OT Foot Surgery Update

John B.

Well-known Member
Well as most of you know I had my right foot operated on back on Sept 26. Went back to work on Dec 11th and then went in for a
checkup & x-rays on Dec 31st and the doctor found a broken screw. So I've been in a cast since then with no weight on it and two more weeks to go.

I'm not one to sit around inside the house either which doesn't make things fun at all.

I've been talking with others who have pins and screws in their feet and the screws breaking are not uncommon the way it sounds.

Wow, thats almost hard to believe, a race horse that went undefeated had 5 screws in her hind ankle, nine of them broke! Good luck, hope you don't break anymore!
The bad news is that the heads striped out and can be removed. Just kidding. Sure wish you the best of luck and get walking and kick again soon.
When my husband broke his foot - the doc took a wait and see approach rather than pin it. Doc said they can also just work their way out after time and then require surgical removal.
Had mine done on Dec. 14, 2012. Titanium partial implant. I'm not sure how she attached the implant; will ask her at next appt. She did show me me the X-rays, before and after and I didn't see any screws or pins. My wife is an ex-orthopedic nurse and said that the surgeon probably glued the implant.

Anyway first two weeks of doing nothing but sitting or in bed with foot elevated and lots of ice packs. Slight setback in that during surgery she had to remove some gout crystals and that caused some sort of reaction that put me on an antibiotic and Prednisone. Overall, about a month of not doing very damm much; no getting on and off tractors, for sure!

HOWEVER--today, Jan.29, 2013 I was finally able to get into my regular shoes and walk in them without any discomfort. Good riddance to the surgical shoe even though it certainly served its purpose.

Added bonus-the surgery changed my gait and posture and I haven't had a lick of knee pain since the surgery.

Next appt. is 3/14 and she expects to release me then.
You would certainly think that with the technology available today that they could make a screw for a purpose such as that, that wouldn't break. Hope all goes well this time.

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