OT quitting smoking

Big thing is that you need to have the correct mind set to do so. I was a 3 pack a day smoker till they raised the price up to $4 a pack and I said that was enough and wore the patch for less then 30 day and that was 3 years ago
Hello bogboreG,

Like a drug addict......cold turkey!
That is how i did it, and many people i know have done it the same way....... permanently!
Is going to be easy?..........NO, but it will last A lifetime. I quit (COLD TURKEY) March 1969
Good Luck......................Guido.
I remember my mom going for hypnosis, 30 years ago and it worked. My mom is still alive at 70 now. She may be dead by now if she kept smoking.
You're not going to do it untill you want to. It's not something you can do because someone else wants you to quit. Take it one day at a time,and,no mater how bad you want one don't give in to it.
Stop putting them in your mouth...it's that easy! An old guy in his 90s told me this ...He went from 60 a day to 0 (back when he was 45) by this simple method. Worked for many of my neighbours also.
Bought a couple of packs of smokes that i just hated, which was Herbert Tareyton, probley do not even make them any more. By the time i got the first pack smoked i didn't ever want another cig.
That was my experience as well, Guido.

My wife quit the same way after nearly 50 years of smoking.

My feeling is that the various "crutches" such as gum, patches, electronic cigarettes, "tapering off" or whatever just prolong the misery.

Another poster has a good point as well: YOU have to WANT to quit. I've never seen anyone quit because their doctor or spouse thought it was a good idea.

I quit in 1976 and never had a relapse. My wife tried to quit any number of times because she knew it was a good idea, but never lasted more than a few hours.

Once she decided she really WANTED to, she just put them down and never picked them up again. In fact, it was a week or more before I noticed.
Best friend wouldn't quit. Smoked 2-3 packs a day for 30 years. He had surgery to have one of his lungs removed about 6 months ago. He's since quit. He can't walk to the mailbox and back. He's only 51.

Wife's mother smoked 2 packs a day for as long as I knew her. Emphyzema and heart disease attributed to smoking. We buried her when she was 55.

I can go on for hours.

My wife smoked 2+ packs a day for 20 years. We came home from her mothers funeral and she threw away half a carton and hasn't touched a cigarette since.

I hope you can find an easier method, but do whatever it takes. You'll feel better, live longer, and those of us who don't smoke will appreciate your effort.

Good luck!

I quit in 1976 after seven years, because it was in the way of something that I wanted more. I tapered off first. I quit smoking before noon, Then until after dinner. Then I started cigars which I would smoke instead of cigarettes, then chew it for a couple hours. I finally quit the cigars after another ten years or so because I could save a lot on insurance.
I quit smoking on November 4 this year. I have TRIED to quit many times in the last 20 years, but this time I DID quit. It truly has to be something that you WANT to do. What has helped me the most to get through the rough part was using Chantix. It is a prescription and very expensive if your insurance doesn't cover, but most insurance co's usually cover stop smoking aids because it will save them money in the long run. It really does work like the TV commercial says. Decide on a date that you are going to quit. Take the Chantix a week before you quit while still smoking, then quit smoking. It really seemed to take the edge off the cravings. If you can make it through the first two weeks, you have kicked the physical addiction, it is the habit part that always got me. I still have times when I really want a smoke, but I just keep remembering how bad I felt and how hard it was getting through the first week or two and I don't want to go through that again.
I've never smoked so I don't have personal experience, but a former close neighbor of mine was a good example that you can quit and be successful at it. He smoked for 40 years and he was the kind of guy who was really set in his ways. When the doc told him he had a little emphasima starting in, he quit cold turkey. A couple of months after he quit he had a major fire on his farm. A corn crib, tractor,wagons, hog house with 100 head of fat hogs, and a barn full of hay was lost. I was sitting in the kitchen with him the day after the fire and he said "boy could I use a smoke right now" but he never lit up and stayed off of them for the rest of his life. He lived somewhere around 25 years after he quit and was in his upper 80's when he passed away. Jim
My Dad always said "Quitting smoking isn't hard. Just put that one out and don't light another" You know, he was right. I quit Feb 21 1992.
Hi. As a couple have said... You have to WANT to quit, not just need. If you truly WANT to quit whatever choice or way you choose WILL work. I myself quit cold turkey and never looked back. I had smoked for 19 years and was up to 3 packs a day. I had never tried to quit before. My inspiration was my kids and I truly WANTED to quit! Kind of funny now, the morning I quit I will never forget. Was tax day, had to send a big fat check to the government(ouch), bought a new vehicle for the wife(had no plans to when heading to town)... I was a nervous wreck that evening, but I didn't have a smoke! Good Luck-SHON
well its been 10 plus years scene i quit had a bad cold went out on monday had a smoke in my mouth never lite it but what i did was there was a carton in my truck had a open pack in my pocket carried those for over a mouth i had decided that if i want a smoke i was not going to go hunting one i just lite it smoke it worked for me only problem i had was about a year into quitting i developed a severe pain in my right hip went days hurt like h but finely one day i figure out what was causing the pain as i had forget to put my bill fold in my pocket it got so big from extra cash in it form not buying smokes it was hurting my hip. so now i just leave it in my truck
I want to. I really do. Its taken over my life, and i have had it with smoking. I have tried so many times, without success. I will take your advise and try what works best for me. Thank you guys, for the help. I really do appreciate it!
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Wanting to quit and really wanting to are 2 different things I know I had tried a few times to quit but then got the oh boy one sure would be nice and then your had again. I still even after 3 years at times think boy how it would be nice to smoke one as I stand here and try to figure out why this or that did not work like it should but know if I did I would be hooked again
dad smoked all my life while i was living at home. he smoked, you tolerated it; the smoke, the smell and the ashes. smokes never came before food but was nearly equal to it. every morning before daylight he would wake up coughing from the deepest part of his chest, so bad he would go outdoors to finish and catch his breath. once back in the house he would light up and the whole process would start all over. would wake the whole house up and the reason i do not smoke today. one day he decided he would quit and quit cold turkey. never knew him to smoke another one. eventually the terrible coughing subsided. that was about 35 years ago, unfortunately he died 20 years ago this dec. from a stroke. good luck and hang in there.
Every time you buy a pack put the same amount in a jar. Realizing how much you are paying for your own death is an Eye opener.
I stopped (not quit) in 1968. Food had taste, time was available, people invited me in, I could smell and not emit odors my self (mostly).
It is not your head that is the issue, it is nicotine. Tobacco plants have it to kill things that eat tobacco plants. Ever see a pare of squirrels fighting over a butt, or birds hording them? No, they understand poison. Remember the solid stoned to the bone feeling you got with the first pack!! That was then, now it has you. (((((and you do not even get a tiny buzz)))) Jim
(quoted from post at 20:46:41 11/30/12) You have to want to, just not need to.


Those methods that cost you money are just another leach on your life, if you want to quit, you will, no need for gimmicks, just do it.

I smoked 2 packs a day back in 1980, decided one day that I didn't want to do that anymore, that was it, done, haven't smoked since.
I quit two months ago, so I am a newbie. Mindset is really it. I wanted to quit very badly.

Since I am not the only one in the house that smokes I knew it would be hard. Since I have never smoked in the house in the last 20 years, winter was the time to do it as I hated to go outside in the winter to smoke.

I started inhaling only every other puff I took. After a while I upped that to only inhaling the first and last puffs, then only the last. About this time I noticed that I felt so much better and could taste. I noticed that they also gave me a bad taste in my mouth. Duh!

When I smoked for a week never inhaling I was ready to quit. It wasn't satisfying anyway. I did and haven't looked back. Weird way to do it but it worked for me.
As others have said,you need a reason first(22 years ago mine was to do all things possiable that would give me more time on earth to injoy my 1 yo grandson). Instaed of smoking for a week after starting medication,I used patchs to get my fix. If prayer is part of your life,ask your best friend to pray daily for you while you pray for him and his challange(s)every time you have a craving. Smoking is about the dumbist thing a person could start and smartist thing they will ever stop.
If you are going to quit just QUIT, I ouit in 2001, had 3 tobacco stores at the time. Quitting got to me so bad I began to put a little chewing tobacco in my mouth to help the graving, WRONG, got hooked on chewing, finally after 3 years quit chewing, been tobacco free 8 years now. Its not easy but you can do it.
I quit on april 6, 1984 after 33 years of smoking nonfiltered smokes. It's a question of mind over matter. Every time my mind said smoke, I got busy doing something. I got my hands busy and my mind off of smoking. The urge to smoke was the worst after a meal when I was having coffee. At these times I would fight the urge to light up for at least 15 minutes,also getting my hands busy. If you really want to quit this will work. If you need an encouragement, think of the money you will save, and you'll be a lot less anoying to your friends who don't smoke. Lots of luck.
Like Sam, I too "quit" several times in my life---once after two years, and again after three. Each time I was undone by the notion that I could enjoy "just one" for old time's sake. I learned that instead of bumming one smoke, you may as well go ahead and get a carton. Haven't had a good ole Winston since 1980.

My problem with laying them aside seemed to be not so much the nicotine addiction as it was the need to keep my mouth busy and happy. You can only chew so much gum and eat so much candy. Snuff is a terrible idea. I chanced upon something that worked great for me: I had had a load of dirt delivered to my lot and discovered it contained a bunch of sassafras roots. I dug them out, washed the dirt off, cut them into small pieces, bark on. I'd pop a piece into my mouth and wallow it around for hours. I'd go through several pieces a day. It has good taste (root beer) and I think it's mildly narcotic. Worked for me.

In any event, whatever your method, don't surrender. Taper off if you must, but total stop is better. Like others have said, you must be fully committed.
I always liked Rodney dangerfields story,he said he decided to cut back on smoking by just having a cigarette after nnalert. He said I've been on the same pack since 1965!
the best way to quit smoking is to quit putting them in your mouth.
Quit cold turkey from over 2 packs a day 4 years ago.
see lots of advice to your question , most of it good for Sh$t, since if it was a matter of will power alone , you would have done it already
57 here, smoked for ummmm 40 plus years, heavey
quit 6 months ago, knock on wood no cheating
did it with a pill called champix ?, read all about it, read about side affects ( had none )
bottom line is you gotta want to quit ( i did ) & used the pills to add will power
but they really do take the urge to smoke away
good luck
bigboreG........grow a mustache; seriously..... I grew a mustache and didn't like the constant nicotine smell under my nose. Of course, I was a "late starter". Almost started in basic training, the Sarge would halt the marching and call out "iff'n you gott'em, smoke 'em" Since I didn't smoke, the sarge made me pick-up the BUTTS!!! I started smoking AFTER I left the AirForce.

I was in Hawaii and going to bars to pick-up the tourist Wahini's. I found I was gittin' DRUNK before they were. (frown) I found puttin' a ciggy in my hand stopped me from drinking and was more successfully lei'd.

The LAST time I smoked, was the 2-SAVED cigars from celebrating my son's BIRTH on his 21st birthday. I picked him up the next day to take him to the airport and he complained he could STILL taste the cigar. (giggle) ........non-smoker Dell with a 3-in HANDLEBAR 'stash
the only way you will ever quit is if you want to and want to permanatly.Never again pick one up. If and when you are ready it is not that hard .Biggest temptations will come in about 24 hours, 3 days 7 days, and 30 days. If you still havent picked one up you might make . I quit 4 different times before I made it stick 6 years ago. don't miss em very often. remember sneeking one means you are still a smoker. If you dont want to quit, nothing on this earth will make it happen. good luck Paul
Having my lung collapse three times in about 3 weeks did it for me. Smoking didn't cause it, but I couldn't smoke while I was in the hospital for three visits in short order. I didn't even have time to smoke in between the 2nd & third time. When I got out the last time, I was hesitant to smoke, and I just told myself that if I sucked on another one I might die. That last time cured me of ever wanting to be in a hospital ever again, too. After that, I never had but a fleeting moments desire to smoke again. I smoked for 27 years and quit twice for a year & picked it up again. What a mistake. It's been 12 years now, and I don't miss it at all. I'm happier, healthier, and wiser. My brother smokes, and everything about him stinks bad. Smokers don't realize just how smelly the habit is until they quit, and hang out with people that do.
I wish you the best of luck, smoking cigarettes is an extremely bad choice for many reasons, and I honestly do not care about any other opinions of the wretched habit.

Polonium 210(alpha radiation) and how many other carcinogens besides ? A person desires to put this in their body ???????

At a cost of thousands per year ? Plain foolishness.

My hatred of it comes from watching my mother sit in a room with the windows closed, in a fog, 2 packs a day, thousands per year, I've never seen such addiction, no way no how not hearing it, it is one of the most vile, foul smelling habits, I'm sorry tobacco growers, I just can't support what becomes the finished product by these big companies, RJ reynolds, Philip Morris etc. alpha radiation from phosate fertilizer,and something collected onto the sticky or residue part of the plant, they've tried for over 40 years to eliminate this with no success. Maybe I am not informed or educated completely on it either, which is fine, but any person should know better, problem is human nature is congruent with foolish behavior because you can smoke for quite awhile without noticing the detrimental effects, humans by nature wait til the last minute to make changes, hence continuing to smoke these poison laced cigarettes until its too late. I can't wait to see what happens to a person like my mother, who will absolutely not stop, whom sits in a room not only smoking, but also a room fumigated for 15 years with smoke, shes up every hour of the night, in there smoking, its a constant fog, her appearance, accelerated aging is beyond noticeable, uncontrollable cough which is nauseating to hear,its the most vile habit besides narcotic addiction I have ever seen, makes me super angry to be anywhere near it years back while in a bar, some jerk ran the lit end of one along my face in a crowd, likely by mistake, picked the wrong guy to do that to, left nailed him out cold, bouncers picked him up could not figure it out, hate Cigarettes to the point of violence.

I wish you the best of luck, will power, and or anything you can use to help, I know its not easy, but its a wise choice for so many reasons.
Like some of these guys said, you have to really want to is #1

I quit successfully for 15 months using the patches to get past the nicotene withdrawal, which does terrible things to the body physically.

Unfortunately hatred of my job and the pure enjoyment of it got me smoking again. I'm not disgusted enough yet to quit again.

People saying how stupid you are for smoking does nobody a lick of good, that's just their way of reinforcing how smart they are themselves.
Patch, worked for me after more than 35 years. You have to be committed to quitting but, they help keep you from choking the life outta somebody. Took more time than they thought. Used them for almost 4 mos. but it was worth it. Been off them now for almost 4 years. Can"t tell you how much different I feel.
Go FOR IT!!! Keep in touch! If you need support, email.
Quit so many times i ought to be good at it.First you have to get to the point that you are tired of it.What worked for me was cutting out the least enjoyable smoke of the day, then next week cutting out the next least enjoyable smoke of the day.At one point when I was working straight nights I was smoking 5 cigarettes before I left for work and on the drive in but nothing the rest of the day.After that the only thing I had to do was not smoke before work and I was done.
You may have to alter your routines to avoid situations and people you associate with smoking.It is also important not to beat yourself up every time you slip up.
Not carrying smokes can help but I carried a few quarters to buy a smoke from a smoker if I really wanted one.That way you don"t buy a whole pack.
Started smoking when I was a teenager just before I got drafted back in 1968. Got hooked on mentals before I came back from overseas. Tried for years to quit smoking seem like the more I tried the more I"d smoke. Had heart attack in 2001 an ended up with triple bypass surgery.
Been 11 Yrs now and haven"t had an urg or craving since.
I think the 3 1/2 weeks I spent in the hospital got me qured plus it left me only with 35% of my heart. Had no desire for one after that.
Everyone had bets I"d go back smoking again but never did. Been 11 years last Oct. I was up to
4 1/2 packs a day. I probably would be back smoking if I had to go back to work! That place drove me nuts! Mike
Hello Fawteen,
I was smoking maybe 10 a day and going through a pack a day. The young guys in the service ran out of money the first week after pay day.
I put a 1/2 pack on my desk and told everyone to enjoy them, I was quitting. Never looked back and never were they able to enjoy any more of my cigarettes! YEA! you have to want to quit, you are right!

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