Yes i remember these songs.
Do you notice,i did'nt see a single overweight person in that clip.

Today fats outnumber the skinnys 3 to 1. :shock:
Wow! What a nice trip back in time! I tend to separate music into two groups: before Beatles and after Beatles. Come to think of it, you can separate a lot of things in our culture as before Beatles and after Beatles.

Bison, you will also notice back then everyone cared about how they dressed. Even the gas station wore a white shirt and bow tie!
That is because we did not set on our arress , we got out a did things . we ate what MOM made on the stove from scratch . Oh then there where dances to go to and ya never saw anybody's rear hanging out form pants down around there knees . and date night was affordable back then . There were drive ins movie theaters and ya did not have to worry about getting gunned down . The good drive inn's where we would meet and talk have a burger and shake . Yep them were the best , there is nothing today that compares. Times started the down hill spiral in the mid seventy's.
Brought back a few memories all right. Saw a couple of my girl friends. Annette Funicello, and Tuesday Weld. Too bad they didn't know it. You know things were sure a lot simpler back then, at least for me. I sure miss those days, but time marches on. Stan
That brought back a lot of good memories.

Had to go dry my eyes. I can still see my first wife dancing at the sock hops with me. Us setting at the drive-in movies. Damn wet again.

I agree with before Beatles and after Beatles.It seems like the music changed and so did everything else. I'm sure there were other factors involved, but it changed at that time.
I think the down hill started with the the singing groups comming over here from England. A few years later the country western singing started a nose dive. Just my opinion. Stan
Thanks for the post, I enjoy taking a trip on the "time machine" now and then. Surprisingly, there a lot of younger people who like that old music also. I know my three do. Of course, when they were growing up, they listened to the music of their generation, but they got a healthy dose of the "Oldie Goldies" as well because I played a lot of my records and tapes.
Things went down hill with the Hippie invasion, "drugs, "se# and all that other stuff. Used to see them on the side of road by the thousands hitch hiking in both directions. Saw one actually go across the road and start in the other direction. Always wonder what happened to all those kids, could external_link be one of them.

Thanks for posting. I'm in upper 40's and the youngest of six kids... but I enjoyed it, it gave me a glimpse into my parents younger years (mom is gone now, dad nearly 84). I think your generation lived in the best of times in many ways.

A couple of those things I remember from when I was really young: mom and dad taking all 6 of us to the outdoor movies - but very infrequently due to the cost. And a couple times mom let us get Jiffy Pop popcorn... but only a couple times (it was too expensive). Also watching Fonzie on the Happy Days show.
Boy does that bring back the good ole days. Those were the days of good music.
I can remember going to the hang out & playing those songs on the Juke Box , They had the little minatire Juke boxes at the booths where you made your selections.
We just had our 55th Class reunion this past weekend , I couldn t attend this year . Weve lost several classmates over the years, Just lost one a week before the reunion.

Good memories GITRIB. Thanks Been married 46 years and my wife looks like Natalie Wood only better. Russian descent. Is that what I like? Dave
Hi Gitrib,
I am only 44 years old. I enjoy my in laws and my mom (dad's passed on) talking about these good ol' days. I always tell people, especially my wife that I was born in the wrong era. I am old fashioned at heart. I would have loved to been around in these times. I think that people were much happier then. There wasn't all this electronic crap to deal with. People socialized with their neighbors then and went to dances and worked very hard for a living physically. People today don't even have a clue as to what morales, repect, honor, faith, etc. are anymore. I just want to thank you for sharing this with us. My life story sounds so much like Sweetfeet's situation. Thank you again.
Kow Farmer
Im only 42 and knew almost every song on there. But I have been hanging out at car shows since I was born. Good video.

I did find one snafu at 5:42 into the video, the car is an 1984-87 Buick Regal or GN. Kinda of "new" car for the music genre. It pulled the front wheels when it left the line so its OK by me.

I guess the closest I came to knowing anyone famous was I had a neighbor that I had a date with their neice once from NJ and Connie Frances had been her baby sitter.
Thanks for posting this. When Everyone had,(or
wanted) a 57 Chevy, I had a 57 Olds Super 88, when Nevada had no speed limit, I went all the way across Nevada, on U.S.30, The Lincoln
highway, at 100 miles an hour! A Rock solid ride!

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