** Hope your day went better than mine **


Well-known Member
Had to go to work today { 1/2 day } storm came thur around 11 am , lots of wind and rain ..yes some rain .. got 2 1/4 inch in 3/4 hour ..
Anyway my son called me at work telling me the house got hit by lighting , and wife smell smoke ... so I left work early ..
check the house and found nothing smoking .. lighting took out the TV,s , dvd , sterio, air condition , an a freezer, phones , an my enter net service . { so far thats all I found }
Hurry to town and got an other freezer .. got a T.V. .. wasn't going to go all week-end with-out TV ..{ Been watching the Olympics }
Got the freezer stuff move over .. got the TV hook up ... now I can't get a clear picture , my sons think the anntena got fried too..

Anyway that was my day ... house is standing and we got some rain ...

Have a good day ....
Every day looking down upon the daisies beats pushing them up.
I'm glad no one was hurt and that you were able to get the important stuff taken care of.
Hopefully insurance will cover what you've lost.
Royse ,
I sure hope ins. comes thur too .. been paying it for years with out any claim .. know I will see just how good it is ..

Yes your right on the Daisies ... I give the GOOD LOrd THanks ever morning ,I can get out of bed ...
Makes NO difference HOW LONG you been with ins. co. They are bound by / and according to a contract (your policy) to provide "XYZ" coverages for a specified time period.

Sorry, but That's life!!
Read the small print in the insurance, I"m sure there will be a clause which allows them to accept your subscriptions and at the same time give them an out. e.g Act of God excluded.
What the Salesman tells you and what is included in the SP are worlds apart.
I hear ya. Yesterday my dad went to hosp via ambulance age 91. Raging UTI. Its not looking like an active fully ambulatory guy will be able to be home anymore. My network of siblings now has a lot of "next week is our vacation" and "you live next door". Pressure level "high", family time "low", my vacations"zero". My place for "me" time? YT forum of course! So, I need to see the daisies too! Oh, and we're having a powerful storm right now and at this stage, I really don't care if my PC gets fried.
A standard HO3 homeowners policey should cover some if not all of the damages less the deductable. Just how much it covers will depend if you have Replacement Cost Value (RCV) or not. With RCV they pay the cost of replacing the items damaged with a simular new item. For example, You have a 18 CF freezer. They will pay the cost of buying another 18 CF freezer not a larger one. Same basic size TV and so on. You still have to contend with the deductable issue.

Now you should find out just how good your insurance company is. Don't get rid of anything until the claim is settled! They may send an adjuster out and they are going to want to see the damaged items and maybe have them checked by a repair person.

Glad it was no worse. Some years ago, my son had renter's insurance and lost his computer, TV, and some other electronics to an electrical storm. His insurance came through in a great way.
Best ins. I have is that Monster power surge protector. I got hit by a loose neutral wire from the generator it saved my whole system . It was cremated.
Best &100 you can spend.

I would count it a very good day if my house got hit and there was no damage to the structure. And 2-1/4 inch rain to boot!! Very good day!!
I'm glad it wasn't worse for you.
As for the TV, I think you could have lived for a while without it.
You and your family would be happier, smarter and more blessed without that stupid box.

I second that suggestion. TV is an addiction, once weaned off you don't miss the commercials and laugh tracks a bit. There are far better ways to spend your life.

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