fencing question when owning opposites were 4 40's meet


Well-known Member
I need more pasture.. Just wondering what the laws are in wisconsin. Are you allowed a fence encroachment easement to get cattle between your 40's if you own opposite corners where the 4 40's meet?
Look up chapter 90 under Wisconsin fence laws it deals with it all.Had to get township fence viewers out to settle dispute with new owner on adjoining property to set things proper for both parties.Scott
> Are you allowed a fence encroachment easement

I'm going to guess: probably not.

If you need an alley at the corners, have you tried just asking one of the neighbors? If that doesn't work, try asking the other one :)

In my area, there are a few farmers who one isolated 40s or 80s as pasture and drive their cattle there through their neighbor's property. You'll probably have MUCH better luck doing something like that than you would building a PERMANENT fence because of the property rights ramifications of building a permanent fence. Most likely a neighboring land owner would let you set up a temp fence to get your cattle across his property, but I could understand if he balked at the idea of you building a permanent fence on it.
I don't know about Wisconsin fence law, but our solution to a similar fencing problem might help your issue. We owned all four corners, but wanted to limit cattle access. We set all four corner posts back far enough to mount four gates that met back in the middle of the four corners. The fence length and position did not essentially change. Now, when we open both sets of opposite gates against each other, it creates an alley between the pastures and a double gate barrier on either side of the alley way. Close the gates, and the fences are back to original four corners.

You will probably still have to talk to the neighbors and your county/township fence authority. Since the fence length and position would not permanently change, though, it might lessen any issues. Especially if you and the neighbors are on friendly terms. After that, it just comes down to resetting four corner posts/braces and mounting the gates.

Please let us know how it turns out.

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