Working in the cold


Well-known Member
Why does working in the cold take it out of you so bad?

Did afternoon chores and found the cattle had messed around behind the shed. I spend an hour or so moving portable panels and cleaning up the area. When I was done with that and had moved stock tanks I was so pooped I could hardly stand. Is it the 20 pounds of extra clothes, the slop I was working in, or the cold weather? Having 15 pounds of mud on each boot can't help.

Anyone else feel 20 years older in the winter? I'm not talking about aches and pains. That's different. I'm having a knee fixed the day after Christmas, so maybe that will help.
I actually love working in the cold up to a point. Seems like you can put on more and stay warm, summer here you suffer with the heat and humidity.
Actually the more you are aclimated to it the better off you are. I can work outside for hours at +15 and up. Below that and much physical work really yakes it out of you. Part is the extra weight you are not used to in the clothing and part is your body working harder to produce heat that zaps your energy I think.

Yep, lugging gates through the mud in heavy clothing and heavy boots. Then having your foot slip under you sideways on the icy slope created by the 'chin dribble' ice mound in front of the cattle waterer and hitting your elbow on the waterer on the way down.

Good luck with the knee and let us know how it turned out. Oh yes, Merry Christmas. Jim
I'm "allergic" to the cold, (chronic, systemic, Rheumatoid Arthritis) - that's why I live in the Desert, I love it when it's 120 degrees in the shade. Seriously though, whenever I have to go out into the cold to work, before I go out, I eat a couple of Peanut Butter & HONEY sandwiches. They give your body what it needs to produce the extra energy to keep you warm.
When it's cold you can wear clothes to be comfortable.
In the summer heat you can only take off so much
Before you get arrested.

I think short days and lack of sunlight, make a big difference in ambition also. I wish I was a woodchuck so I could just hybornate during the winter. Come to think of it, this is my first winter being retired, and perhaps I have hybornated a bit. LOL
Loren, the Acg.
At 58 years old I've gotten so I don't want to be in the cold any more. I tend to stay inside when I could be out doing something. It sure is nice to come inside to a wood stove when you've been outside for a while.

If you are still struggling around in mud then its not really cold :) Here the ground is solid as concrete and the cow manure is like bowling balls at our normal temperatures. 0 degrees (F) was the high today. Its not bad as long as the wind doesn't blow. Wearing lots of clothes is essential and I don't want to be working on a job that requires talking my mitts off. Now I am happy to sit in the sun behind a south facing window most winter days after the few cattle chores are done. Wouldn't want to be doing that outside stuff all day long but a little bit sure helps break up a long day of doing nothing. Good exercise too.
Every consider how much energy it takes to warm the air you breath? Big stress on the heart too. Your body is working hard to just stay warm.
I thought the same thing. I ground a batch of feed which means shoveling the ear corn into the grinder. Carrying a few buckets of this and that to add to it. Auto unload into the feeder but climbing up and down a little. Then decided to clean the steer pen out which is done with the front end loader in a heated cab. Got in the house in time to go to Church and help with Xmas decorating for a couple hours. Got home and took a shower and I feel like I've been beat up. None of the things I did was out of the ordinary for me. Although I just remembered I walked a mile on the treadmill, did some setups, and a few bench presses this morning because I didn't plan on doing much today. I guess this getting old is hard to get use to.
Know right where your coming from. We have snow and coold air comming in this week so decided we better get stalls cleaned now while we can well only got one load out today seems the 3 mile trip to spread froze the spreader up so spent all afternoon pitching it off and fixing broken apron chain I"m whooped
Those were the exact thoughts that went through my head when I read the post. Read further down and you had already said it. About the same temp here right now SE Alberta Can. Rocko.
Suckin" in all the cold air requires a lot of energy to keep your body temperature up even if you aren"t working.If you working then you require even more energy. And with all the additional clothes on, the simplest task requires more effort.

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