cleaning house (workshop)..... and shopping...


Well-known Member
Got sidetracked on some chores over the last month or so.... Just got to the workshop (read storage locker) again... Been finding brand new in package stuff :roll: Boiler is located there along with 4ea 250 gallon oil tanks... Started "straightening", but got aggravated and brought in a wagon. Been "glance sorting" and putting obvious tools and good stuff in tubs/5 gal buckets and putting the rest on the wagon for a dump run... In amongst the stuff is a 6 drawer dresser and 4 drawer chest from an old bedroom set. Was gonna dump it, but instead emptied the drawers and am filling with tools. Seeing floor that I haven't seen in 10 years. The sorting has slacked to just tools with the thought that if I haven't seen/used it in 3+ years, I don't need it.... When it#s empty (of junk), getting a new boiler system....
Big ???-/challenge is.... How to keep from repeating the mess?????? How often don you folks dump???
Usually only when I can't crawl around all the junk or SWMBO decides its time. We've just about reached that point again. Got too much in too little space.
BTW been using three drawer chest, old stereo cabinet, file cabinet and milk boxes for tool boxes for years.
I try first weekend of month to get tools picked up and back in box if not already there, do 2 dump runs a year early spring and late fall, bout that time. Neighbors wife down the lane says every time he hauls half a truck load to dump he sorts/finds/brings a full load back.
(quoted from post at 06:08:32 10/10/12)Neighbors wife down the lane says every time he hauls half a truck load to dump he sorts/finds/brings a full load back.

Dam............. Thought they got me back across the river before I got affected (infected).............

I wear blinders and welding goggles at the dump :roll:
The "Dumpsters" here won't let you pick. Everything goes off the back of the truck/trailor and then over the edge of the platform into a trailor below. They have a BIG loader sitting just off the ramp waiting for you to leave so they can push it in.
I can't stand clutter. I pick my tools up after each project is done. The shop gets cleaned to the walls once each month. I have shelves and cabinets that will hold all of the tools.

Now me remembering what tool is in what cabinet is getting harder. LOL Blamed the boys for taking/using a set of big taps just last week. Wrong, I had put them in a different cabinet because the old one was too full. Took me a couple of hours to remember where I put them. The Grand Daughters are labeling the cabinets for me now.
I HATE a mess - and LOVE to have everything PERFECT - tools clean and shiny - screwdrivers aligned and sorted by size - spare nuts and bolts sorted and all sizes represented.


But looking at the mess that is my shop you'd never know it.

Every six months it gets so bad I have to flush it out and try again.

(and I'm being a little overly kind to myself with that 6 month figure)

I do have the best intentions - they just never pan out.

When I was two and always walking around with my diaper half hanging off me - my great-grandmother told my mother very seriously: "Diane, take me word for it - that kid is going to be a slob for the rest of his life"

I can't say she was wrong.
My shops are always a mess who has time for cleaning when
there is many things to fix.
One time years ago my wife went in while I was at work and
cleaned it up for me, I'm still looking for lost tools.
this is my little work area,an ex chicken house that is attached to the old barn,finally got to straighten it out early this spring,planned on doing it fo 15 years or so,the wood colored backboards are old solid closet doors I pulled out of a dumpster and hauled to the farm in around 1995 or so, I remember one of my friends helping me load them,he said,you will never use these heavy ##### things, he was almost right,it did take me a long time to use them!


(quoted from post at 11:48:02 10/10/12) this is my little work area,an ex chicken house that is attached to the old barn,finally got to straighten it out early this spring,planned on doing it fo 15 years or so,the wood colored backboards are old solid closet doors I pulled out of a dumpster and hauled to the farm in around 1995 or so, I remember one of my friends helping me load them,he said,you will never use these heavy ##### things, he was almost right,it did take me a long time to use them!



remember what that place looked like before you started it????? it looked goooooooooood compared to mine.... I am to the point that I can see 75% of the floor now tho.... Tomorrow will be a trip to a low spot that needs filled with partial bags of stucco, mortar, full bags of hard cement, etc.... Can't believe I even accumulated so much stuff.....

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