not taking any sides

I think we should all be thankful for this great site. It is so much better than what is on tv, I would miss it if it were not here,lets all try to get along, just my 02 cents

Tell me about it!!!!! She's watching the Bachelor-----unreal BBBBBAAAAAAADDDDD. Monday night football is over, plus it's too darn COLD in the garage to tinker.
boy do i agree with that statement. tv has finally gotten to the point that i rarely watch it except for a very few shows. easy listening music on sirus radio on the dish network along with select sites on the internet is usually the norm for me now.
Good evening Larry & Bev
Sorry but this is the only way to get thru to you. Eveytime I try to send you a email It never goer thru , It never show non deliverable on my screen so I don t know whats going on. Enjoy your pictures , How did your Deer stew turn out?

You sure are right about that! Usually I can think of a reason to argue with someone, but you out foxed me this time :)
Nice to hear from you! Nothing comes in at our end with your e mail, how are you doing? The stew turned out good,but then again,im not fussy! Try the email again ,, Larry
I very seldom watch TV as I have satelite radio. Yesterday I happened to turn on the tube and ran across a "Perry Mason" marathon. Black and white shows from the early sixtys. I was glued to the set for almost 8 hrs. Best TV I've seen in years..

I catch Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, The Rebel, even Green Acres is a hoot. Not much else on there for me...........I noticed that they don't play the original theme song on Bonanza, anyone know why?
Yep if I have a question about anything I can usually come here first and get the answer or at least pointed in the right direction. And even though I don't agree with everyones opinions I sure like hearing them, if for no other reason to hear a fresh viewpoint.
..I noticed that they don't play the original theme song on Bonanza, anyone know why? .........

The theme song was changed in the 12th season and was also used for reruns.
Very well spoken and I sure would miss all my friends like you Larry. I read the post here before I read the newspaper.
Yes, I sit here in the evening and scroll through this site till about 10:00. Then I hit the sack. The TV is usually noise in the background if it's on. Today I used this site to save my sanity while I was doing taxes. Marilyn gave me a home setup for the satellite radio so now I can listen to Willie's Roadhouse while I browse YT. Kitty Wells is on right now. Jim
James & I have enjoyed this site for quite a few years now.

I know James spends a lot of time cruising the different forums. I would too, but my job gets in the way.

We both enjoy all the pics and have learned a lot. Hope this site keeps going for a long time.
First thing I check in the morning and the last thing at night. :)

I think I can safely say, "My name is S.F. and I am addicted to YT."
At the farm, we watch the oldies, too. Perry Mason, The Rifleman, Daniel Boone, Bonanza, etc.

I can't get them in Dallas, so I mostly watch PBS. Try to get the "Nature" series or Masterpiece Theater.

All the major stations have is stupidity, se# and violence (my opinion). I've seen enough to last the rest of my life.
Very well stated Larry. A neat place to be n a bunch of different forums and a bunch of great people to listen to.
I've been around here on and off for about 13 years, but never posted much. I guess I'm old enough now that I don't care how stupid I sound!!!
I try to get here every day. I get more real news and information on here than ever on TV. I dont have cable or dish so I dont have to worry about 200 channels with nothing on.

I can jump on here, and pretty much all I need to know to get rolling for the day.

If Ytmag killed the O/T posts I would have to subscribe to a newspaper or something to get my news!!

I probably spend more time here than I should, but like others have said. I have received some good information here. Seams no matter what the subject is someone knows someting about it. Sometimes it gets a little off tipic, but it don't bother me. Like talking over the fence to the neighbor. Stan
I DO also appreciate this site. Compared to some on here I am a newcomer. Discovered it by chance while looking for parts for my TO30. But I really enjoy reading all the questions and answers. That, along with the photos of today's world and those of yesteryear, this site is kinda a technical, humorous, geography and history lesson all rolled into one. Not being able to to any extensive traveling, I really enjoy it!
I too love this site. Like you said, getting along is great. However, you've got to be honest, and admit without a little bit of controvery, on occasion, to put the brain under a bit of a laod and get the juices simmering I don't think we'd share or learn nearly as much from each other as we do. The goal though is to make sure the juices stay at a simmer and don't reach a boil and cause an 'explosion' and a POOF like sometimes happens...........
Aw, c'mon. You guys don't watch Honey Boo Boo? LOL!! They have to run that crap because they have dumbed down kids.

I really like this site; I'm here at least once every day. I've learned a lot about a variety of subjects.

I am on this sight a lot . I generally look at Y.T. in the morning as I have my java and wake up and get ready for work. I stumbled across it trying to find out something or other about my Oliver tractor a wile back and I enjoy all of the info and opinions .Thank You.I hope my posts havent ruffeled anybodys feathers I would probably enjoy having a drink with most anybody here cant say that about every forum!!
I want to commend SweetFeet and Nancy for their meaningful contributions to YT---both for the comments and the excellent pictures. You're a real asset. And there are many others who fit this category, but I think these ladies are special.
I check this site every morning and every night. Wife thinks I am sick for looking at tractors all the time. Great folks on here. There is such a vast amount of knowledge on here. Love it.
If you're talking about what happened yesterday,I don't know how you've got your computer set,but I can see everybody's ISP and status as a member. Most of the worst offenders yesterday were trolls. They were posting as guests,not as regestered users and way too many folks let them get under their skin.
A political post about the inauguration that went on longer that I've ever seen one go. Several bets going on as to how much longer it would last,but most of them were wrong because it just kept going. Started late morning,went on til early evening. Took up almost a whole page on classic. Don't know how many pages it took up on modern,but I'd guess it might have been a record. It got real ugly,but like I said,mostly a couple of trolls goading a few regulars in to a frothing fit.
I like all of those shows. But I wish they would show more of the old western shows.Plus more of the non western shows.I would really like to see more of the early Gunsmoke shows.
I check this site twice or more every day.This Ebay and Craiglist are about all I look at and this is my favorite.I agree about getting along better,some of those posts yesterday were rotten.I am not happy about alot of things in this world right now but acting nasty on a computer is not going to fix any problem.I try to post when I have something good to add and if I don't like a post I just skip over it.I like the OT on here as alot of interesting stuff comes up.Just my two cents worth and maybe I have change coming back? Tom
I should become a member, I guess, but when I post as a guest, I never say anything I won't put my name to. By the way, how does one become a member? Is it under the Support IT icon?
(quoted from post at 10:25:15 01/22/13) If you're talking about what happened yesterday,I don't know how you've got your computer set,but I can see everybody's ISP and status as a member. Most of the worst offenders yesterday were trolls. They were posting as guests,not as regestered users and way too many folks let them get under their skin.

How do I set my computer to see peoples ISP and status as a member? I use modern view.
I don't post often, well you can see the number of posts right under my username, but I read almost all the topics and I think the Off Topic posts are just great. The humor and the pictures from all over the continent help keep me in touch with what is happening around the country part of the world.

Keep up the good work EVERYONE!!

Me too, I am like "Switchflicker" I don't post often but read tons of stuff here. I would really miss this form if I could not have access.

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