New dentures?


Well-known Member
I had to have several teeth pulled and get an upper denture. My jaw is pretty sore and I'm wondering how long it will take to get used to the denture and how long my jaw will be sore. I know it's going to take a while to get used to but am wondering if there's something I can do to make it more comfortable?
When I had my uppers out, I waited 90 days before I had impressions done for the dentures. Had a few minor rubbing spots, but not bad. Had them working fine in less than a week.
Hang in there.

A couple weeks of rough going, then you'll all at once realise that a few minutes have passed without you thinking of your misery. Then you'll be on the downhill run. I'm kinda joking, but not entirely. I can well remember the process, and it was 40 years ago for me. My advice - don't take them out except to clean them, then put them right back in. It's very easy to give up and leave them out.


I'd talk to the dentist about something to make it more comfortable. I didn't do that myself, but then I was sick of him by the time he got the job done.

Best wishes on getting used to your new teeth.
Hang in there. I had to wait 30 days before I could fitted for mew teeth. It was some of the best money I have ever spent. I did it over the winter of 01 02
I went through it about 6 weeks ago. For it being sore, take one extra strengh asprin and one extra strength tylenol. You got this new junk in your mouth, took me about 3 weeks to get use to that. They are okay now.
I had 7 uppers pulled for mine. Dentist gave me a script for tylenol-3, never fill it. Asprin or tylenol as needed for the first few days. In my case, I needed to eat something b/4 meds. After week or so, all was well on the way to healed. You may need a revist (or 2) for adjustments to the plate. Its been 17 years for me, never really got used to em, only wear em to work, not really fond of em.

Good luck...don t. ...
What kind of adhesive creams do you guys use if any. I use fixodent original but have heard some bad talk about the zinc in it i use it once in the morning and once at night is that using it to much. Been thinking i would talk with my Dentist on the subject. It is about the best i have found for a good hold. Thank you
I had 12 uppers pulled and the top plate was already made. It took Doc 20 minutes to remove them and he glued the new plate in, 30 minutes latter I was on a tractor mowing. I had to go back in three days to have him remove the plate and put it back in.I never went back never took pain killers but chewed a lot of Red Man. Best money I ever spent
I had 5 uppers removed about 2 weeks ago and then on Thursday had 6 more removed and the denture fitted. A couple molars that came out gave a problem. The worst one had had a root canal in the past and took over an hour and a half to get out. I was in the chair for a little over 3 hours. I go back this week for a check up and next week to the denturist to get a soft lining put in. He didn't put it in the next day because he didn't want the stitches to rip out. I hope I get used to it as it will be nice to not be so conscious of smiling.
(quoted from post at 17:30:26 12/09/12) I wouldnt trade mine for my real ones,Dont use any glue,just get use to them,It took me a while to bite a apple.


All of the ads make it sound like you need glue to keep the seeds and stuff from getting under them???
I got my uppers and partial lower when I was 29. Had 7 uppers pulled, and ran the combine shelling corn the rest of the day, I didn't like it where it was warm or hot that day, cool or cold was better, BUT went to a Christmas Supper Party just a week later and ate steak, kinda slow but gotter done. I'm 70 now and have the lower floaters for 20 years and have a little trouble with small seeds and crunchy stuff.
Reminds me of a story my neighbor lady tells about her mother who wore dentures. She was never bashful about anything but her teeth. She was in the shower when company showed up only she didn't know it. After the shower she headed to her bedroom in her birthday suit to get dressed. She rounded the corner of the living room and realized she was caught uncovered by all eyes. But her reaction was she covered her mouth and said MY TEETH !!!! as she turned on a dime and headed back the way she came. LOL
Boy, you're tougher than me. I decided about 7 years ago to have all my teeth extracted because they were all bad. I went back and found ALL my bills for "tooth repair" that I'd had done over the previous 10 years and it totaled over $11.000.00 I decided that was enough. I told the dentist to pull them all. I went in to the oral surgeon and he pulled everyone of them at once. They had fitted me for my dentures about a week prior. When I left the oral surgeon's office I walked out of there with my new $6,000.00 pretty white teeth in my mouth. I took the pain pills for a couple days and drank "plenty" of good ole Jim Beam. I had very little soreness and the dentures fit wonderfully. Come to think of it, I don't remember a whole lot about it. "No teeth" is about the most comfortable human state there is. No more tooth aches......ever again. I don't wear my dentures much anymore....carry them in my bib overall chest pocket mainly. I might put them in once in a while if I see some little sweet thing and want to look good.
I am not making light of your situation, as I was there 31 or 32 years ago. I feel for you. But if your teeth were real bad (as mine were) you will never regret it. I got top and bottom all at once, and I went from the dentists office to a beer joint on the way home. I remember it feeling like I had several mouths full of teeth in there and none of them would stay in one place. I poured a lot of beer down my shirt front, as nothing in or on my mouth was working right. I stayed drunk on Lone Star beer for a few days until I had to go back to work. By then they weren't bothering me. One thing I learned 20 something years ago, to clean them, just use plain old Clorox bleach. It doesn't take much, maybe a teaspoon full or so. Just be dern sure to rinse them real good before putting them in your mouth. Does a lot better job of cleaning and one less thing to have to buy.
On a lighter note and to keep it on topic, when I was a kid one day there were four or five of us on tractors planting or cultivating in one field and we all stopped to eat dinner on a tank dam under a tree. One of the older guys had just got some false teeth a week or so earlier. He started trying to eat a sandwich or whatever he had and started cussing, stood up, took out the false teeth and threw them as far out into the tank as he could, then calmly sat back down and went back to trying to eat. He never had any teeth the rest of his life. My dad swore that the old feller could chew shoe leather with his gums.

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