How big of tractor


Well-known Member
Would it take to hook on to those rain clouds up north in Mn and pull them down here to SE Iowa where we need um??

We wouldn't take them all. We would leave a few for seed.

Just wondering years ago (or maybe they still do) they use to try to seed clouds with magnesum or some chemical to try to get rain. Did that work?

supposedly,they still do this in certain areas of texas. saw a report on the farm channel about it. from what they said they did increase the rain in that area by 2 inches or so (though i dont know exactly how they measured)maybe just seeded one area ,and measured the difference in and around that area. conditions had to be just right though as i recall.maybe several small rain storms in a area ,and seeding them made them more likely to form up into a general over all rain or something of that nature. Im still putting my faith in the black cat buried in the grave yard at mid night while dancing naked in the light of a full moon theory. worked this last weekend,had a pretty good rain... right over the cemetery...i still need to refine my technique a little!
jackinok.............please..........the mental picture of you dancing naked in the light of the moon is worse than the current drought.
Just dumped 1.55 from my gauge in Mpls. You guys in places like SE Iowa, need to be reminded once in a while that it takes more than your talent to raise 300 bu. corn.
We know it takes water and good soil to raise corn. We also fight bugs, fungus, blights and varments to raise a good crop.

We also know it takes good lakes to have good fishing.

You got fish we have corn.

Better have a blade on the front. Push em a little further north for a bit to my area, then hook up and you can have em.
Looks like a pretty heavy - but very narrow - band going north of me.

I got 1/2 inch over night, not a drought buster but I am thankful for what it was.

Seems to be going over some very sandy areas of MN and north of the 'sweet spot' of corn & soybeans, likely that crop is already burnt mostly gone, so all in all, it's nice but not making a huge impact on overall grain conditions.

Has anyone started to disk under their corn yet? I saw a farmer on Rural Tv news disking under his corn.

It seems like I can tell which farmers planted no till, and which farmers chisel plowed, or moldboard plowed around here. I moldboard plowed 90 acres, and everytime I do get a rain, it soaks right in. I don't know if this is a proven fact that others notice, but, I have stands of corn that are 9 feet high, just starting to shoot tassle and dark green from the bottom of the stalk to the top. Right next door, the neighbor no-tilled in his corn and it looks like a field of onions or pineapples.
lots of info on this around.remember the old lister planters? planted the seed several inches underground,and when you cultivated you buried the roots even deeper. basicaly the same thing you are seeing. Im kind of leary of the whole no till thing myself, but i was always a dryland farmer that never did have enough rain.ive always done whatever i could to catch moisture ,but if i had fields i had to tile because they were too wet i could see no till working.

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