OT Computer Question

I am using windows 7 amd for some unexplained reason the desktop icons becane too large. A friend tried to help me but they are still too large and he forgot what he did to get them reduced a bit. Help is appreciated
Just right click anywhere on your desktop screen, a drop down menu will come up, click on "view" and pick "small" icon. Hope this works for you.
60 acre hillside,

On your menu bar at upper left...

Try clicking on "view" - then a drop down menu appears... try choosing zoom and adjusting to a smaller percentage (or at the bottom where it says Custom, you can enter any size you wish...about 115-120 percent size will usually still all fit on my screen).

Or under "View" try clicking "Text Size" on the drop down menu and adjusting that to a smaller ammount (it ranges from Largest on down to Smallest).

Or go into your Control Panel...over on right side at top there is "View by" with a down arrow and you can select: Category, Large or Small.

If nothing works, I'd go into control panel and select a Restore Point of a date BEFORE your friend did stuff with your computer. Then it will reset everything to the way it was (though if any software downloads were done by your friend, they will be lost).

Hope one of these helps.

Thanks! Just went and read your previous post... had not since it only said "raining today". Gee, you literally brought a tear to my eyes. And agreed 1,000% - this is a great site, frequented by great people. And yes, I think friendships are forged here - though many of us will never meet. You are also one of those great people, Larry!

Well, had best get to work. Boss is very mellow - but there is always that final straw that breaks the camel's back. LOL.
I would also ask you to try a little trick.. While holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard, scroll the wheel on your mouse in and out, that is if you have a wheel. If you don't have a wheel on your mouse you will have to do it like the others have said. Good luck, Kent

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