Windrower single wheel


New User
I have heard they once made a single wheel windrower, I would like to mount one on the front of my narrow front H. I use a haybine and at times would like to just turn the windrow over for better drying. Any ideas?
There were a couple of them around here when I was a kid, they used them to flip a windrow after it got wet.
I think I remember seeing a shop-made one in an old Lincoln welding book. And it was front mounted on an "H", or mebbe a "C".
Farmhand made a factory built one. Here is a picture of one. I also have seen several home make ones that just use one or two wheel rake wheels in a home made hub/spindle mount.
Back in the 90's I bought a new Tonutti two wheel rake for the front of my JD B. Never could get it to work right. Took it back to the dealer and got my money back.
Tony - here's the plans from the book "Arc Welded Projects For The School Shop And Farm" by the J.F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation 1958.

I thought it was on an "H" or "C". From the pic you can see that it's mounted on a "B". Sorry - my memory never was too good. . .



OK - sorry about the two page two's. My picture posting skills are not too hot either. . .
I use 2 wheels on my 4-wheel pinwheel rake, chain the others up. I used to go over it again with the Grimm ground-drive tedder to fluff it up. Several years ago I put a hitch on the back of the rake and now do both with one trip.
That was in Farm Arc Welding by V J Moreford.Published by Lincoln Electric.I bought a copy from Montgomery Ward in the early 60s.I do have a copy for sale on my book list.Book business has been ruined by the computer.I have a classified ad in Fur Fish Game July issue.

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