Wife tried to total her car yesterday evening


Well-known Member
She was driving on a road she drives almost every Thursday to a club meeting and she looked down to adjust something and went off the road. She has a case of whip lash now form doing so. Car a 1990 Toyota Corolla SR-5 has damage she first off pop the 2 left tires off there beads, Hood and trunk do not open and close as they should. Rear fenders seem to be pushed in on both sides so maybe fun to fix if it can be fixed that is. This is the 2nd time she has drove in a ditch this years. Ya I am ranting a bit have to much to do as it is LOL
Well it aint like you have straight roads down there. I have been in that area, went around a corner to the left, looked over my left shoulder, and saw the rear of the car coming right at me !!!

Ya the hwy she was on Hwy-7 is a shakes belly type road and you spend more time turning the steering wheel then holding it in more or less one place. Big thing that bugs me is she knows the road and drives it every week and she knows how bad it is but she still does not watch her driving habits
Hope the whiplash turns out OK. You can fix a car a lot easier than you can a human body.

I know all about your roads LOL. We might be coming through your neck of the woods in mid-May on our way to Arkansas. Jim
Tried ain't good enough! I'm send Bad Brad out to show her how it's done! 2 Escorts in 2 years. Totaled beyond repair. Any crash you can walk away from is a good one I guess.
Rich, Marilyn has ditched it twice. Both times she was driving a tank-first was a 73 Satellite and the second time was a 84 Fifth Avenue. Both times I pulled the car out, pulled the grass out of the bumper and sent her on her way. The Fifth Avenue even plowed out some turf when it went over a field lane and she was sore from the seat belt. The only damage was a very slight unnoticeable wrinkle in the right front fender on that one. Both of them were made back when the USA still made cars. Now she drives a Toyota. She'd better keep'er on the road cause I don't think it will plow sod and survive LOL. Jim
Take it easy on her old, at least until she gets to feeling better. I walked away from one Saturday and still feeling the effects. My F250 went toe to toe with an SUV. Both lost. Everybody lived, some better than others. Somehow I think I may not live when I see what happens to my car insurance.....
neighbor kids are all getting drivers license now and sportin thier little souped up 90+/-HP golfs and opels... There is a disco kinda outta the way with a couple intersections on the road to it that have been made into traffic circles. Guess some folks got the idea that it'd be a neat idea to (in a race) hit the TC go left and right, and see who gets bout the exit first. In the paper this morning that a big group of folks were there earlier this morning after the disco closed. Goin good I guess til one with a faster car got cocky cause the other guy was far behind. Went in the TC and was gonna make the whole circle to show off and hit the other car head on. They were sober and just knocked around some, but both cars shot along with several thousand bucks worth of landscaping and flowers in the middle of the traffic circle.... Guess they'll be back on mopeds for awhile.....

Hope your wife is OK... Time to take that cell phone from her or disable texting and get her a hands free device.... Can't be too careful...


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