Edibility of modern field corn.

I have always been of the opinion that no field corn is edible but have friends that like it.
It is edible any time you care to eat it.
Corn is corn. GMO is just a new hybrid that is bred by computer rather than in the field as much as the older hybrids were.
You aren't like my Brother in law from Chicago are you.

He thought all corn growen could be and was for human consuption.

There are several types of corn growen.

Two of the types for humans are Sweet Corn and Popcorn. And there are others.

The majority of the corn growen is what we call field corn. And is used mainly for animal feed and ethanol production. It can also be refined for corn starch, corn oil and other human uses.

But grain corn is rarly used as a cornon the cob corn. It is too tough and not as sweet.

There is GMO versions of all types of corn including the sweet corn and popcorn.

Just a little lesson in corns.

I'm sure others will add.


A good many years ago when I was experimenting with garden corn I tried some hybrid field corn. It was not as tasty fresh on the cob as the sweet corn varieties. I eventually settled on Merit corn for fresh corn BTW. I also ground dry corn for cornmeal and grits. The field corn was very bland in comparison with open pollinated types.

You could eat it. But why? It'll taste like crap compared to sweet corn.

The GMO, genetics, does not do anything to affect the kernals.

Perfectly safe regardless of what the chicken little, city types say.

People used to break corn at the roasting ear stage and eat it fresh or pickle/can it. There was no sweet corn/field corn distinction. People planted whatever variety of open pollinated corn they had been saving seed from for generations and used it for whatever they needed corn for. Their yields were nothing like what you see now and the roasting ear corn was not nearly as sweet, but it's not bad.
One other big use of field corn is for sugar production these days. Beverage makers like the corn sugar especially.

I well remember my Father walking into the corn field to break off a few ears for dinner.

(quoted from post at 00:19:23 12/21/12) Is modern hybrid/GMO field corn edible off the ear?

Good question, I found the responses informative.

I would like to ask a similar question: What type of corn is used for packaged/processed foods such as corn flakes, corn meal, corn chips, corn syrup/sugar... etc.
I and many I know injoy the taste of Yellow Dent. The main problem I have encountered with hibrid is short window for hearvest. Many farmers planted yellow dent in the forties and fifties for human consumption. I think most corn consumed as hominey,corn meal ect,is other than sweet corn.
You're wrong on that GMO corn has genes of things other than corn injected into it that could never be gotten by simply crossing corn varieties like
they do to get regular hybrids.Has nothing to do with computers.
Google some of the truly Independent studies done on GMO in Europe not the ones done in the US that were funded by the Industrial Ag companies and then decide for yourself.It took the Industrial Ag companies almost 50 Million$ in California to
narrowly defeat a bill that would have required food packaging to simply state that GMO products were in the food.So if they're that ashamed of their GMO ladened products everyone else should be at least a little wary.Many countires will not allow GMO to be planted.
Actually the jury is still out really,many things take years to show how harmful they really are,things like Lead,cigarettes and Asbestos were considered safe for years.
TD- If you check, the genome of corn has been broken by the use of COMPUTERS. Hybrids are normally produced by crossing inbred lines to produce a hybrid, and twenty years ago were a crap shoot at best to produce a newer, high yielding variety. It often took thousands of trials and years to bring a new plant line into production. With the aid of COMPUTERS, the genome can be selected in an inbred to more quickly produce the required traits desired in a new hybrid. The ability to do this has advanced production speeds to develop and market the selections we have today. That same COMPUTER will be working to improve the hybrids we will plant in the next few years. They just don't taste as good as corn, but that's the way it is...
YOur getting into a food grade corn there. Mostly white corn. We grow a good bit of that around here in the SW part of Indiana where I live. Used for tortilla chips corn flakes and so on. The yellow corn you see mostly in the fields is usede as animal feed and ethanol prodution. The do use it for very few other thing. Any corn used for human consumption has strict regulations on it from FDA. A lot of guys wont plant white corn because of how picky they are and you cannot dry and store it like regular yellow corn and more picky about damage to the corn being food grade. As far as GMO well its just the newest hype just like today bein the end of the world. They have had GMO corn hybrids for years. Probably since the production of corn scientist have been "modifying" the corn plants to make them better. Its really only been since this whole organic crazy anybody took note but were uniformed about what gmo really is or means. GMO stands for geneticly modified organism. Which relates basically to the fact that there making traits for a better healthier more productive less drought stressed plant. EVERY corn plant has been a gmo at some point unless it came from the real early days. Look back threw ag history and see how corn has gotten better. It wasnt majic. It was scientist researching and modifying the plant to make it better. I would love to see where the people bad mouthing the famers are getting there organic non gmo corn seeds from because Ill bet at some point in that seeds history it was gmo.
The "truely independent studies" done that use words like maybe, and possibly, and in our opinion.....but lack REAL SCIENTIFIC FACT...? Yeah that's the ones. There remains a FACT that you anti-gmo conspiracy theorist types seem to ignore. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A CASE OF FOOD BORN ILLNESS AS A RESULT OF GMO CROPS.... That "never" word isn't so open to interpretation as the innuendo laden rumor mongering done by these "independent studies" that race through your imagination. Site any of the reputable "independent studies". You can't because there isn't such a thing.

And theat 50 mil...? That was against 175 mil thrown at the issue by the anti GMO crowd. With your own "logic", you anti-gmo types must really REALLY be ashamed of the nonsense you're spewing. Facts are what they are....The anti GMO crowd can't even BUY votes. Majority of folks think for themselves and takes the anti gmo claims as just what they are. (ie, unsubstantiated rumors, innuendo, lies and fabrications)

And you might want to throw out your 20 year old propaganda on how "many countries still don't allow GMO's".....Again, facts speak for themselves. MOST European and Asian countries ARE allowing import and production of GMO crops as of 2012. Reason being? They took their time, did the testing, and found NOTHING wrong. Even residents of 3rd world countries are more advanced in their thinking that you are at the moment.

Fortunately, not everyone in the world is scared of their own shadow, falls victim to every ficticious conspiracy theory, and in turn they use their common sense to see through all the ridiculous "save the whales" tree hugging anti-technology zealots.
I'm thinking you might want to site MAD MAGAZINE as the source for your "data".....HAAAAAAAAAA! That's possibly the most ridiculous thing from you so far!
Looks like I poked a hornets nest here! My question is in not about which is better, merely trying to gather information for a "discussion" that is ongoing with my aunt. She is violently opposed to all GMO corn, and lumps in any of the older hybrids, and is using faulty logic in her arguement. She thinks that field corn is evil because it is not sweet and tasty like sweet corn, and assumes that is because of the whole GMO thing. I really don`t know much about it, corn does not grow up here worth a hoot.
Actually I love it that there are Nethanderthals
around that are the spokesmen for the GMO crowd,you fellows bring me more customers for my non GMO open pollinated corn than any advertising I could do and I appreciate it.
If they outlawed GMO corn I'd be out of business selling the good stuff because everyone would have it.Keep on keeping on and thanks again.
Never ate.....or heard of.......sweet corn 'til I was probably in my 30s. (Field/mule) corn was a staple when I'se a child.......eaten fresh off the cob, cut off with a knife and stewed or fried, ground and made into meal for bread, etc. When we had a commercial peach orchard (pushed the trees up in the mid-'80s), there was always a corn field next to the peach shed........corn grown for silage. Every day after the peaches were picked and sorted, a couple of us would pick 50-100 dozen ears of the corn, which we sold along with the peaches; peaches were $3.75 per basket (half-bushel) and corn was a dollar-a-dozen ears.
I'm not a Big Time Operator feeding the Chinese slave labor I only feed fellow Americans.
So Hernihead tells us about your Craftsman and the giant 1/4 acre spread you mow twice a week.
(quoted from post at 15:21:15 12/21/12) I'm not a Big Time Operator feeding the Chinese slave labor I only feed fellow Americans.
So Hernihead tells us about your Craftsman and the giant 1/4 acre spread you mow twice a week.
ey, kids, knock it off! If you can`t prove your point without this cr@p, you don`t have a good point to make. I was trying to get a simple question answered to be educated in a discussion, we all know where each of you stand on the issue.
In fact I have had soybeans go to China. And the corn, milk,soybeans, wheat and beef I produce most likely feed more Americans than you could with your pastured hogs and a sweet corn stand.-
TF's post is correct, except i don't think they actually inject it with anything. they physically manipulate the genes to produce traits that wouldn't naturally occur through normal breeding/cross breeding/inbreeding/etc.
rr soybeans were first sold in 96 i believe and we can already see that mother nature has quickly adjusted to these efforts at weed control, and she is laughing at us. personally, i think it's a slippery slope to manipulate genes and wonder if we are doing the right thing. and like TF said, we use to think alot of things were safe until we later found out they weren't.
yes, gmo means genetically modified organism, but not how you think it is. gmo first came out in 96, i believe, in rr soybeans. the genes were physically manipulated under a microscope.
Boy, did you! I didn't think there were that many ill informed people still farming. Guess it shows you can't teach some folks anything past what they want to know. Just makes you believe more in Darwin every day....
(quoted from post at 17:48:44 12/21/12) Boy, did you! I didn't think there were that many ill informed people still farming. Guess it shows you can't teach some folks anything past what they want to know. Just makes you believe more in Darwin every day....
or me it is the other way, if Darwin was right we should have less stupid and stubborn, right? Some folks convince me that the fittest are dieing out!
first off, darwinism isn't something you "believe in" like you would religion. you either accept it as fact or not.
and who is the one ill informed? you think gmo's came about because of computers. computers do math, nothing more.
You tell him.. We feed the world and folks want to cry.. Must be some folks eat it because year after we see the out side rows next to the road get picked pretty clean on some fields.
(quoted from post at 18:00:54 12/21/12) first off, darwinism isn't something you "believe in" like you would religion. you either accept it as fact or not.
and who is the one ill informed? you think gmo's came about because of computers. computers do math, nothing more.
agree with you on the computer side of things, but Darwinism is in fact a leap of faith as much as any other. It is still a theory, and as long as there is a missing link, it will remain such.
I guess what I mean, is that while the fittest of us survive, even the morons get a chance for a while.....
You yourself said the "theory" of evolution. If it had been proven in accordance with the scientific method, it would no longer be called a theory. I can not prove my theory, but you can not disprove mine, either. I will not try to evangelize you, please give me the same courtesy.
not being discourtious. not trying to prove anything save the meaning of words. yes, the theory of evolution is a theory. it is based on science though. faith of any kind is not used.
The assumption that it is correct without being proven, or that it in itself is a argument against faith, is nothing but a leap of faith. It is not fact until it is proven, and it is not proven, and yet many treat it as fact.
Throw away the 1990 map and get a new one. You'll find things change as people gain knowledge and quit listening to every conspiracy theorist/nut job
Not related. Unlike where you're from, our family trees don't resemble a telephone pole. Now go easy on the lead on your Wheaties.
Dear Santa;

Will you please bring this clown a dose of reality for Christmas. It's apparent he doesn't have any of his own and would greatly benefit from such.

There will always be snake oil salesmen. And the 21st century's version is selling "organic corn".

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