$%@!! Neighbors

Or maybe not. Some busybody called Animal Control on us for having a down or dead horse. The horse was laid out flat...... sunbathing. Didn't even have respect enough to stop and ask or let know about it.

Officer looked things over and said she didn't see anything wrong, but if she gets another call will have to charge us a fee for the run.
Don't make a big deal out of it..... It'll just encourage them.... If you know for sure who it is, beat the livin sh!t out of them so they have the full impact of thier mistake... Otherwise, just keep quiet and move on...
We'll have people call the house to tell us there's no hay on the pasture in the middle of the day.... Think a horses is supposed to eat 24/7... Goes on and on...
as understand the law under public records act --the person turning you in has to be made known to you because in america you have to be able to question accuser---we had a lot of concerned citizens until this came along
(quoted from post at 17:01:49 05/12/12) as understand the law under public records act --the person turning you in has to be made known to you because in america you have to be able to question accuser---we had a lot of concerned citizens until this came along

Except for animal and child welfare.... Or, so I've heard....
If they have another call and everything is still OK, tell her to charge the moron who made the call.

Hope she went to the neighbor and informed them that healthy horses sleep flat out in the sun, and it doesn't signify anything is wrong.
Used to be.
Dave2 is absolutely correct. I know that child "abuse" can be reported anonymously and will be checked into by child welfare. Busy body gov't workers proving how worthwhile they are.
I don't know about the animal part, but I do know that animals are more precious(under the law) than unborn humans.
(quoted from post at 21:01:49 05/12/12) as understand the law under public records act --the person turning you in has to be made known to you because in america you have to be able to question accuser---we had a lot of concerned citizens until this came along

In the last 5 - 6 years, one or more of the neighborhood "grass nazis" complained to the township that our grass was too tall. An anonymous phone complaint with no name given. That didn't keep the township from threatening us about it.

Another anonymous complaint (written this time, but unsigned) to the county health department with all kinds of wild and unfounded accusations that were proven false.

I don't know how far you would get if you tried to force the issue. Might be even harder to get them off your back if you challenge them. If it happens again, I might tell them "not until you send the sheriff with a signed search warrant identifying the accuser."

Allowing anonymous complaints to up-end your life is not right!

I"m with Mike (Wa), If there is another call and it proves to be nothing,....The caller is the one who should pay!!! Sheesh!!!
Too many idiots moving to the country from the "burbs"!!!!!
I would tll the bitc h that she could CHARGE all she wanted too.
But that getting PAID would be another matter!
I would then find out who made the call (There are ways) and payback is He11
Cell phones are partly to thank, or blame. Our local fire departments get calls from cell phones reporting fires that turn out to be smoke from someone's trash barrel back behind the barn. They see the smoke coming up from behind the barn while they are driving by so they think the barn is on fire, and being the good helpful citizens they are, they call in a barn fire without stopping to check it out first. Jim
Had a similar problem with one of our neighbors. They called 911 and said people were running around with guns. She is a complete nut job, by the way. Well the people with guns were hunting, on my property and another neighbors.

Three agencies showed up. I showed the police the boundries. They all jumped in the cars and went to her house and had a nice long talk with her. Her and her husband are citiots that moved out here and hate everything country... dust, machinery, hunting, the list goes on.

Good thing is now she don't want to talk to me or the other neighbors anymore. Which is just fine with all of us. This was the second incident with her.

First incident she called the drain commissioner and told them I was eroding into a controlled waterway. I was digging a pond 1000 feet from anything. Her and I had a few choice words. Well I did at least, most of the words you shouldnt use on a female, but she pushed the wrong buttons. Same thing that time, drain commission went over and told her to but out.

I doubt that animal control could charge you for anything, if you are not in the wrong. I would think they would go after the originator for filing a false report. That should leave you to then retaliate with a claim of slander, defamation or libel. Because at that point they would be harassing you. Not sure, but one of the lawyers on this board should be able to answer.

good luck and keep us posted.
Happens to me about once a year. Metro train station is at the southwest corner of my property and the metro trains pass all along every day. Just had a new Gal out about a week ago....complaint was, "horse skinny and laying on the ground". That mare is 26 years old and has a lung desiese. Was supposed to have died six years ago. The Gal was nice and KNEW horses, so that was that. The old Guy that always came out, Ralph, we got to be pretty good friends over the years.
Charge YOU a fee?!! I don"t think so. If the officer doesn"t find any violations, whoever made the call needs to foot the bill.

If that"s the way the system works. If someone wants to harass you, they just keep making calls.

As a horse owner, I would have checked the animal first. If the animal was hurt, or worse, then I would have contacted the owner.

As long as the "system" allows people to make complaints without revealing their own identity, there is no way to go back on these anonymous complainers.
This way of doing things is just flat-out wrong, that the person who the claim was lodged against has no way to confront the accuser. This is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment, the way I see it.

You can't be denied life, liberty or property without "due process" (fifth amendment) I would call money "property" the sixth amendment defines your rights in due process including: to confront witnesses against you, to obtain witnesses in your favor (the animal control officer and a DVM should do), Failure on the government to observe these rights could lead to a "Conspiracy to deny constitutional rights" complaint, trail and lawsuit. Of course your elected County D.A. usually doesn't place much priority on prosecuting the county when they screw up. Once the county comes across with the name of the complainant then slander, defamation and libel could be the basis of a civil suit.

It would be great to have deep enough pockets to bring legal action against these dipwits, but the reality is that most people don't have the resources to do it. You can fight City Hall and win (sometimes) but few can afford the lawyers and court costs.

Of course, anyone who knows anything about horses knows that they often lay flat like that. But there are times I have wondered, as I drove by- if you stop and yell "Hey, Horse!", he'll generally raise his head to see who's harrassing him.
..."citiots"--Great description!

I get it once in awhile when my kids and I are shooting at our target range way back up on the hill near the woods. One time a deputy came out to investigate a "citiot" complaint and just said "Wow! I wish I had a place like this to shoot."
Cattle will lie flat like that too.I holler her name and she will pick her head up.You do have to watch for cattie down with bloat.
Officer is just as dumb as the idiot that made the call.

Have to charge YOU!? Geezuss, this world has gone nuts!

Charge YOU for the next call? Whaaaaat? How ignorant is that?
Wouldn't it be great if you could find out who placed that call? Then you could get one of those pay in advance cell phones, call 911 and report a drug deal going down inside their house. Oh, and don't forget to mention you heard gunfire too....that tends to speed things up a little...
Right on! I am building a 200 yard mound this year, right down the "alley" from the 100 yard. Then I can set targets on each hill.

I have various yardage stakes all over the property out to 300 yards. We have a healthy coyote population. I do my part to keep it in check.

Funny thing is a lot people where I live now were more suburb people, and got really sick of the noisy neighbor, aka citiot, and moved out here to get anywhere from 10 to 160 acres.

We just need to send the one neighbor back to the city.

Perhaps you made someone mad at you?

Charge you for someone else's call? They do charge for wrong 9-1-1 calls from a specific caller, generally after the second call from THAT caller, but that deputy might want to rethink what she told you. You may even want to wait until tomorrow when the Sheriff is in, and give him a call to say "Hey, some unknown NEIGHBOR, not me, calls you with bad info, and your deputy says that next time she is going to bill me for some unknown NEIGHBOR's call to you with bad info about me, and unbeknowngst to me?".

Good luck,

I've been using the term 'citidiots' for years. One plus is that I'm on the Md-Pa border, and most of them are from Baltimore. We call them 'Baltimorons' interchangably.
You may suggest to her she get the name and address of the dobber and send the fee a/c to them. I love the way they play with your money. The expletives are well founded.
I'm a member of our local volunteer fire department and have been for a good many years now. Our area is very rural with lots of pine forests (meaning lots of controlled burns) and of course there is the normal debris burning, field burning, etc... that goes on in all rural areas. The problem comes in due to the fact that 2 main highways leading to Wilmington and the southeastern NC beaches pass through the area parallel to each other and about 6 miles apart. We get lots of do-gooder calls only to get out of bed and halfway to the station to find out that the structure fire that was called in was only a smoldering stump in the middle of the night. Fortunately, there are not a lot of roads, and the folks traveling the "back" roads don't call in foolish stuff. Thankfully we have never had to deal with busybodies calling regulatory agencies for foolish things, but then again, most of our property is pretty isolated and if someone was called, it would most likely be someone who had some agricultural knowledge.
Even if the horse was dead, I did not know that was a crime for an animal to die. I'm in big trouble if the wrong person finds out about the dead barn cat situation going on here on my farm.

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