how many seed brands do you use?

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Ussually I use 3 brands of corn, and 2 or 3 of beans. This year I can not get the hybrids I want from the dealers Inormally use so after my scouring and research I will be planting 8 hybrids from 5 different brands- LG, Johnsons, Renk,Producers, and Stine. Soybeans I am still in the planning stage. Geesh! I increased my acreage by about 70% the last 3 weeks so doing some late seed ordering. How many brands do some of you guys run? Any good .5-1.4 soybean recommendations?
I don"t believe it really mathers how many companys you deal with as long as you get the varities that work on your soils.

In my 37 years of farming I have bought from one company many years. The most I have ever used in one year is four. Last year was 3 companys and this coming year will be only one.

But I would never plant all one varity no mather how good it did the year before. I have seen a varity do good for a year or 2 and then fall off the third.

I buy from 2 or 3 places. Such a small farm I should stick to one, but like to keep some options open i guess....

Most of my corn comes from Anderson's Seed, just down the road a few miles, small regional, local, seed breeder.

I get a little from Albert Lea Seedhouse, got some Liberty Link from them a couple years.

And the local Decalb dealer got ahold of me when the local Mycogen dealer quit; I get a very few bags from him just to see how my off-brands measure up to the big boys.

I found some good beans at Hefty; my ground is wet & high ph and clay and doesn't like beans very well. I need to shop for a very defensive, tough bean, not a top yielder. They got a couple that have been working better on my farm, but what I use probably would not be at all good for a lighter soil.

Note that a lot of seed corn comes from the same parent combinations - you can buy from 3 different companies, and end up with the very same corn! There is a list somewhere that identifies the same corn stock, I guess I never paid much attention, but if you buy the same exact maturity from 2 different companies, you might want to check to see you aren't getting the same corn.

Will be buying my wheat seed, Kelse, from Reardon Seed in the spring. I plant public seed, have no desire to ever plant GMO. Besides if I want to hold some back for the following year I can as there is no seed agreement. Also it is supposed to be really good in dry land conditions.

The big P.

I like their Aquwa Max(sp) varities for my lighter soils. And it looks like we will be dry again.

RG that is correct, but I have emailed the seller and this is the only one that doesn"t have an agreement that prevents me from holding back the seed. This is improtant to me as I have no wish to fall under the thumb of any of the large chemical manufactures with their genetic patents. Besides this seed company was recommended to me by a WSU professor that breeds public seed. Just my preference.

Dave you are ordering way late for this year. I had my seed corn ordered the last week of Sept. My seed guy came around and told me that some of the varieties that I usually plant where in tight supply.

I plant two brands of corn: Channel and Pioneer. I have planted one brand of soybeans the last few years: Champion.

My brother and I plant a seed plot each year. We usually have four or five companies and maybe twenty varieties.

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