OT - more (non) common sense -texting


Well-known Member
The topic on being carded at 78 made me chuckle and reminded me of a couple of things I read/heard today that I find to lack common sense:

There was a massive pileup on I-75 in Detroit yesterday due to a whiteout. Article in paper mentioned that a guy who was IN the mess texted his wife "in accident". She rushed to the scene (didn't say how far it was), found an emergency worker and made her way to his car where he was sitting, uninjured. WTF? Couldn't he have mentioned he was alright? Why didn't she call him? Are texts the only way some people can communicate? I'm sure the first responders had more to do than escort her to his car.

Heard about a robbery in a store where they tied up the clerk, took off. She freed herself and texted her manager for help! WTF (again) Hadn't she ever heard of 911?

I am getting so sick of texters. I get them on my phone and ignore them. Wife asked me the other day why I didn't respond to "did you feed the dogs today?" Or people who text: "call me".
My daughter is constantly texting,hardly ever talks anymore. I say isnt easier to call on the phone? I dont text because I dont know ,and dont want to learn how!
I despise texting, but if I need to contact my wife while she is at work it is the most convenient way to get a message to her. If she is busy she can read it when she gets time and call me then. I look at it as one of those things things that is aggravating but can be useful in the right situation.
JML755 dont criticize what you dont understand. Texting is the most widely used way of communication in todays times. Just because you dont choose to do it "and that is your right" dont get bent out of shape at those who do.
Woman I work with was telling me her daughter texted her from the TV room in the basement asking what was for supper.

Wonder what she was fed that night!!

Ell I'm 59 years old I can get bent out of shape with anyone I want to! Texting or non Texting type people, Ell I get bent out of shape getting out of bed!! Takes a hr. to get my body back in the right shape!!!
How did we ever survive growing up without all this stuff to communite. I don't tex, don't know much about it. All I have is my el cheepo radio shack phone, that's all I need. Don't even use that much. Stan
It's a good way to send pictures. I do it quite often. As far as messaging goes, it has it's place. I can send a quick text to someone with a short message in less time than it takes to make a phone call and carry on with a five minute conversation. I can text a person with a message and not worry if he's going to answer the phone or not. I just send it once and he will answer whenever he reads it instead of me calling several times until he answers. I do not use texting as a means to carry on a conversation. Jim
I text alot of friends, just to keep in touch or for a quick
question, I don't text and drive, and I don't text stupid things.
It's handy, quicker than a phone call. I don't abuse it, I use it
like any tool I have. But I agree, some people use it wrong
and stupidly.
I DO understand modern communication technology. I conduct/participate in customer meetings daily and worldwide via various online meeting products with and without audio, sharing CAD 3D models online across multiple monitors, skype to our India office, using IM at the same time to communicate to other participants in our company while the meeting is ongoing.

My point was that texting is one of the most intrusive forms of modern communication that people abuse. When you're in the middle of a business meeting talking directly to someone and they look down at their phone and start typing away, that's rude. It's also rude to answer a phone call in the same manner. Just today, I was in a meeting and discussing a project with an engineer when his phone rang, he held up a finger to me while I was in mid-sentence, answered it and said "hi, how was your morning? I'll call you later". I picked up my laptop and walked out of the conference room.

I think a required course in HS should be "Cell-phone etiquette"
As others have said, it has its place. A ringing telephone/
phone call is a significant invasion of one's privacy. A text
message communicating brief information can be read &
responded to at the reciever's convenience. I too can send a
text in 10 seconds. Can't make a phone call that quickly.

I agree the examples you gave are pretty odd.
But I do like texting.
Lot of times I'm working in someone's home and need to ask a question. So I'll send a text to give me a call when they can. Who knows they might be in a meeting or some such and a phone call would be disruptive. A text they can answer when it's convienient for them.
I don't text, and probably couldn't because my short fat fingers tend to hit mote than one key at a time. As has already been mentioned, texting has its place. If someone is busy, they can read it later, if you don't want those around to hear your conversation, then you can text. I keep my phone with or near me 24/7. I don't use it much, but if one of the kids needs to call me they always call my cell phone, 'cause I might be outside and not hear the house phone.
I rather have somebody text me when I'm elbow deep in grease or busy and don't have to clean up in a hurry to answer phone.
Just learned to text about three months ago.I like it.Don t have to get dragged down with conversation with wife.Sweet and simple and to the point.Kind of like shopping. Go in get get what i need and not have to Go shopping!
Texting is really bad in terms of traffic accidents!!!!! It is also NWAS for exchanging information, just as any simplex communications system is. Back & forth, back & forth, mis-understandings, fix mis-understandings, etc., etc. Whereas on phone (duplex) people can quickly resolve communications matters. Just same problem that goes on with these forums as far as requiring 20 exchanges to resolve communications issues. It is crappy!
I understand how texting can get to you, I'm in my mid 30's and finally gave in and started texting, boy is it handy at times.

My top two reasons for texting:

1. Background Noise- engines, fans, livestock,kids
2. Crappy Cell Service Area- if the text didn't get sent I can try resending it instead of the call constantly being dropped
I don't text and I don't accept text from other people, not even my wife. She drives me nuts with her texting. If your busy and can't answer a phone call, let it go to voice mail. Thats what I do.
I hate tech! and it has cost me in terms of job advancement. That being said, I fouhgt it all the way. PC's, cell phones, even cable tv. But, I did start texting. With teen kids I can text during a noisy game etc about pickup, ride etc. With my care of aging parents, I can relay info to my siblings and not hurt my parents feelings about what I must say ( I have one sibling that phone call will last 45 mins but can do the same in one text). And certain big box stores will get texts but not calls? Is it stupid and backward in tech like a telegram? You bet. But it does work when needed.
texting is one of the best things that has ever come along. mrs. and i both have the same ph. and when i want a quick answer or question its handy not having to ph. and then she ends up talking for an hr.
We have a Voice Text feature where you just speak and it translates it to text. I like it because I have pork sausage fingers like the other guy..Hard to hit the right keys.
A few weeks ago I decided to speak gibberish and see what it translated to. What it typed was "I don't have to poop after Labor Day."
I don't text; have no need to. I have no problem with others using it---up to a point. I do get aggravated with the extent of others' obsession with it. Some people can't go two minutes without checking their phone; that's their business, I guess, but damm it's annoying.

The thing that affects me personally is the assumption by texters that once they have fired off a text to me that they have communicated with me. They feel they have fulfilled their responsibility and anything that happens or doesn't happen from that point is totally my fault. I don't carry my cell phone all the time, and sometimes I go two or three days before I look at it. The communications process is not complete until both the communicator and the communicatee comprehend the message.
I do not text much but there are times that text work well. I do text my wife to "Call me". Why???

There are actually two signals that your cell phone uses to talk. One is the "System" this is what allows your phone and the the cell towers to contact each other. The second one is for the voice/sound. Both of these signals have about the same band wide available. The voice one uses most of the band width it has a available. The System side uses very little of the band width. This is the side that text are sent on.

My house sets in a small valley. Some cell phones do not work well in our house. The fancy "smart" phones hardly work in the house. My "dumb" old flip phone works in all the rooms including the basement. My wife has a "smart" phone. 90% of the time her phone will not ring in the house. Sometimes it will not even get voice mails notices. I can text her 99% of the time and she gets them. She then can call me. Which makes zero sense that her phone will not receive a call but she can call out.

We have a joint cell phone deal. All my sons and their families all together. Here are some interesting facts for the last months cell phone bill.

Number of text messages for the billing cycle:

JD Seller 49
Wife 2700
youngest son 4107
DIL 1436
grand daughter(12yr) 404

A few months ago the son and DIL where tied at 3500 or so for that month.

We text all of the feed load numbers to myself, the two part time drivers and my two sons. That way any of us have the required information when we are making a pickup.
Almost everyone I know biggest reason for texting.......they can carry on conversations with several people a the same time. That is just down right rude. I'm willing to give you my undivided attention to talk to you why can't you pay me the same courtesy? I can see where texting can be good but I'd rather get a phone call or voice mail.

On the other hand my one of my son in law's just has to answer his phone when it rings. Very often when he is having a conversation with soemone. Now I don't mind him taking a call from his boss. But when he interupts a canversation when he is talking to you for a BS, "hi, how are you" phone call that too is rude.

Good for you. I may be an old curmudgeon, but if I were conducting a meeting or class all phones would be turned off. Anyone taking a voice call or text would be asked to take it outside the room and not come back. If I were in a good mood I would take a 5 minute break at the hour for people to stretch their legs and check for calls.

I do not text, have put a block on incoming texts. When I attend a meeting or class I turn my phone off, or even leave it in my car.
A fellow buddy on our EMS team yelled upstairs to three of
his teenage kids to hurry up for supper. He got three text
messages for a reply. All three lost their cell phones far a
day as well. Funny, but sad.
Back in 88 or 89 the wife got 2 cellphones, one for me and one for her.( about the size of a walkie talkie, them days). On the lake bass fishing with my buddy Jerry, after the 3rd long winded call from his wife, I realized that we weren't going to have any peace, as long as she knew my number! When the phone rang the 4th time I launched the phone about 20 ft away into the water. Jerry's eyes bugged out, but the satisfaction for me, was worth it! (fast foreward to this past fall) Since the wife has never been successful, in getting me to buy a smart phone like she has, she finally got me to agree to some Radio Shack walkie talkies, so she can contact me around the farm.She says that since I had heart surgery 2 yr's ago, that she worries about me being outside alone. Well I fell for it, and have been pestered with dumb calls , from her, like come in for a sandwich, oh! Ralph! did you know that our granddaughter has a ROTC thing going next friday? My walkie talkie fell out of my coat pocket, by pure chance, and landed right in front of the wd45 left rear tire, I didn't see it till too late. My story, and I;m sticking to it!

I must have a hearing problem, it's a constant echo. This is a constant replay that I've been hearing for years.

I don't need no stinkin Sat. TV. don't know about it, don't wanna know.
I don't need no stinkin computer, don't know about it, don't wanna know.
I don't need no stinkin cell phone, don't know about it, don't wanna know.

I drive truck into remote areas. I can get a text out where voice calls just ain't gonna happen.

I'm lucky to have been born with, and have developed the skills to adapt to change, and I really do enjoy the advances in technology. I lived with rotary phones and party lines long enough to enjoy this advancement and I'll use it every way it will benefit me. I'm also old enough and belligerent enough not to allow an appliance or another person to rule how or when I use my equipment.
At 43, my age group did not grow up with texting. Regardless, it is a necessity for the work world.

BUT, (yes thats me yelling!), why on Earth do you need to text someone when you are 10 feet away? Or write a novel when a phone call is quicker? And on and on.

I want to talk to you, preferably face to face. Then there is no misinterpretation of our conversation. Especially in my line of work. I have had to call people that are texting, "walk over to my office, and I will sign the XXXX or whatever else you are asking" They dont realize a 5 minute text conversation can be fixed with 1 minute of face to face interaction.

I have no problem texting. But be smart and pick the quickest form of communication. Everyone under 30 or so, its the standard form for communication now days.

I could go on and on.....

Your words about 10 feet away reminded me of a little trick my brother and I pulled on his GF a few years ago.
I stopped in to see him and he mentioned that she was on her way over.
So we both sat on the couch and I called him on his cell phone about the time she walked in.
She saw that both of us were buisy on the phone so didn't say much.
So bro and I sat there - 4' away from each other talking about her on our phones.
I mentioned how nice her hair looked and he said he liked her blouse or some such. Then I asked him where they were off to and he said to a movie.
So I asked if she had gotten that promotion at work and he said he hadn't heard but would ask her.
Etc, etc.
Finally she turned around and kinda annoyed said "You guys are faking it on the phones. You're talking about ME".
Bro and I had our laugh and then she started laughing too.
Good thing we were saying nice things about her as she wasn't one to be trifled with.
I know just what you mean. The wife and I have one cell phone between us,rarely use it,don't have texting on our plan,so every one costs us. The kids will send one after another after another instead of just calling us either on the cell or the home phone. The youngest sent about four of them in less than a minute yesterday.
I became the plant SOB about a year and a half ago when I banned the use of cellphones for any reason on the production floor. They are allowed during scheduled break periods or by pre-approved permission, (my wife is having labor pains etc). Just too many near misses and too much screwed up production from people not paying attention to what they are paid to. I have full cooperation from my boss. If I see a phone being used, I write that person up, if they claim it was an emergency call too bad, they get wrote up anyway and an appointment to plead their case to my boss so he can decide. I haven't had to make an appointment yet! Temp employees are given "the talk" on their 1st day and that's it. I've escorted a few to the door. Had one that would leave his work assignment every night at about 18:45 and spend 15 minutes or so in the bathroom, I confronted him about it and he claimed he had IBS (I'm very familiar with this condition). So I told him that he would need to give me a doctor's statement of his condition and his nightly requirement and it would be all good, his condition miraculously improved. (what a dose of IBS..irratable boss syndrome) can do.
I have a cell phone, FOR WHEN I AM AWAY FROM TE HOUSE, and I tell everyone that. When they say, "I texted you, why didn't you respond?" "I TOLD you that if you want to talk to me, call the land line!!!!" "I may see your text next week!"
Kind of sounds like me. I carry a cell phone. People ask, what's your number. I say it's my number to call if I need to. I buy 60 minutes that is good for 90 days and right now I have over 600 accumulated minutes. Costs me about $7 a month but I have it when I need it.
Wife texts granddaughters all the time. They won't answer a cell phone call according to her. I bet they'd answer one from me cause I don't call unless it's a real emergency and they know it. But it keeps them all happy, doesn't bother me, but it all seems silly to text instead of just talking to each other. I thought that was the idea of a phone in the first place.Of course text messaging ws what brought Kwame Kilpatrick down in the first place so maybe there's some benefits.
I don't mind texting too bad. It's handy to fire off a message when you don't need an immediate reply. Kind of like mobile e-mail.
I took it up when it became apparent that it was the preferred method of contact between me & the kids. They're perfect in every way and always answer when I call, but they like texting. Nice thing is, I can text them to ask if they're busy without interrupting whatever they have going on.
I didn't used to be a Txt'er but over the last couple of years it has become one of my main ways of communication. Where I live I don't get great cell phone service so calls are hard to make but txt's almost always go through. Also I can have a conversation with someone in a noisy environment like on a tractor, or in the shop. Also allows me and the other person to read and reply at our convenience, no need to find a time when both of us are available to talk; can always find a few seconds here or there to fire off a txt.
Texting is the one advancement in life all you old farts
should be happy about. Wimmin and kids can now keep the
trap shut and turn up the quiet in the house.
I've had mine text each other or communicate on Facebook whilst in
the same room with me while I'm watching Gunsmoke.
To quote Phil Robertson...everyone's happy happy happy.

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