Then and now repost...Hopefully readible this time


Well-known Member
Several of ya'll expressed interest in reading the article but couldn't because of the size and blurriness. I've tried going though Photobucket this time. So, here's a link to the article on their site, hopefully it works. If anyone knows how to get it from there to here, in readible form, feel free to post it too. It's a really interesting read for everyone, regardless of their political orientation.
Photobucket link
Looks like when the link opens you can screen zoom from about 150% up and read it pretty good. At 400% everyone but a blind man can read it but the clarity is a bit off at that much magnification.
Kind of disturbing, and not just for its content. That piece is nearly 60 years old, and except for a lot more trailing zeros, could have been written last week!

He was talking about the country being bankrupt with 280 billion in debt, and conservatives like me are saying the same thing with 16 trillion in debt now.

Maybe the "tax and spenders" are right- it really doesn't matter how much you spend, just print some more money, throw enough of it around so everybody gets by and votes for the spenders, and it'll all be fine.

Waiting for financial Armageddon is kind of like a story my dad used to tell. Young fellow in the 1940's was in line to inherit one of the best (and largest) farms in the area- very profitable. But he became convinced that the economy was going to crash, and decided that the best hedge was to have a guvment job- so he got on with the county road dept. And the older he got, the more bitter he got, because the crash never came, the farm went to someone else when the folks died, and he still just had the crummy county job.
Time changes, People in power change, But the greed stays the same. The only real thing that changes is the amount of the national debt and the number of people either taking or having it taken from them. NC that was very interesting reading, thanks Keith
I agree is seems as if debt spending has and could continue. However, even a very lucky gambler who has never lost knows the luck will not last forever. The problem is not just us, we have alot of competition out there in the world who would love to take our land and resources. Say, isn't that how Americans got their's? Yes, the history of every modern nation. It was taken from the previous group who couldn't hold on to it. So, do you feel lucky punk?
<a href="" target="_blank">
farmandranch856-1.jpg" width="1050" border="0" alt="Photobucket
All thats very true and makes sense but the problem now is that so many people get something from the Federal Gov't and no one wants to give any of it up.Bottom line is if you get a check from Uncle Sam for anything but overpaid taxes you're part of the problem no matter how small the amount,what its for and no matter how much you think you deserve it.Fiscal responsibility is the responsibility of every individual not the politicians they only vote for want the voters want to get themselves reelected.
The article’s second column second paragraph states:

“…….debt doesn’t mean anything-we owe it to ourselves.”

Our Prixydent just repeated those same words a few days ago on nationalized TV.

Did you hear it? I did. Loud and clear.

The paragraph goes on to say:

“What they really mean is that as socialism continues to take over, and more and more things (like public power) are nationalized, the debt will have less and less meaning, because the government will own and control most of the wealth, the means of production-and the people too.”

Foreign countries like China own our debt. The will come to collect one day. We will cease to be at that point.
"...cutting spending is not really the problem. The problem for your lawmakers is cutting spending and getting re-elected."

Nothing is more important than that the elected officials, as well as the career bureaucrats stay on the payroll and in power.

Thanks for reposting. Could read it this time. And was neat to read... from before I was even thought of - but yes, sounds much like the world today (except as one said, you would need to add a lot more zeroes).

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