body in combine in peoria il

Sad story.
On the other hand I always wonder what she was up to that got her killed.
Often I think about an article I read years ago about all the thuggery, murder and mayhem that was going on the The Bronx back in the mid to late 70s.
The police couldn't stay on top of it all nor even investigate every crime.
One cop they interviewed just shrugged his shoulders and said "The Bronx is a lot like a self cleaning oven. Sooner or later the thugs will burn them selves out and there will be peace again."
I think of that article when I read stories like this.
Right now would be a real good time to dump a body around here. So many dead deer around from EHD nobody's even going to look for where the stink is coming from anymore. I've found at least a dozen. Been a week since I've seen a live one. The smell of death just hangs in the air on a calm morning.
The wierdest thing that I found in a field was a dead skunk with his head stuck in a quart jar. Don't know where he got the jar as he was a long way from any farmplace. Must have wandered around with the jar on his head until he died.
They found the body of a teenage girl that had been missing in the woods next to one of the hay fields I used to do on shares. It was strange situation the younger son of the folks that lived on that farm had been seeing bones the dog was bringing up from the farm, he never looked at them closely and assumed they were deer bones. He would toss them up in the air and shoot them with his shotgun. The father was a MD/PHD who taught at Michigan State University. One morning Mom wakes up and there is a skull sitting in the door yard, she assume's it's her husband's specimen, sets it on the freezer on the back porch and proceeds to chastise her son when he gets up for playing with the Dr's skull specimen. The boy looks at the skull and say's that's not dad's, dad's is a male and this is a female skull. Mom questions the son and he explains the difference, they call Dad and he comes home and verifies yes it's a skull from a teenage girl probably 16-18 year old. They call the police, they come out, the first words out of the son's mouth "I found it on top of the freezer on the back porch" As it unfolded the Sheriff's department knew who the kidnapper/murderer was but were unable to prove it. The suspect was shot and killed in a drug bust about 18 months later, boy that was just to bad. Note: when the Sheriff's department asks you to come out of the house with you hands over your head don't come out carrying a 12 gauge, they waste you on the spot.
Didn"t realize they were that close - not found anything here, but then I haven"t been looking. TV 17 had a piece on that on their evening news, yesterday. Seems a lot of deer falling to it, but thot most were south of our county. Said latest figures for Montcalm was 12.

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