#2 Picture for Today

John B.

Well-known Member
I couldn't wait to post this one.
It's a 19" x 24" John Deere Poster Reprint I acquired 30+ years ago. I never did frame it. While raising a son and daughter framing the picture of this size just wasn't in the budget. Got a price on framing it years ago with the matting and was close to $200. Now the frame shop is no longer in business. I'll have to shop around.
That's nice.
I wouldn't spend a lot of dough to frame it though.
I don't think it belongs in a fancy frame.
Find some old, weathered lumber off a barn or shed and use that. If you were close to the Twin Cities and had some used lumber I could slice it up, miter the corners and shoot a frame together for you.
Charge you a cup of coffee for my labor - and I've got coffee here.
I like that rustic frame idea, but in case a more "refined" frame is a must there are stores like "Micheals" that have frames in many sizes and it wouldn't cost anywhere near $200.
Here's a pic. that is pressed into 3D. I hung it in my bedroom when I was a kid. The wife and I have been building our collector rooms, and she framed this pic. The frame has been kicking around here for years.
Loren, the Acg
The picture reminded me of an experience.

I had a JD 4020D which was the standard 96 hp JD tractor in the late '60's era, give or take and it had 2 fill ports on top of the cowl like you see in this picture. Both had BLACK caps, but the tractor was 30+ years old when purchased.

The fuel tank cap seal had deterioriated so one day in the JD house I asked for a new cap. Salesman brings out a little box of the appropriate size, sets it on the counter and starts writing up the order.

While waiting, I opened the box and found a RED cap. Well, most of us know about color distinction and all.....at coffee shops around here you don't talk about manufacturers, you talk color.

I held the cap up in front of the salesman and said: "No way am I putting a RED cap on my GREEN tractor." His answer was: "Sir, you will if you want the OEM fuel cap". That said I paid, picked things up and went home.

Soon as I got home I went to my reading material and pulled out the IT JD service manual. There, on the front cover in glossy color, was the picture of a new 3020 (next size down but looked pretty much the same) with a RED cap up front (for the fuel tank) and a BLACK cap aft of it (for the radiator).

After giving it some thought, it made sense and probably prevented a lot of accidents in filling the wrong hole. Like when you lift the hood on your truck the first thing you see is the radiator....so why wouldn't you naturally, without thinking, expect the radiator to be the front fill port.

I have often wondered if they originally came out like that, or later on did it due to customer feedback.

I put the cap on the fuel tank!

Look at Goodwill and Salvation Army for old pictures that have the right frame size. They are cheap.
Or, you can pick up the big plain plexiglass poster size frames pretty cheap at Officemax or similar. Either way you will have it protected from damage, until you get a real nice frame you like.

That was the way they came, but more than one guy tried to fill the radiator with fuel....

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