driving the tractor to lunch.

Red Mud

Anyone drive their tractor to Chick-fil-a today? I hear the lines have been long all day, even the drive thru are a couple blocks long. I'll eat at one tomorrow but it's to far by tractor. I do believe it backfired on the protesters.
I tried to eat at ours this morning but you couldn't get in with a pry bar. I'll bet there's a lot of sad phags since it blew up (pun intended) in their faces. :) TDF
No lines to get inside at the one that we went to, but there were quite a few vehicles in the drive-through line. One vehicle was a Highway Patrolman. Thought it might be our neighbor, but his vehicle was in the driveway when we came home.
It was to busy for my lunch break, but since this all came about I've been introduced to their breakfast burritos and they are real good.

I'm proud of chick-fila.
I was just looking at their store locater and found there are 2 of them here in the Twin Cities.
Never been to one - never heard of them till this brouhaha. I'll be checking them out soon as one is only about 5 miles from me.
I like chicken.
I kind of like brouhahas too when it annoys certain types.
Should be one in the Mall of America.Seems like they are in every other mall I have ever been in.

Well, I guess I will throw my hat in this ring. There's liable to be some flack. Oh well.

Although many of us visit this site every day and rely on the wisdom you all have, many of you probably don't even think about how many "phags" there are on there. I'm one of them.

Now, I'm not one of those abundant, gun banning, purse carrying types, but they are people, too. It doesn't matter to any of my neighbors who is in my house when it comes time to adjust their combine, repair their tractor, or weld their implements. When I needed help with some fencing the neighbors came out of the woodwork to help. That's what country folk do and the rest of the world ought to learn it. When the neighbors get together they invited not just me, but "us". My relationship runs just like yours and has the same joys and pitfalls.

I don't give two chits about that chicken place or being able to get married. Maybe I am the minority, but that's just how I feel. Treat everybody like you should. After all, my barnyard is just as dry and burnt as everyone else's. My boots are just as scuffed as the next old boy.

Nancy Howell gets the respect she deserves not because she is a woman but because the she intelligent, hard working, cordial, and welcoming to all. She earned that based on her character. Treat me the same way, "phag" or not. After all, the good Lord will judge me for my days when they are done. It's not anyone else's job.

You guys have always been helpful when I have needed something. That may change now. Who knows. I guess we'll see the next time something old breaks down! I know that no gent on here means harm with their words (unless it comes to Mama Deere conversations). That's not the Christian way. I talk to the Lord just as much as many others. Maybe even more as I stand at the window and look at the soybeans.

Guess that's enough.
Dan Cathy is entitled to his oppinion just like the rest of us. Where the rub comes in is the call to boycott Chick Filet because he answered honestly a question posed to him. I support him for not being afraid to give an honest answer. Answering honestly in the face of potential adversity is called integrity - something we do not see a lot of in leaders these days.
I, personally, don't give a rat's azz where you stick it, just don't go waving it at me. I don't care. What frosts mine, is that the whole group all of a sudden wants to change the definitions of the language like a bunch of Philadelphia lawyers to their misconstrued idea of what they think we want. If the whole bunch want to act like a bunch of simple fools, let them. I can still laugh at the comedy show. But please don't tell me you pretend to be the opposite gender and want me to believe or accept it. And just because you want to act like a girl, don't expect me to open the door for you. I'll accept you for being whatever you are, but handicapped and deserving special priveledges isn't on my agenda.
yanno,,I don't care who ,what or where , you do with your mommy or daddy parts. Don't brag about it or expect special treatment or priviliges over it . That said ,, he was ask a question , he answered it . My real grip is the Mayors of Boston and Chicago saying they don't want Chick A Fil in their cities ! How dare them ? Imposing their will on free enterprise ! Jobs ? We don't care ...
(quoted from post at 20:21:10 08/01/12) Well, I guess I will throw my hat in this ring. There's liable to be some flack. Oh well.

Although many of us visit this site every day and rely on the wisdom you all have, many of you probably don't even think about how many "phags" there are on there. I'm one of them.

Now, I'm not one of those abundant, gun banning, purse carrying types, but they are people, too. It doesn't matter to any of my neighbors who is in my house when it comes time to adjust their combine, repair their tractor, or weld their implements. When I needed help with some fencing the neighbors came out of the woodwork to help. That's what country folk do and the rest of the world ought to learn it. When the neighbors get together they invited not just me, but "us". My relationship runs just like yours and has the same joys and pitfalls.

I don't give two chits about that chicken place or being able to get married. Maybe I am the minority, but that's just how I feel. Treat everybody like you should. After all, my barnyard is just as dry and burnt as everyone else's. My boots are just as scuffed as the next old boy.

Nancy Howell gets the respect she deserves not because she is a woman but because the she intelligent, hard working, cordial, and welcoming to all. She earned that based on her character. Treat me the same way, "phag" or not. After all, the good Lord will judge me for my days when they are done. It's not anyone else's job.

You guys have always been helpful when I have needed something. That may change now. Who knows. I guess we'll see the next time something old breaks down! I know that no gent on here means harm with their words (unless it comes to Mama Deere conversations). That's not the Christian way. I talk to the Lord just as much as many others. Maybe even more as I stand at the window and look at the soybeans.

Guess that's enough.

The main focus of the protest that most people have overlooked was not the opinion stated by Dan Cathy, which is his personal opinion, but that the chain of restaurants is being discriminated against by some idiots in San Fran, Boston, New York, and Philly. When they try to ban a company just because of a stated opinion of the owner, they are discriminating bigots themselves.
From what I have read, the company doesn't discriminate against gays in their hiring practices or anything else.
The people trying to ban the chain are the worst kind of hypocrites.

I've talked to several friends today and Chick-fil-a always came up in the conversation, most got to eat there but said the wait was long and so were the lines. I'm going for chemo tomorrow and I hope I get done by lunch time, it will be my first time at Chick-fil-a.
Well said 961. It's a touchy subject. It just seems that some city leaders forgot to be working on crime rates and other big city issues. Don't they call that a "career limiting move" in the business world?
Shaun, there are several in Lubbock, I haven't been to one before but I did do a google search and found several.
Thank you for pointing that out!

It's been driving me crazy that this has become a gay-marriage issue. It is not.

It's the government dictating who can and can't operate in their state/city based on religious beliefs.

There couldn't possibly be a worse violation of constitutional rights - this type of thing is exactly WHY our country was founded and WHY we even HAVE a constitution.

The fact that all the outrage is over this man's belief SHOCKS me. Agree or disagree with him, I don't care - but the FULL outrage should be over any governor practicing religious persecution.

End of story -

phew - sorry - tractor board and I try not to get political - but that one's been driving me nuts.
I'm secure enough with myself not to fear what other people "are".

It just doesn't matter to me.

My ONLY objection to "gay marriage" is that the government should not be involved in the marriage business to begin with.

Smaller, less intrusive government is almost always a better solution, and it is in this case.

Every human should be able to designate a beneficiary to pass assets on to - etc etc - there should be no special favoring of married couples in the eyes of our government.

if the government weren't involved in marriage - this topic would not exist.

The definition of marriage would be left up to the only two people in the universe that it really matters to - the two people getting married.

Once the government sticks its nose in to matters like this - it HAS to choose sides - and there are always at least two opposing sides - one with be the winner, one the loser. I believe this - you believe that - what are we going to do?

Extend equal rights to all - don't try to shape our society. Just build roads for us at the local level, maintain an army for us at the federal level - and get out of the way so we can all live freely - how WE choose.
Just a few observations.

1. Sometimes the people who want tolerance the most are the most intolerant people there are.

2. I liked Chick-fil-a before Dan Cathy stated his beliefs.

3. Why is this even news? Chick-fil-a has always operated based on Christian principles, closed Sundays, etc.

4. IMHO, what two people do at home is their own business. Just don't do it out in public where I have to see it. I don't want to see a man and woman making out in public either.

5. I agree with another poster that the government ought to be out of the marriage business.

6. There are ways to pass along assets right now such as wills. Even husbands and wives need them.

7. We need less laws not more. The more laws we have the more lawyers there are and then things really go down hill.

8. Chick-fil-a doesn't discriminate. They hire anyone that is qualified. They will also serve anyone who walks in the door as long as they meet a few basic health related requirements such as shirt/shoes etc. But they will serve half naked folks through the drive through.

9. Dan Cathy stated what his view of marriage was, not that he was anti-gay or that his company would discriminate.

10- There's more but I need to get to work.


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