child labor rules


Google in --proposed child labor laws for agriculture------Are we cracking up as a country!!!!!! Battery powered screw driver sare proposed as off limits to farm kids!!! Puting halter on 4H animals!!!An list goes on.I think there is a public comment period that is soon up.
Let's not require our kids to do any work. That way we can train them early to let others do for them. They don't need a work ethic if they are going to take advantage of welfare, SSI, and other funding from the working people.
You"re half right.
If your farm is set up as a corporation, not wholy owned by the parents or a partnership(as many farms are these days) then these new regulations apply....

my father who passed away in 1976 said something back about 74 that rings very true (we have educated them beyond thier intelligence )
Yea its alot better for the kids to watch TV,or fiddle with electronic gadgets get obese and get into drugs than learn how to work on a farm.Gov't
'Wisdom' at its best.
No more kids working for a neighbor. I hauled hay for several summers, young girl drove the hay tractor, etc. In most states you can drive at 16, but you have to be 18 to learn to drive a tractor???? More beauracrats who never got their hands dirty deciding what everyone else should do. This is male bovine excrement, but I doubt Washington knows what that is. I sure hope there's change in November.

This was started under the last administration, changing the party won't matter, there is a unusually high number of kids who die on farms vs other jobs kids work at.

I don't agree with how they are proposing to reduce the risk but I do agree something should be done. I'm guessing they took a chart with what kids were doing when killed on a farm and highlighted the top 10 or whatever and wrote the bill to prevent kids from doing those things.

I doubt it looked into it much deeper.

I had a friend killed on a farm when she was 14, she had just finished cleaning a dairy hay mow, pushing hay down into the aisle, her dad had just pushed the hay out with the skidsteer. Last bit she pushed down, she came down too, head onto the clean concrete.

The punishment that man put himself through the rest of his life is more than any government could have given out. But still it makes me think, why does a business have to have safety rules while a farm is still pretty much free to do whatever?

Fear of getting sued limits what I let the hired kids do, nowadays none of them have seen any of the equipment before, don't know how it works or the risks involved.
Round here it isn't going to affect many farmers........most kids don't want to do that kind of work.....heck most don't want to work. I know a 17YO girl who is mad cause her parents told her she has to work to pay for her cell service, car insurance and gas, never mind the fact that the parents gave her a new high dollar phone, gave her the car and dad takes care of repairs and services. She is kinda typical and thinks that she should be given everything!

You have been tainted by one experience. As a person who dodged a few catastrophies on the farm I know the dangers to farming but regulation into oblivion is not the answer. The USDA tracks accidents and they say injuries are way down. See link. Nearly half of 10 years ago.
It also applies to a farm organized under a corporation. If a family has the farm organized under a corporation, that corporation is barred from having a child work the operation. The devil is in the details. It also bars kids from working for uncles, grandparents, cousins, inlaws etc.
I think back to when I was the 12-13-14 year old pushing a lawnmower to make $10 on a Saturday. Having a kid work part time is a great way to teach them work for pay. Society is too afraid of getting sued. Being an adult I dont think I could have a kid that I dont know push a lawn mower on my property and then cut off his toes and sue me. (I just wouldnt want to deal with the BS)
My son however will be learning to work around the house for money, cut grass, weed, shovel out the firepit.
Thats why I said I don't like how they were doing it. I'm not a nanny state person, but as long as kids keep getting killed on farms, people are going to try to stop it.

"In 2001, 22,600 children were injured while living on, working on or visiting U.S. farms. Although the total number of injuries has decreased significantly in recent years, the rate of childhood farm-related injuries has only dropped slightly."

Not sure what qualifies as a reported injury, and those numbers were for people under 14, I've never told anyone where I was injured before so I'm guessing its underreported.
With so many adult americans unemployed and umderemployed it makes sense to reduce the number of children and illegal aliens working in this country to make more jobs available to adults.

Don't ride me about americans don't want to work, it's all about wages that are too low, not the work. In the 1960's packing plants used to pay good wages and jobs were sought after. Now packing plants want to pay minimum wage and they complain to legislators they have to bring in east europeans because americans don't want to do heavy phisical and dangerous work for $7 and no benefits. If those jobs paid a decent wage americans would be lining up for those jobs again. With $10/pound steaks the margins are there to pay decent wages and still make a profit.
With so many adult americans unemployed and umderemployed it makes sense to reduce the number of children and illegal aliens working in this country to make more jobs available to adults.

Yeah but when you can earn more on public assistance than you can by working on a farm, where do you think people are going to go?

Even proud people have families to feed and households to maintain. They will go where they can get the most money.

Even at $10/hr you can't pay for the gas to drive back and forth to work, and if you're broke you aren't going out and buying a more fuel-efficient car.
Reporting the injuries is the weakness of any survey system. That can't be an indictment of a way of life. Let the parents parent and the let the government do what it was supposed to be doing. Not being our nanny.
Not only child labor, but other regulations which will put a heap of hurt on the farming community.
Here's what one commentator says.....
A CDL to drive a tractor or other machinery????
Read all about it
If a person believes this whole heartedly, then they better not be one of the ones complaining about dangerous working conditions in China, and lack of safety for their workers.
(quoted from post at 16:45:52 04/25/12)
A CDL to drive a tractor or other machinery????

Is a tractor or other piece of machinery not a vehicle designed, purchased and utilized primarily for a commercial (that being making money) venture?

I think that, compared to Teen-aged Automobile Drivers...that accidents on the Farm are Much, Much LOWER..
Adolescents that have Worked, growing up on the Farm are much more responsible and better prepared for "Life", than the usual City kid...

They WILL keep shoving these Stupid ideas down out throats, UNTIL COMMON Sense rises and takes a Stand....
My mother is in her late seventies, and she emailed me a link to a video at YouTube entitled "If I wanted America to fail", and this is one of the things touched on briefly. I was not even 10 years-old doing chores on the farm. I was not even 10 years-old when I first operated the Farmall M on the farm.

From my perspective, this topic is not about politics, its about the survival of not only the farm family, but our nation, these United States Of America. Our founding fathers died to provide the framework that created this thriving, prosperous nation. Some of our fathers and grandfathers and mothers and grandmothers and brothers and sisters died to provide and protect the freedoms that we have. And what are WE going to leave OUR children and grandchildren? Is it going to be OUR generation that failed our nation? Failed OUR children and grandchildren? Are WE going to be the generation that let our nation and forefathers down? Dropped the ball?

That video that my mother, in her twilight years, late seventies, almost eighty sent to me. When my father died at a young age for him, me not even 11 years-old, my mother became the best father that I had from then on. She worked to provide for her children. I think that she sent me that video from YouTube "If I wanted America to fail" to wake me up. Wake up my generation, the one that is and has been dropping the ball on our nation, children, grandchildren, and forefathers for allowing this not only to happen, but continue to happen. If you get a chance, go over to YouTube and watch that video and ask yourself, what part of that is not happening now.

Sounds to me like its time for the common man to stand up and make Uncle A-h0le pee down his leg. We have to take this country back from the MORONS in charge.
When us three kids were around 10 (Mid 50's)Dad set up a checking account for each one of us and paid us around $500 a year. Oh yes we would pay for Farm Fuel, Repairs, Food, Seed Wheat,Livestock feed, Clothing,Etc Etc. It was all about book keeping.
As comedian Ron White said "you can't fix stupid".

Politicians create these scoff laws and get all proud of themselves about "fixing" a perceived problem.

I grew up in rural Iowa and had very good training by Dad, Uncles, friends and local farmers I worked for. Lot's of supervision and respect for personal safety, safety of others,livestock, and property.

Our community lost no kids to farm accidents, but several to drinking and driving.

IFFF the government feels the need to get involved at all, rather than eliminating the activity how about some training for the adults and kids. We had drivers ed and a learners permit , age 14, and drove with an adult till 16. Even today kids have to have a hunter safety course before hunting.
(quoted from post at 16:57:50 04/25/12)
(quoted from post at 16:45:52 04/25/12)
A CDL to drive a tractor or other machinery????

Is a tractor or other piece of machinery not a vehicle designed, purchased and utilized primarily for a commercial (that being making money) venture?

Ryan yep sure is but the federal government only has a say if it's used in interstate commerce. They have been shut down on that already because enforcement falls on the state. They tried a couple of years ago to make it where any vehicle used for commercial purposes (like a pizza delicery driver) would have to be US DOT certified and have US DOT numbers. And a law or rule like will come into conflict with state with right to farm laws.

well guys I live in a major farming community and with the size of all farm equipment getting larger and larger and way more powerfull there needs to be something done about training and liscensing these are not your father's John Deere B's and Farmall h's any more these are very dangerous pieces of machinery it's not like it used to be with just showing them how to make it move along
There is training already,Farm/tractor safety for kids 12 and older. It's a very good class and should be taken by any kid that wants to work on a farm.Jim
I agree with you on illegals, I disagree about kids. You must have never been around farms when you were a kid. If you were you would not have that opinion.Jim
I grew up and worked on a 370 acre livestock farm in Iowa. Too many of my class mates were missing fingers, were missing eyes, or were killed in farm work accidents before we finished grade school. Children working at home under a parent's supervision is a good thing to me. Young children working away from home isn't a good thing to me. The law applies to children working away from home.

Counrty living is a lifestyle, farming is a business, don't confuse the two. Corporate farms are large enough that they can obay the same rules as any other business: daycare centers; reatauraunts; manufacturers; retail stores, lawn care services, construction companies, chemical applicators, snow removal services, etc.

Anyone who really wants to get around these laws will pay the parent for the child's work to keep the child's name off the books. There won't be too many problems unless the child is injured, but child injuries are what we are trying to avoid, right?

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