1030 TOM

after a perfect weekend, plow day ,riding grandkids on my 530 ,parents 60th wedding anv. nice dinner with my wife etc, today wentsouth quick thanks to a dot wantabe city cop ,this guy took 2 hrs to inspect my old 1700 load star,nowshe is an old workhorse and needs paint but in great shape ,after2hr the ticket read ; BRAKES,THELEFT FRONT BRAKE APPEARS TO HAVE A LEAK ,CANT LOCATE IT AND AIR PRESURE DOES NOT LEAK OFF . ihave a ticket that reads thatcrap,will somebody explane , in ky its againstthe law to work,but we do have a domocrat gov
i went through benton, ar city cop looked for drugs in mine said he smelled weed under my truck the thing i had went through my pasture that morning in goat weeds and when i got back home i was told to request a state cop if it happen again and i will any where i go
I got a truckin' buddy that had something similar to that happen to him a few months ago. A veteran cop and a kid he was training pulled him over and did a two hour inspection on him. At the very end of the inspection, they couldn't find a single thing wrong with his truck, so they cited him for not having his load secured tight enough. The whole time, the cop was taking his sweet time explaining to the trainee what to look for. When the inspection was over, they looked at his driver's log and saw that he very near the end of the allocated hours for the day, so they told him to follow him to their town and park it for the night.
Don't these cops realize that when they get that kind of reputation that the truckers will avoid their town completely and the local businesses will suffer?
Yep, there is a leak, but not air. That is too funny.
Take your case to the local judge and have the idiot fired. He does not need to be training new guys, he needs to be trained himself.
We had an inspector when I was working at Fort Ord he came from the military truck division and never worked on full air brakes.
After checking my truck over he wrote down that the brake pedal went clear the floor. My idiot boss told me to fix it. I said ok I'll put a block of wood under it.
Just for the record, there are some DOT Inspectors/Cops out there that do realize it's all coming off your log book and pocket book. A Level 2 with no big issues shouldn't take more than 1/2 hour start to finish. A Level 1 is going to take longer, and the filthier the truck is, the more oil and stray wires found, the longer the rig and the more uncooperative you are the longer it will take. I always tried to make it short and sweet.

I would have to agree some of the violation descriptions I've seen are pretty confusing.

I used to work with a guy that could take a level 2 and turn it into a 3 hour event. He meant well, but he couldn't get the idea that the guys log book was ticking away. He's dead now. Trucker had a flat tire right at the end of the guys shift on a Sunday afternoon. It was an antique fire truck. The trucker/fireman put the ladder into the electric lines and killed both of them.
Can somebody please explain to me why it's ok for *us* to drive around heavy antique trucks loaded with tons of material with leaky brakes, but it's an egregious violation of human rights for Chinese to work in a spark plug factory with some metal shavings on the floor?
(quoted from post at 09:07:22 11/06/12) Can somebody please explain to me why it's ok for *us* to drive around heavy antique trucks loaded with tons of material with leaky brakes, but it's an egregious violation of human rights for Chinese to work in a spark plug factory with some metal shavings on the floor?

Because of the yen factor....

Air brakes dont leak fluid,, something you and Barney missed or dont understand??

And 30 years old and rusty does not mean its not road worthy or we would have done away with you a long time ago.
We had one commercial carrier enforcement officer at the Mississippi line who evidently couldn't read or write. He had a real problem with out truck running exempt logs, if he caught us with an exempt log he'd put us out of service for 8 hours (rest period). Fleet manager at the plant was reluctant to do anything for fear of retribution. I personally thought the state of Mississippi and the officer should have faced the mother of all lawsuits on a constitutional issue (Mississippi and their officer were attempting to regulate interstate commerce). Of course they didn't have anything on the Tennessee State cops, they'd write you a ticket and summons you to appear before he wrote the ticket.
Something is way wrong when cops seem determined to find something they can write you a ticket for. That cop should be fired they obviously dont have enough for him to do if he has to spend his time harassing the truckers and general public.
be cause of how he wrote the ticket
LF brake APPEARS to have a leak
i think you'd have a strong case in court
according to the ticket he admits he could not really find anything wrong.
just my two cents worth...
I agree, "appears to be leaking" isn't a very good wording. If you are properly trained you should be able to find the leak. Heck, I've had the driver get down and help me find the leak before. Why anyone would want to drive on with leaking brakes is beyond me, makes no sense. But, unless it meets the letter of the section involved you don't have a violation and I certainly wouldn't be writing a ticket for an "almost" violation and there's no way I'd put a guy OOS for it.
(quoted from post at 13:03:25 11/06/12) if air brakes leak air then that usually results in loss of pressure, you know.

Only if the AIR COMPRESSOR can't keep up with the leak.

Keep grasping at straws. We'll make this cop look stupid sooner or later, or die trying.

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