Husky in the chicken coop


Well-known Member
Ma sent me a text this morning that a husky broke in the chicken coop. All I'll say is that it's dam lucky my parents don't keep guns or it'd be dead already.

They called the sheriff, then they got the humane society out and they found the owner about 3 miles in town. A gal in the middle of a divorce living with her folks. They reported him missing about an hour earlier (around 6 AM) but by then he'd probably been in the coop for a while already.

All told, killed around 30, maimed a few more, and somewhere around a dozen or maybe more made it out of the hole the dog made, and were around the farm in the shed and garden.

She's got 24 hours to decide how she's gonna settle up, and I'm pretty sure she was told if that dog comes back, it's gonna get a bullet one way or another. Cop said well within the rights to do so. Fortunately, the cops around here are pretty reasonable and can think for themselves.

Now my parents gotta get some chicks and start over. Gonna try to buy some that are a bit older just so they can start laying sooner.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I wonder if all huskys are like that? The boy brought home a beautiful siberian husky female, last year, and she got along with the cows and calves fine. After being here a little over a month, I got up one morning to find the dog laying in the back yard making breakfast on a red hen. In the chicken yard there were dead hens all over the place. When I counted the bodies there were 17 to be burried. The dog just kept eating, as I went in the house and fetched my 44. I told the boy that the dog choked on her breakfast, and had to be burried. Sure do like post hole diggers on my tractor.S.S.S.

show no mercy and make sure it hits the newspapers/local radio... f that would happen here, she'd be paying for the fence, the time to replace it, the chickens and all the eggs they could have layed in a normal life span, the replacements, and the expense of getting them to the point of the dead ones.
Then, maybe a couple grand for the shock that the owner experienced when he/she found her massacred birds.......
ISN'T there a leash law where your at? We have one up here but is basically ignored. people from Min comes up and the dogs run free, Waiting till one runs through the garden then BOOM. Out comes the digger, more ground fertilizer, more target practice with the 45s. Our dog goes on a leash when son walks him for exercise. Gun is the answer when dogs kill chickens, piglets etc. I say make it shovel time if leash laws are ignored. JMHO LOU.
ISN'T there a leash law where your at? We have one up here but is basically ignored. people from Min comes up and the dogs run free, Waiting till one runs through the garden then BOOM. Out comes the digger, more ground fertilizer, more target practice with the 45s. Our dog goes on a leash when son walks him for exercise. Gun is the answer when dogs kill chickens, piglets etc. I say make it shovel time if leash laws are ignored. JMHO LOU.

To be honest I'm not sure, but there probably is. It was tied outside and chewed through what it was on. Really young dog so basically just plain full of it.

As I said, it would be shot already but my poarent's don't own any guns. My brother has a couple 2 houses over, but he's in Oklahoma right now.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Dave, you mean the regular German citizens have to abide by that too? Thought it only applied to US Army people that heavy forbid damaged an apple tree, or a shade tree. I know there was an officer that went around just paying for any damage that privates did to the German landscape.
yeah - huskies are known to be small animal killers.

It's a generalization, but most dog breed reputations like that are founded on some truth.

Any dog MIGHT kill a chicken, but some breeds are much more likely to do it.

It's important to know what you're getting into when getting a dog. And especially so if you're going the "purebred" route.

A friend's husky used to escape and kill cats. They finally had to put it down.

If you want a dog like that, you better be damn sure you've got the means to contain it. And that means a solid cage.

I'm sure we've all heard enough stories of dogs getting off their leads to know they're not a reliable containment system.

Personally I prefer a happy little mutt that you don't have to lock up.

Some years ago a dog darted away from a family that was bicycling past and went after a lamb in our pasture. It was near enough that I ran and scared the dog off. I called the cops. One came in a few minutes with a copy of the law that says, "shoot the dog" if it so much as "worries" the sheep or whatever farm animal.
That really sucks, and you have a lot more patience dealing with it than I would have.

That is one breed I absolutely cannot stand, they may have their purpose and work well for some but each to their own.

The worst is people who have them and should not. People leave em tied up, they hate it, once free, do exactly what you describe. Many years ago, the girlfriend had one, I wanted nothing to do with it, but helped when needed. That darned thing would find a way to jump up onto the fence off the runner line and would literally hand itself by its own rope over the fence. Hang a sheet on the line to dry and it would freak this dog out, probably was inbred.

Neighbor had one when I was a kid, tied up an nasty, SOB bit me in the chest too, terrorized me as a kid, would not go out in our yard because of it, fearing it would escape again and I'd get bit again. I never teased or fooled with it either, always respected animals. Some people should not have a dog, you live on a 55 x 200 lot, is that really fair to a dog that wants to run.

I've been bit numerous times when a kid, its nasty business, knew another girl who was mauled, luckily those scars were not all that bad, very traumatic as a kid, but not life long.

When in high school, the neighbors where I was at, my grandparents small farm, had a vicious German Shepard, it went after me, I carried a knife to stick it, went after a mother with a baby carriage, dog warden or what have you came, shot the dog on site, (I witnessed it) and all the puppies except one, said if that one does the same, I will be back. They blamed me too.... grrrr

You did the right thing, if were me, I'd be in the suite (jail), cause that husky would be gone. I would assume you could prove it, had to leave hairs somewhere, those things shed like crazy.

I'd not be so angry if were a wild predator for some reason, but irresponsible dog owners, people who just tie em up and they have no life, become mean, makes no sense. It sounds harsh too, and its not the end of the world, you can start over, but man I'd certainly have to vent off some steam, cause I'd want nothing more than to see that one gone, too bad there is no dog warden like we had, he would not hesitate to take care of the situation.

I realize this person could be going through a rough time, dog got away, happens...... like I said, you got more patience than I LOL !!!!
If I didn't have a gun, I'd sure call someone who
DID! At the very least, I'd have picked up a
shovel. Of course, none of us were there, so we
can't say if we'd a handled it any different....

On a side note, I have a Great Pyrenees (looks
like a Polar Bear) who will pick up baby chicks
and kittens she find out loose, and deposit them
in the raised flower bed on the front of the
house. She then keeps watch over them until
somebody comes to take them off her paws.
(quoted from post at 04:55:20 03/29/12) Dave, you mean the regular German citizens have to abide by that too? Thought it only applied to US Army people that heavy forbid damaged an apple tree, or a shade tree. I know there was an officer that went around just paying for any damage that privates did to the German landscape.

For everybody.... even tho it seemed the soldiers were targeted :roll:

Most folks carry insurance on thier dogs/cats.... We have the dogs and horses insured... With the dogs, it only takes an ambulance chaser to to get scared and maybe fall when trying to get out of the dog's way.... Or "have nightmares because your dog scared them.....
was at a chicken aucton just last saturday,Put a price on each one of $15.00 or more!if they were game cocks some sold for $40.00! I couldnt believe the prices folks were paying for some of those chickens.I need to stop by the store and look at egg prices,must be really high for a old laying hen to worth $15-$25.Told my kids they need to be selling chickens instead of buying.

I swore off chickens and rabbits when the birdflu thing was going on here a few years ago. But you can buy fertile eggs 10 for 2 bucks. Guy comes around twice a year with a truck load of chickens, ducks, etc and rabbits. layer ripe hens for 6 bucks. We have 8 or 9 folks within a quarter mile selling fresh eggs for 1.50 and you can buy them just as fresh at the store for 1.10 to 1.20 (caged or floor kept). Just can't see the extra time/trouble in it.....
Thia reminds me of an experience I had over thirty years ago with my exwifes husky. We lived in the country during which time I decided I wanted to raise poultry. So, I purchased about 30 - 40 birds, young birds, chickens, ducks, geese, etc. When I first aquired them I kept them inside an outbuilding untill i felt they became accimated, at which point I turned them out into a pen which I built and which I felt was very secure (chicken wire; at least one foot under ground, six feet high, etc). Within two days of turning the birds out into the pen, a female husky of my exwife's dug under the wire and killed every one of the birds. How I determined it was her (the dog, not my ex) is I found feathers imbedded in her collar. I didn't do anything to the dog, it died shortly there after, for reasons unknown. Shortly after the dog died, I left my wife (this was for about twenty different reasons). All my ex did was make excuses for the dog's actions (she's just a puppy [a sixty pound puppy] etc). One lives and learns.
I do not care what kind of dog it is!!!!!! IF IT IS ON MY PROPERTY WITHOUT THE OWNER IT IS DEAD!!!!! I have lost too many critters, rabbits, chickens, turkeies, ducks, etc. to strays.

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