
Have an 1929 John Deere D on full steel out at my mothers farm, along with other tractors and machinery. The house is gone out there but the buildings are in use yet. Anyway, somebody decided to try to steal the radiator of it and a CC Case. They didnt get the radiator out the D, but ruined the tractor in the attempt. Looks like they used sledge hammers and busted the whole front casting of the tractor, and the brass carb is gone. This was a complete, loose tractor that could have been running with a day or two of work. The Case on the other hand, they got the radiator out of it, but again ruined the tractor. It was complete and loose also, and ran bout ten years ago. Funny thing is, i have a JD 70 gas sitting nearby that has the radiator out and sitting on the frame, but they didnt take that! Too bad its illegal to hang a person these days. . .
I had someone break the vent window on the passenger side of my old F150. Drivers side window was down doors not locked. Stole a radio that never worked. Left the one that did. Never did understand that one.
Like another post stated it's well beyond time to start the process of thinning out the thieves with the three S approach. The ones that are being caught around here are typically multiple offenders that are either not being charged due to the DA feeling they don't have probable cause. (((((Like unloading your Bobcat, crossing the road, 100 plus going to the top of the hill on another man's property, and being caught red handed trying to steel a 5000 lb drop ball isn't sufficient evidence......Well he did have his kid with him so maybe he was just trying to teach the child a lesson...NOT))))))) If they are charged the charges are minor because the scrap value of the items stolen aren't typically that high (((even though the $30 worth of scrap cost the man it was stolen from $3000))). In other words, even if charged they are in and out faster than a powered revolving door.
Maybe when a few of them start go go missing the rest will get the message that being a thief isn't as safe as they currently feel it is.
Sad this country has been allowed to get to this point but it's about time that the hard working folks that built it took it back from the scum that have been allowed to bring it down into the gutter where it was easier for them to do their thing.....
I wish I could offer help on the replacements parts.
I do have a nice shotgun though.......
problem is the judicial system isn"t going to bite the hand that feeds them, especially lawyers and judges, thieves are only part of the problem what about the next man down the line, if the metal couldn"t be sold they wouldn"t bother it
I totally agree. Years back, my grandfather fired a couple rounds of 00 buck at some guys he found across the creek loading up some tractor parts and machinery. In broad daylight! The next day, sheriff came to visit. He said the two men were afraid for there lives and wanted to press charges on my grandfather. At that time, grandad told him they were lucky they were not laying nose down in the cattle tank rotting in the sun. Sheriff was on his side, and we never heard anything about it again. Years later, i went out the farm one day and found two guys loading up iron. I told them they had a minute to get out there. They got rough so, I had a .45-70 Govt. in the truck and brandished it for all to see. I almost went to jail over that one. Its sad that trying to protect ones property can result in this. Sad thing is i knew one of the guys quite well.

I DO agree, #6 Shot IS effective at Educating some people...Rock Salt for others...!!

It is about time the Scrap Yards KEPT Records of WHO and WHAT they brought in...WITH Photos..
SAME for the "Pawn Shops"....

If there is a real "Record", they won't want to take it in for scrap..

As for the vandalism...think about who you know with teenagers who like to run wild or be shifless....
You probably KNOW the ones who did it, or their parents...

Yep now days if your a crook you have it made. Lawyer is free and you can do any thing you want. Justice system is now for the bad guy and the guys who try to do the right thing are the ones who get screwed big time
Went to help relatives with a garden some weeks ago, & found out one of the neighbors had the copper wiring stolen off of 3 grain bins on a Friday night. I was there on Saturday night the following night, & heard this retirement aged widow blasting a shotgun (practicing) for all to hear! She had the grain bins repainted in March, & beleives it was probably the painting crew.
Where do you live???? It must be Illinois or some other abundant run place. I have caught guys stealing from me several times. I have held them at gun point until the law came and arrested them. I have also shot at a few that I could not catch. They never came back.

That really sucks....... They prolly started out by going onto folks' pastures/property without permission and picking up poo while they scoped things out :roll:
Hope you can find who did it...
Last fall i had 30-35 bulldozer radiators taken just for starters . In the last year i have had so much come up missing it isn't funny problem is most scrap yards are as bad as the people that steal and the police are a joke you can bet your sweet behind if i catch some one i'm shooting We have only caught kids once that started up equipment and had a demolition derby with it did over $7000. in damage One was youthful offender the other lawyered up and what a joke all i could get was $1500. and it took over 6 years to get paid Don't get me started :) lol
Four men were arrested from the military base near me for stealing copper wire and aluminum last week. They're facing 15 years in federal prison and fines. They're probably going to lose their jobs too. They also may have to give back all the money from the sale of the copper and aluminum. Hal
Lots of thefts in east central Indiana. Last year they helped themselves to my old rusty Craftsman mechanics tools along with the air compressor. We also have an arsonist on the loose.
i agree.. wish they coul hang them.

heck.. i'd go for draw and quarter or putting them in a rack in the center of town.. or even in a steel cage hung out by the road for all to see what happens to theives.

i've got little tolerance for them... and don't care what the mamby pamby abundant bleeding hearts have to say about it..
i lost five about three weeks ago out of cars,didnt hit the tractors though ..yet.Oddly enough,I talked to the local sherriff,and the town chief of police,both told me where i could go buy them back,from the salvage yard known to be dealing in stolen car parts!Chief did agree to look down south of town for the first day after one of thier local junk dealers went missing while i disposed of the body,if I can catch them at it.
Thieves hit 7 cars and trucks on the same road, near me over this past weekend, busted out the windows on all. I think it's just a matter of time before the S-S-S rule is going to kick in. People are fed up and justly so.
Lucky. Metal thieves in Tulsa costed us over $60K in damages and we caught them for the police and still didn't get a dime back.
I consider my self lucky, all I have stolen from my tractors is a battery. Here where I live the scrap yard I go to takes a picture of you standing with the suuff you bring in, also takes a picture of the truck license, and a copy of your drivers license. Then if the money is over 100.00 you will wait for a check in the mail in three days. stan
Yep. Folks are get'n more than mad about it around here. Tired of read'n the county paper and find'n out the kid up the road got another two years probation for steal'n just like he did all three times he was caught last year,,,,,

Love it here in Oregon catch a thieve stealing from you or a neighbors house and shoot to kill. The law says he shouldn't be there in the first place. Need our laws in all states it does make a difference. Also we have minimum sentences for crimes, no more letting let them off with probation or 30 days like it was when I first moved here.
PS we passed these laws by over riding the legislators.
Oklahoma does the same thing except they don't make you wait three days. Even with all the police couldn't find our guy. But you have to look first.

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