go getem california!!!!!


Well-known Member
Just heard on the radio that the freaks wanna ban the use of lead ammunition by hunters because of lead poisoning..... Something about hunters leaving (loosing?) animals that die and get ate by sumpin else that dies of lead poisoning...

Sure glad they's lookin out for folks like that..... Who knows when that leadpoisoning will start killin off the hunters that find thier game and eat it....

Why go to the trouble of makin up stupid stories and ideas when all you gotta do is dig up CA archives????
They have outlawed lead shot for watter foul for years ..(in i THINK all states?)...I have seen piks of ducks all bloated up from eating lead befor....Not real perty
I thought several years ago it was going to be, or was, added to the list of things that the Feds were classifying as toxic and require a cleanup process much like asbestos. The local gun club bought the farmers field that they skeet shoot towards so nobody would go looking for contamination. Also thought there was talk about banning lead in fishing sinkers, but I quit paying attention a long time ago......
Actually the so called studies only show a problem MAY occure if an animal eats a wounded animal that still has lead in him. They can't prove how often it happens but with the increasing numbers of animals that will attack a wounded critter I don't suspect very often.

It ain't just Californy. I've got a crane permit from US Fish and Wildlife and the only thing we can use is steel shot on'em.
The problem is with California Condors. There's only a couple hundred left, if you think there should be none then I guess it seems silly to ban lead in areas where they live. But lead poisoning is a real problem for these birds, since they live on carrion and have powerful digestive juices that quickly dissolve lead.

Use of non-lead projectiles is no problem for handloaders, as plenty of lead-free bullets are available including the excellent Barnes "X Bullet". On the other hand, if you only buy your ammo at Walmart the selection of lead-free ammo is going to be a bit limited.

A local gun club ended up paying for a lead clean-up in a river down-range from their trap and skeet ranges. Neighbors were getting upset about all the dead birds floating in the river.
(quoted from post at 04:58:33 04/10/12)
(quoted from post at 04:35:02 04/10/12) ducks all bloated up from eating lead befor....Not real perty

Must be a lot of lead in what the wife feeds me......... :roll:
Dont they sell unleaded beer over there... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lead shot has been banned from water fowl hunting for well over ten years in many states. Lead weights for fishing tackel is highly discouraged and there have been a few exchange programs. There have been few problems and most sportsmen now support the programs.

Maybe lead hunting bullets will be replaced by depleated uranium like the military sometimes uses! It would increase hitting power and take care of the spent uranium storage and disposal problems too.
My understanding is that lead pellets and bullets really only affect birds because it gets in their gizzard where it gets ground up, in other animals the pellet will pretty much pass right through without much of it being absorbed.
We use Federal ammunition with Barnes solid copper bullets for deer. A little spendy but its usually just one shot per deer so it's no big deal. A couple of boxes will last the rest of my life!
That's not a new idea. They were trying that when Clinton was in the White House. It's not just shotgun shot. They are complaining lead is getting into the soil at gun ranges where pistol and rifle bullets are leaching from the berms. They already banned steel bullets coming from china saying it was armor piercing. When they ban lead bullets it will just leave paper wads.

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