What Rural America looks like


To all: This should be a good topic for the 4th of July. Hope I don't make any typo mistakes.
link below: ( click Photos 2011)
The first aircraft I owned,back in the 1960s, was a 1946 Piper J-3 like the one used in this website. It was an ideal way to view farm country... low & slow. I hope most will enjoy the Rural views of America on this July 4th Holiday. I did not ride along on this flight but have seen most of the Country from Montana to Wisconsin at these low levels in a agplane. Very enjoyable.. Most farm kids wave their arms off at low level aircraft. I always tried to wave back by dropping one wing down for them.. ag
If I made a typo mistake, check 2ed post..
Have a Happy 4th..
Pictures of Rural America

Thanks for the pictures. We sure have a diverse country, don't we.

I suppose it's mostly a matter of what a person grew up with, but for me, the midwest is still the most glorious part of the country.

Happy Independence Day.

Tom in TN
Great pics. Thanks so much, for the 4th of July tour across America. Now back to reality. Got up and had no water LOL. Hope it's not the pump at the bottom of the well.
Loren the Acg.
Thanks Tom:..
I should've requested More pictures of Scenic Rural America by others.. Farming/Farm Land pictures since this is a Farm related forum..?
Amber waves of grain..etc.. Anyone?
Really neat photos - thanks for posting!

Here is your rainbow picture back... without the powerlines. It is not perfect, just a quick job - but I like to play with photo editing software.
This isn't a picuresque shot of lakes and mtns. It is however an aerial of our family's CASE dealership in E. Springfield NY., on about 1949? A bit of Ameracana, in our little part of the country. The pic. was taken by Henry DeWolf of AERIAL SURVEYS, 245 Randolf St., Rochester 21, NY. I wonder what he was flying for a plane back then. Again, thanks for the great aerial tour, earlier this morning.
Loren the Acg.

PS As for my no water problem, a quick check with a multimeter revealed only 137V across both legs feeding the pump. I filed the points in the pressure switch and woopee, got water again! Things look much better now.
I see they have a picture near our stompin" grounds-St. Ignatius, MT. AActually, contrary to the statement under the picture, Mount McDonald is above the light fixture to the left of the Cub. I know because our ranch is below those peaks.
I love photo sessions like that! Never piloted a plane, but when I was a kid there were several Pipers around. In the late forties and early fifties, a small plane like that was affordable for many successful farmers. A young man in the area where I grew up had an agricultural Piper and operated a spraying business. The Ag. Pipers had a more powerful engine than the standard, and you could tell it was him by the sound of the engine. He went on to become a commercial airline pilot, but sadly died in a crash of a WWII trainer that he had restored. A few years ago I was at an airport at a nearby town and a couple of planes, obviously the gentlemen knew each other, were preparing to take off. One was a late model, I don't know just what it was, he taxied to the end of the runway and revved her up, down the runway for quite some distance and finally became airborne. The other was a J3, and it sounded like it was just idling along, after just a few hundred feet, he was airborne. I found the contrast to be quite comical,

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