Another Rodent situation and funny results

Billy NY

Well-known Member
Ok, so I noticed I am getting field mice in the darned house, things are relentless, I use live traps, they get multiple mice without being reset, so the count is like 26, 26 so far, I release them 100 yards away in tall grass. So I paint the tail of one, don't you know that little sh$t came back and I trapped him again, darned things are pretty darned smart, of course now I'll have to off em, but this red tail guy, I released him again, I am really curious as to how far he can find his way back amazing, you think they would be disorientated, not the case, so I have been trapping the same darned mouse all along ? LOL !!!
You are wasting your time by not killing them. They will come back up to a mile away. Plus they leave urine trails for other mice to follow into your house.

They are vermin. They will destroy your home and carry several types of diseases. They are not the fuzzy little Jerry mouse in the cartoons. They are a threat to your home just like a human burglar is. I don't think you would catch a burglar in your home and just drive him ten miles away an let him loose????
Next time you get the trap full, shut your eyes and set it into a bucket of water, sounds like they need a good long drink!
I hear ya, they are worthless, I agree absolutely, its been a long time since they have gotten in here too, no sign or sight of them until recently, I'll just change over to snap traps, I had trapped em all outta here, outside, kept em in check, couple of stray cats frequent the yard constantly too, none of them live inside and I don't feed em. It must be a hot trail, only finding them in one place, all the other traps come up clean. I had set buckets outstide with a ramp and sunflower seed on top of water, nailed a bunch of them and chipmunks, I'll just double and triple those. Can't figure out why all of a sudden they show up, no food source for em, nor water either, cept those buckets.
Oh, they'll be in a bucket of water alright now, set a ramp on a 5 gallon pail, 1/2 full of water, 2-3 per night, sunflower seed draws em right in, then go for a swim.
The red tailed mouse, now that's funny. Well as you know when you release them 100 yards away in the tall grass, they are probably beating you back to the house so it's definetly dispatch time.
We resolved the mouse problem long ago. Currently we have 2 cats inside and 5 oustide. The outside cats are fed once a day, but not very much. I see them regularly 100 and more yards away hunting because they are hungry. We have those noisy blackbirds with the red on their wings here that drive me crazy. Hundreds of them land in the trees around the house and the noise gets out of control. Once every week or two I get tired of it and go out with the shotgun and the cats come running and waiting for the excitment. (ever seen cats run toward a man with a shotgun?) Yep, one blast into the tree and several birds fall and the rest fly away and the cats get a free meal.
Find yourself some locally native good snakes, that will help, too. I have a couple bull snakes that live near/in a patio retainer wall ....I'll see them a few times a year, about once a month or their shedded skins. Dog will find them, too. Plus we have garden snakes around as well, but I don't think they eat rodents, maybe larger bugs?
You're right, it was too easy, little reading up on them, says the population can spike this time of year, and of course eliminate any and all habitat, well except for a couple of vehicles, (I place traps in those as its easy prey on em when know to be around and in cooler months you can decimate the population) wood stack and areas needing another pass with the string trimmer, probably don't help, I'll enjoy sending em to meet they're maker, more so now and take a little flak here on the YT about the foolishness of flinging em into the abyss,only to have to do it again, and extra cleaning and sanitizing the area I am catching them, I can't figure out what in heck these stray cats eat, used to be one on the job, catch 1 or 2 per day, she always carried something out from this yard, another anomaly, never had stray cats here before, coyotes are thick too, something is just off, wood chucks, chipmunks, rabbits and mice are taking over !
I had to confirm my stupidity, little paint on him, yep, right back into that trap, and yep "stupid is as stupid does" or how ever that goes LOL ! Cats there is no shortage of, I don't keep or feed those, must be neighbors, and or they are on strike, they don't do a darned thing.

Be funny to see how many end up in the bucket tonight, war is on after reading what they carry.
Loaded with garter snakes here, I do see the corn snakes or milk snakes, but they don't eat daily, better to have them then not, corn snakes are the most docile I have ever seen, I have seen how well they hunt, going after eggs in birds nests, I'd release a 100 of them if I could find them, that and owls have to put a dent in them.
Letting them go that close yep they will be back. Conservation dept here in Missouri says to keep a snake from coming back to a chicken house you have to take them 10 miles and mice would probably be 2 or 3 miles if not more. If I caught mice I would either let the chicken or the cats have them why move the problem to some one else when they are a dime a dozen
yeah, little to easy to just toss em, with the hawks, owls, snakes, cats, coyotes and all the rest, they sure do persist, soon as it cools off, humidity is thick today, I'll set more buckets, tighten up what I can outside, few places to further seal up on the house, just more work cause of them, what else is new LOL ! Well at least I am likely as not over run as I thought, and I have traps where access is easier, come up clean for awhile now, just the darned kitchen trap is still active. Incredible sense of smell, and sense of direction they have, I also have none of the fields cut near me yet, all the heads leave grass seed, which don't help either can tell the difference, always wheeled from work or some darned thing, darned heat takes the life out of ya, then ya get overun with critters, LOL what next darn it ??? LOL !!
Did you know about 25% of mice in a house come in the front door when you walk in?? They are smart enough to watch for the door to open then run in so fast most people do not even notice them as they run in
Old red tail got the last reprieve, all out war, crows will be busy for awhile cleaning up the remains that is for sure !
I would not put it past em, remember one high rise job I was on in NYC, next building going up adjacent, they were demolishing some real old dilapidated structures, rats came out and were on the move, immediately infesting this brand new building, the CM/GC let em get stronghold too, darned things would literally get on and ride the elevator with you, gnaw through brand new sheetrock, what a way to run a job and turn a building over to an owner.
Leather glove, some old chevy orange paint, did the same thing with a chipmunk, both lost fur where paint was on it, and both came back, ole munk there, was just about done in the bucket of water, gave him a reprieve, let him go on the far end of the farm, came back too, .22 short and a pile of bait is good afternoon fun in the yard !

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