Hey Ultradog


Do you realize that for the first time, the opposing teams in the Super Bowl will be coached by brothers? Jim Harbaugh is coach of the San Francisco 49'ers and his brother John is coach of the Baltimore Ravens (formerly the Cleveland Browns.)

But as Jay asked below: do you like horse racing? Did you ever watch the greatest thoroughbred of all time, Secretariat? And sometime, why don't you go up to Saratoga, NY during the summer meet and see the tractors they use to groom the track? Might widen your horizons a little bit.

But anyway--I think that Joe Flacco (QB of the Ravens) has matured into a pretty good QB, don't you? I think he is a more multi-dimensional QB than Brady.

What say you?
I think you are throwing gas on a fire, pokeing a big dog with a sharp stick, waking a sleeping dog. Or your harassing, bullying not being diversified enough. You know what your folks told you, "just leave it alone"!! gobble
"Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss things. Great minds discuss ideas."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Modern sports talk is 80% about the players - who they are dating, who got drunk and crashed, who is before a judge or this guy's injury or so and so retiring = talk about people.
It's probably 15% about a silly game - getting a ball across a line or into a net or hole. = a thing.
And it's about 5% about the theory of a game = an idea.
Now I'm not the smartest man around but I know that if I focus my mind on silly gossip about players or if I fill my mind with meaningless statistics - career yards rushing, passes thrown, 1st down conversions, hits, runs, errors, etc I'm not going to be very well rounded when it comes to dealing with the issues of life.
Sports fans are like a kid who eats too much junk food or a druggie looking for their next fix.
They are on that emotional roller coaster - the highs, the lows, the adrenline.
Sports fans gotta get that next fix - to the exclusion of faith, family, friends, national issues and other important things.
Do you you doubt?
Ask the man on the street to name any of their elected representatives and you'll likely get a blank stare.
But ask him to name the starting lineup of his favorite team and watch his eyes light up as he rattles off half a dozen names.
I think there is something wrong with that.
Mention to a man that sports are a silly diversion and he'll tell you he just wants some diversion, a bit of time to relax from the pressures of life and have a little fun.
But with all the sports we have in America - both pro and college we are left with men who are more focused on the diversion than the pressures.
Bread and circuses.
Evidence of a declining empire.
People complain about the welfare state we are becoming = bread.
I complain about the circuses = sports.
When was the last time you sports fans read a book?
I'll bet not lately.
I just reread the book below a while ago.
Ever read it?
I will guarantee you that even this simple kid's book would have a more lasting effect on you than any and all of your silly games.
People sit on this board and complain about our laws and rights, about Hollywood, about the ills of society.
But when was the last time you went to a city council meeting or a school board meeting or a political rally or donated some time to a charitable cause?
Probably not lately. At least not during football season. No time.
But then then there's basketball and hockey and baseball coming up too...
You sports fans think it's ok to pollute any and every venue with talk of your silly games.
But there is a time and place for everything.
I know there are hundreds of places on the internet where you can talk about them to your hearts content.
So why do we have to have them here too?
I hate sports! I hate what they are doing to this great nation.
I say if we can't talk about ideas here then we can at least talk about things = tractors and combines and projects and wedding anniversaries, or fences or hay or barns, cattle, engines, pickups and tires.
You people are smarter than those silly games.
From reading this board I know you are.
I wrote this in a hurry and didn't proof read it.
So sorry.

Looking at sports is no different from reading fiction,both are entertainment that really doesn't
'get' a person anything just like fishing,riding an antique tractor in a parade or looking at the stars but in the end its not the days a person spends digging ditches that they look back on as the best moments in their life.
Yeah, you're right; he's such an "ultra" sensitive guy. I'll be more cognizant of his feelings from no on. (Shame on me!--NOT)
Actually Ultradog MN has made a several good points. I played some sports in grade school. Enough to know what the rules are. Then I chose to embrace living a mature life. My wife and family became the focus of my life. So while others played games and talked about those that played games we made a better life for our family.

We have way too many people that say that sports are just "entertainment". I don't see how worshiping people that are doing nothing that will make any of our lives better, as being a good thing to do.

So each to his own. I rarely can tell you who played the world series or the Super Bowl. I can tell you many other things.

There is a quote that kind of goes like this" When we become adults it is time to leave the games of childhood behind". The trouble is that today no one wants to grow up into adults.

I laugh my butt off when men that are 19-21 are called boys and need protected. Up until just a few decades ago turning 16 or 18 marked passage into adulthood. Now we have people in their mid twenties that are still called children.

Well we all got way off of the subject of who is in the Super Bowl. LOL. I am already sick of hearing about it and we have two weeks of silliness to go.
I gotta go along with Udog here and it's not about the "choke team" (Vikings). Yea I'm in MN but never cared for them. I didn't even know who is going to be in the bowl this year.

Go read some studies about the effects of TV. Couple of interesting ones deal with what happens to IQ. Seems it goes down temporarily while watching it by about 10 points. Reanding fiction or even a comic book has no effect. The TV provides everything and your brain kinda shuts down. Sights, sounds, story line and dialog are all provided. You brain has nothing to do.

I could care less if there are a few post about it on here or if you watch all the games.

Im not one to take sides,but I can tell a story that might relate. Back when Sandy hit us in NJ here everything was in a turmoil. Power was out,trees were down,gasoline was hard to get.etc. I took a ride down the highway,there was one small resturant/deli open. Since I needed to use a bathroom,I stopped in. I figured I should wait in line and buy a coffee since I used their facilitys.Standing in line ,I noticed the place had 2 tvs going. Since most people cable was out almost everyone was watching the news station showing the devestation around the area.Except for one young man in his 20s,he had his eyes glued to the other tv that had the sport channel on.
yep, I read two of these sports books my wife got me me for Christmas, Im working on gold rush right now! These are true stories, not fiction.
Blah blah blah.....blah...blah blah blah. Apparently you never grow tired of hearing yourself whine. It must be tough going through life being such a miserable little nobody.

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