Shoulder out of service..!


Well-known Member

Fell over backwards 3 weeks ago, caught myself before I hit the ground with my Rt arm..sounded bad, but nothing broken ( I thought)..

Was starting to scrape and paint the house..3 bedroom ranch..scrapped it Left-handed, helped paint it Left-Handed, up and down the scaffolding and ladders, went to Knoxville and back, painted and scrapped some more on the tool shed..
Went in for a CT scan and they tell me I have 2 main tendons Severed, 2 more Torn bad and multiple tears in the rotator cuff..
I see a Surgeon tomorrow..!!
I guess they think I'm nuts, but that fall work is DONE...
Hope ya don't think I'm Stubborn or anything...!!
Time to lick my wounds (again)..!!
Good Luck, I am going in next week to have the front half of my shoulder repaired. I can"t even wipe up things with my right arm.
I had my left one done in 2006, (I think) after I fell down part of a flight of stairs. Takes a lot of recovery time. Do yourself a favor and work dilligently on the physical therapy. The more you do the therapy the better your results. My right one needs help now, but it will have to wait until I retire.
good luck and speedy recovery. denial and resistance is bad. stubbornness delays assistance. determination and a good attitude speeds recovery. take this from a 65 year old that is still struggling with the affects of a stroke from over a year ago. Proverbs 17:22
Almost the same thing happened to me about three years ago. They had to remove part of the bone to make an attachment place. Three hours of surgery. After the surgery is past the PT will be something you want to push hard on to get back to the best you can be with that shoulder.
While I was in PT three times a week for three months I would see people come in and wimp out after a few times. PT is gonna hurt, plain and simple, but it is better than not have full use of your arm.
I refused to say uncle(ouch) when they pulled as far as they could. They had to watch for a drop of moisture starting to form in the corner of my eye before they would stop. The doctor told me for someone of 71(at the time) I had regained much more than he had expected. PT works but it is work.
At least you"re doing something about it.

My right arm has been near useless for several months now. Tore something in my shoulder, always figured it"d "grow back" some day.

Maybe I should see a doctor.
I did the same thing a few years ago. I hit a rock with the haybine,that the neighbor said he was going to pick up. Bent the daylights out of a couple of guards. Had the straightener on it with my right arm extended straight down,my hand on the bar in front of the reels. I stood on the straightener and jumped up and down. The bolts broke in the guard and I came straight down. Raised Holy heck on my shoulder. Couldn't sleep on that side for quite a while. It's still not good. I can't pick up a stone and throw it or anything,but I guess my days of having a future as a major league pitcher were gone a long time ago anyway.
Now is the time to take care of it. Good luck and keep us posted. If you heal like I did you'll be able to put your right arm up behind your back by springtime so try not to be impatient with it. When I had mine done there were five of us from our little local town that had a shoulder worked on within a two week period. It kind of was a joke in town about us walking around with our arms in a sling. We all had different injuries but we all healed up at about the same time. Jim
I hurt mine a year ago. After a couple months I went to the Dr. He said I could do surgery or do some therapy and surgery later. I still do the exercises he gave me to do Dailey and its probably back to about 80 percent. Its getting better all the time. I'm thinking no surgery now. I never wanted to be a major league pitcher anyway. Although you may have hurt yours worse than mine.
Hurt my right shoulder about 20 years ago. Got couple cortisone shots, not much help. Had a MRI and they said I had one ruptured tendon and one torn tendon. I said, I think it is getting better. It did with a lot of my own home exercises. It got worse again due to too much heavy pulling on those darn diesel head bolts on John Deeres. Retired a little early at 63 because I could not lift that arm above my head without grabbing it with other arm. Not very handy when laying under a tractor. After not working for a few months, no real hard work for quite a while it is doing really well 13 years later. No sign of the old problem. Some arthritis in it of course, but NOW, it is my left arm, never hurt it, just full of arthritis. It hurts but it lets you know you are still alive I guess.
I've had both of my rotator cuffs repaired. Both due to falls. One turned out better than it had been for many years before that. Had cortisone shot in it one time and it helped but after the fall, I couldn't lift it above my shoulder if I was lucky. Surgery went well and I did my therapy at home only going to see the doc every 2 weeks. Second one was a little tougher to get over and took longer. It was stiff for a long time until one day I was driving the tractor and moved it kind of rougher than I had been. I felt something snap and thought I had wrecked it but by that evening I could lift it over my head and scratch my back. Must have been some scar tissue they said. I later found out in an xray for something else they had put 4 screw in that one. Might explain why it took longer. Went in early in the morning and by noon they kicked me out on the second one. First one I had to stay over night. Do the therapy as they tell you when you get it done is the most important thing.
Not trying to get political here, just realistic; That sounds like a bad one- you need to get it looked at, pronto, and arrange for the surgery, if any, before the end of they year.

Just sayin'-
Same way here.. shoulder starts to get better then I do something or move it faster than I should and starts all over again. Funny thing is I can throw bales and pretty do much what I want until it goes a certain way.. long after surg does it take to be back using it???
Hope I never have to find out. Mine's healed up enough for me to function OK and doesn't bother me too much to sleep on. I have to take a little more asprin than I probably should before bed sometimes,but it's livable.
I wound up with bilateral shoulders plus neck surgeries.
Among others, lol.
Wish you ALOT better outcome than I've had.
Hang in there.
Try to obey your restrictions till you get done with physical therapy.
BTW--when you're in post-op, keep tellin em it hurts till they max ya out on the morphine. That way it will hold the real pain off for awhile.

Yea...that is what I have to do..lift my Rt arm with my Left, to get my hand on something and "walk" my arm where I want it to go..cannot "Lift" it at all..have to have my forearm on the table edge, to feed myself..!!
I see the Surgeon tomorrow and see when they will tie it all back together..!


I was surprised when they said I had Severed 2 big Tendons completely and they "are retracted"..guess that is why I cannot raise my arm at all..
Funny...after 3+ weeks, it doesent seem to bother me much..I just cannot raise my elbow the least little bit, but I can put my elbow over the top rung of a scaffold and climb right up..
Would be good to be able to raise my elbow..!!

Thanks, everyone for the input...!!
Pete Black..ALL the Best to You..hope you recover completely..


Got arthritis in both shoulders and I'm doing everything I can to avoid surgery. I just don't want to be laid up for 6-8 weeks afterwards, got too much to do. I am doing PT 3 x a week and it's helping, but you gotta do it til it hurts a bit to be successful. Arthritis hurt too, so not so bad and at least it is a positive step.

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