Ghost stories anyone?

Evan From IA

New User
Since today is halloween, does anyone have real ghost stories they would like to share?
Maybe heard noises or saw a ghost? I just thought these stories would be appropriate for today
Do I believe in ghosts? No, but some things are hard to explain. A couple of years ago, I worked for a company that was founded in the 1870s and this company was still using the same building that was built in the 1870s. I was working in a corner of the second floor of this brick building that had solid oak floors. When another employee came walking toward you, you could hear the floor creaking 20 seconds before they got there. The area was pretty bare. In other words, there was nothing that anybody could hide behind. One day the floor was creaking and as the footsteps got close, I turned around and nobody was there. Once again, there was no place to hide and nobody was playing a joke on me. I can't explain it, but I've never lost any sleep over it.
Was sleeping in our 50 year old house in Salinas, CA and late one night some one slapped me on the face it was stil hurting when I woke up. Looked over at the wife and she was sound asleep. Never did like that house after that.
we live in my great grandpaernts house. great-grandma lois is still hanging around. furnace guy, my uncle, both my parents and me have heard stuff from her...
I know one thing, when I was a tyke, after finishing chores when it was dark and going from the barn toward the light on the house, I ran extra fast to escape lurking ghosts. I know a time or two my older siblings said they clearly heard a note or two during the night from the piano downstairs.
Nothing personally that I can put my finger on.
When my ancestors came over,they settled about two miles northwest of here. My oldest brother and his kids lived for a while in what was Uncle Charlie's place. They all swear up and down that place is haunted. There were always stories of things going on in that neighborhood. A legend of a blue orb stands out. Two different stories of people coming in the house,saying that they saw it and were going to die,and they both did in a matter of a few hours.

My mother moved out of the house a few years ago where she and Dad lived. Said she won't ever go back in that house. Won't tell anybody what she saw,but if it was Dad,I don't blame him for coming back to get even after she kept him suffering on life support for a year til congestive heart failure took him.

My house is over 150 years old. I don't know how many other people have died here over the years,but our daughter did in 1983,Shirley did a couple of years ago. People ask me if it doesn't bother me that they died here? Why should it? I never did anything but treat them right,so they have no reason to hurt me if they are around. Just the opposite,I hope they're looking out for me.
In about the last 18 hours before Shirley died,she was making some awful strange ramblings. She was talking,my wife asked her who she was talking to? She said my Dad was there,along with several other people from around town who had passed away in the last 10 years or so. That was kinda spooky.
We were at my Dad"s bedside when he passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. I called his good buddy Pauly to tell him of Dad"s passing. The next day when I talked to Pauly, he said his doorbell rang a few hours after I called yestersday. Strange thing is, he said I hasn"t worked for years. Must have been my Dad. He would have done something like that.
For a short while I was seeing a woman who worked for a large dairy farm many years ago. they had all 180 cow stall barns spread over a large area. I went with her one evening to pick up her check from the clerk,who was the wife of another employe. they lived in a farm owned house. As we sat and chatted in the kitchen, a floor lamp in the living room would go on and off every few minutes. They remarked how the house was haunted by a "harmless" ghost who liked to turn lights on and off. less than a year lated they had a house fire, DUE TO AN ELECTRICAL SHORT!!
Dave, All your lifes experiences you post here are really to scary as you tell. lol. Hard to beat your stories any way. LOU.
When I first met my wife I new she was the one within 2 dates, we were ment for each other. Her father on the other hand wasn't so sure right from the beginning, I needed to earn his respect. "Otie" as we called him was a dairy farmer and cut from hard stock. He did not say a single word to me for almost 3 months, I was a country boy with college degrees, NOT a farmer and he was definatly unsure of me. Over the course of a year and a half we were able to build a respect for one another, he taught me about farming, good farm raised food, tractors, trucks, and how to live the country life.

October 2009 Otie saw his first grandson born and his only daughter married, I had never seen him smile more! One week after our wedding to the day he died on the farm of a massive heart attack. About 4 days after his death my wife was still extremly upset and had every right to be. That day she left to her aunts and I was left alone at the house. I was ------, ------ at my father in law for dieing, ------ that I couldnt fix everything going on with my wife and I looked up to the ceiling as I sat in my recliner and yelled, "now what do I do, you didnt take care of yourself Otie and now I cant do anthing to make it better for megan, What do I do!!!" Just as I finished yelling, the tv went black and when I looked at the screen I could see the shadow outline of my father in law as if he was standing next to me. the only way I can describe the feeling I had was as if there was an elevator that started at the top of my head and lowered itself to my feet and I had the most remarkable feeling of peace come over me. I continued to look at the tv and for some reason I simply said, "OK." as soon as I said that the tv snapped back on, I looked to my right where my father in law should have been and no one was there. True story! After that I was able to calm my wife and help her through her pain. Three years later i still can feel his presence, especially when im working on the Family Farmall M, i know hes laughing at me and it helps get me through the frustrating times. ~Anthony
Wife had a misscariage she was far enough along we had to cremate and the works well we didn"t have much so we kept the ashes at my moms in her fire proof cabinet. There was a lamp on that cabinet and every time my wife went to visit my mother that lamp would turn on. Only when my wife showed up this happened. Freaked them out so bad they unplugged the lamp said if it turns on now mom said she"s moving we"ll about two weeks went by everything was fine then the light did its thing but somehow it got plugged back in and nobody admits to plugging it in. Yet another story after that my wife started collecting angel figurines well my wife"s grandmother hated those figurines she was an old school Christian and said angels don"t have wings so every time she saw an angel figurine shed break the wings off it. Well she passed from cancer and after the funeral we come home upon closing the door two figurines fell off the shelf about seven feet to the floor. Low and behold just there wings broke off now that was freaky.
Ten years ago my son had a bad nightmare that his sister had died. He even woke up his wife. Two weeks later she did indeed pass away from complications following a normal hysterectomy. Now his wife keeps seeing these little orbs, or circles between my son and my wife in our family pictures that were taken since her passing. I never was much of a believer in this paranormal stuff before all this happened but now I'm kind of wondering if there really is something to it. Jim
everytime my wife takes pictures in the barn there are always orbs around us. the first night in our milking palor the week before xmas when she took a picture of the holding area the light want to bright so you could see all the cows eyes klinda glow and there were about 7 or 8 orbs floating around over the cows. my father died in dec 16 09 and he is still wanndering around my mothers house a 1/4 mile down the road from me. every now and then she calls me down because we believe making a little ruccess. at around 4 30 one morning it sounded like there was wood being thrown hard aroun in the cellar. and my mother in law passed in 6-23-07 and she moves things around in my fathers in laws house and puts the toilet seat down every morning when he wakes up. dunno if she still does this or not.
Lived alone in th house I grew up in for about a year. It had origionally belonged to my Great Grandma. I don't spook easy, and I never saw anything, but there were several nights when I just felt something not right and went around and turned on all of the lights.

A few years later my parents rented the house to a woman who was newly divorced and who was having a hard time of it in general. She said she was setting at the table one night and looked up to see a woman sitting there. Said she wasn't scared, but actually felt at ease with the lady. Said they had a conversation and the lady told her to just hang in there and that everything was going to be alright. She told my mom about the encounter and mom asked her to describe the lady they saw. She began descibed the woman right down to the cloths she was wearing. Mom went into the other room and got a pic of her Grandmother to show the lady. The second Mom laid the pic down the woman said that she was the lady she had seen. Funny thing she was wearing the same outfit in the pic that the woman had described the 'ghost' wearing.

When that woman left the place was rented out to a young couple. In their time there they never saw anything but had quite a few experinces too. In that case they experienced things like doors opening and closing, objects moving around the house, etc. Having lived in that house for nearly 20 years I pretty much knew the places quirks, what doors would swing in a breeze, etc, etc. Thing is NONE of the things they experienced ever happened while we were there, and some of them actually went contraty to what was possible to happen given the 'lean' of the house, etc,etc.

Don't know that I believe in ghosts per se, but things like this really make you wonder.........
My Dad grew up in a VERY superstitious neighborhood. One day his brother did not go to school so dad was given a message to deliver to his brother. Dad was outside getting firewood when his brother came up from the barn and went in the house. When Dad went inside he asked Grandma, "Where's Joe? Grandma replied, "He's still down in the woods helping your Dad cut wood." Not a ghost, because his brother was still alive, but Dad knows he SAW his bother go into the house. Go figure.
Not a ghost, but a very weird feeling -

several years ago - I was heading out the door for work - a saturday, big project going on, had people from around the country showing up I had to meet.

I was suddenly struck with this intense feeling of ... don't know how to describe it - "negativity" - never felt like that before. It was so odd, I felt I COULDN'T go out the door - that something bad WAS going to happen.

I'm not one to beleive in good luck/bad luck or omens, etc.

But the feeling was so intense I actually decided to stay home - which was a HUGE inconvenience - I had to call all the various people I was meeting and blow them off. They were all upset of course.

But I stayed home. VERY odd thing for me to do.

Several hours later I got a call that my grand father had just passed away very unexpectedly earlier that day - which was right when I had that feeling.

Now - I would have thought that a very odd coincidence - but I was out having beers with an old friend one night. He started to tell me story of his own that started with "I know you're going to laugh at me for this but..."

And proceeded to tell me his own story of almost the exact same situation. Only for him it was his grandmother. (I had not told him my story)

Now - for two what I would call extremely rational adults - to have that same experience...

... really does make me wonder.

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