mouth.

Been there for a few years now.

Dentist keeps telling me they have to come out.

They flare up every couple of months - but despite all the intense pain and suffering, I just can't seem to make an appointment to have them pulled.
(quoted from post at 11:24:39 02/14/13) Have to get a tooth pulled this morning.Been bothering me for a long time.Couple of days ago it broke off.My mouth is sore from the sharp/jagged edge.I hope the dentist can just pull it,and not have to cut it out.I hate dentists.Scared to death of them.....
HEY, I thought you were a tough guy. One thing about bad teeth, the poison will go through your body making all kinds of things go bad. My Dad had to have all his pulled. I keep having mine fixed. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is, all mine is already there. :D
Sinus infections can spread to your teeth and cause problems. Read this somewhere and have a friend that had lots of allergy/sinus issues and eventually lost all her teeth.
Pull as a last resort. I didn't have several restored when I was younger. Now at 73 I don't have a lot left. I could sure use those three I had pulled for convenience. Pay what it takes to cap or crown them.
I've never minded going to the dentist. As a youngster I was fascinated just watching the mechanical contraption used to power the drill. All that whirring mechanism, steel coil belt running around the pulleys, etc. Kept imagining what a great addition to a workshop!
Based on personal experience, I must respectfully disagree.

Spent well over a $1000 having one tooth repaired, and finally having a crown put on it, and lost the darn thing anyway.

IMHO, money would have been better spent having it yanked to begin with and having an implant done.
In my book Dentist are the Biggest rip off there is. Example You are in the chair for an hour at best. $1000. And There are two to three others in Chairs at the same time. $3k-4k per hour. My Dentist owns tractors just for the fun of it. Dental insurance is high, and still only pays half.
I just got back from the driller. Novocaine can be your friend. My right lower jaw and my tongue are numb and I can't eat cause I might chew my tongue off. I stopped by a friend's house on the way home and he said I talked like I had had a stroke. I said "I did when I got the bill." TDF
My dental hygienist wife has another take on it- take care of them from the start, and you don't come up with many of those hard choices. I gotta admit, the theory works- We're both 64, still have all of our teeth (well, I lost one that fractured), in good shape. Costs a lot less in the long run, too.

And as a plus, if the dentist isn't doing much in your mouth, it doesn't hurt!
I remember Paul Harvey telling one time about a guy going blind. Seven or eight years later,or some such,he had his wisdom teeth pulled and got his sight back. Seems something was pressing on his optic nerves.
Have them give you the gas and novocain. The gas will take away that felling of not wanting to be there. Bad teeth can pump a poison into your system and cause heart problems.My family doctor told me to get mine fixed before I had problems. I went with dentures because they wanted $28,000.00 for crowns and bridges and the dentures were only $5,000.00 and I only paid $1,500.00 out of pocket. I had it done about 6 years ago and wish I would of had it done sooner.
I am a wuss when it comes to having my teeth worked on. Have had one pulled with just novacane and one with novacane and nitrous. Would definatly say to get nitrous. If it needs cut out then they will probably put you out. Ibuprofin will be your best freind for a couple days after.
They can pull those teeth now and you won't even feel it. It takes a lot to numb me, but I never feel any pain. The root broke off a big molar and he had a hard time removing that, then he had to suture the gum. Hal
I found that it helps to have a good looking female dentist to look at - and who wants to kick up a fuss in front of a pretty gal???
i gots a real purdy lady dentist, and a real purdy hygientist. had three surgeries about a year and a half ago. they both give great hugs!!! got an appt tomorrow too. cant wait!!!
Truer words was never spoke. Unfortunately, I didn't start believing in that until it was too late.

One of the few things I'd change if I got a do-over.
Anyone have or know of someone with problems from the mercury of the fillings ? I have many problems and many fillings and have read where mercury could be it. I just don't trust what you read and would like to hear some actual accounts from real people.
oh I know - I'm just being a baby about it - I don't know why.

I know it'd be infinitely better to do it - but I just hate going to a dentist.

Guess my old dentist when I was kid mentally scarred me for life - he was not a nice man.

No tolerance for children writhing in pain while he drilled and drilled with nothing to kill the pain.
When mine started going bad I told the dentist to pull them all. Not going to do crowns etc that fall out in a couple years. Pulled top ones and a week later the bottom ones went. I never felt so good for years after he did that. Evidently a low grade infection or something but once the teeth were gone I felt 10 years younger. It took about 3 months for my mouth to toughen up but after that I could chew about anything. I got regular dentures and only problem I have had is biting a apple. Can't seem to do that. But all in all a good decision.
When I was discharged from the Army in 1955 we were looking for a new dentist in 1956. I asked some of my co-workers and my supervisor recommended his dentist. We made appointments for a checkup. Our daughter was just 2 and we took her along. She would come in while one of us was having our teeth cleaned and checked. The dentist asked her if he could look at her teeth she said yes. He looked at her teeth and told her to comeback again. She never cried and never had a problem when she went to the dentist.

My supervisor told me when he and his wife went he told them he had never had a child like our daughter that didn't have a fit when in for a dental check. Hal
I'll go for you if you pay the bill. Got 4 wisdom teeth to get pulled and need braces that are 15 years overdue.
I gots one of the back top ones gonna come out March 1. Just out of idle curiosity, what's the bill. I think they said $165, my cost after ins pays whatever damlittle it will pay.
Delta Red,

I hate them too. Had a pain inflicting dentist as a kid...never liked them since.

Hope you feel better soon!
I was supposed to get my upper teeth out three weeks ago,but when I got there my blood pressure was way to high and he would not do it.I have to go back in two weeks and I am sure it is going to be the same thing as I hate dentists that bad.I may have to be put to sleep but I do not have the extra money for that right now.

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