
What is the cheapest (most economical) beer that you can enjoy?

For me,..Rainier, Milwaukee's Best, and Olympia. When I went back home to Michigan last summer, I had some Stroh's.
Sam Adams is about the cheapest I buy. I make some darn good beer! Works out to about 60 cents a bottle.

(quoted from post at 14:23:55 03/23/12) What is the cheapest (most economical) beer that you can enjoy?

For me,..Rainier, Milwaukee's Best, and Olympia. When I went back home to Michigan last summer, I had some Stroh's.

Only thing I can remember that sucked about being stationed at Ft Lewis, was the Rainier beer and them goofyass commercials of the cowboys tryin to round up a herd of the longneck bottles.

American beer I like but can't get here is PBR, Busch, Hamms, and Old Milwauke Light... Buy my beer here at the Aldi store for pilsner and another grocery chain for Weizen. 6 pack of half liter bottles for 1.50...

Wife tries ta be efficient and buy both from the same store but Homey don't play that......
(quoted from post at 15:20:33 03/23/12)
(quoted from post at 14:23:55 03/23/12) What is the cheapest (most economical) beer that you can enjoy?

For me,..Rainier, Milwaukee's Best, and Olympia. When I went back home to Michigan last summer, I had some Stroh's.

Only thing I can remember that sucked about being stationed at Ft Lewis, was the Rainier beer and them goofyass commercials of the cowboys tryin to round up a herd of the longneck bottles.

American beer I like but can't get here is PBR, Busch, Hamms, and Old Milwauke Light... Buy my beer here at the Aldi store for pilsner and another grocery chain for Weizen. 6 pack of half liter bottles for 1.50...

Wife tries ta be efficient and buy both from the same store but Homey don't play that......

American beer was actually geared towards women during the World War. As a retired US Navy CPO, I have had beer around the world, and most every country I have been to make fun of American beer for it's light color and taste.
I used to drink Miller, because with the clear bottles you could at least see if there was a dead mouse in the bottle. Nowadays probably the cheapest stuff I enjoy is Tecate. Usually I stick with Alaskan Amber.
Ah but it is not always called beer in some places. I also have had many a beer/Lager in many countries but that again was due to also being in the navy. I most of the time drink Busch
I decided a long time ago that life is too short to drink cheap beer. Over the years, I suppose I drank a tanker full of Coors, not to mention similar swill like Budweiser, Busch and Strohs. I can't remember the last time I had a Coors; it's been years. There's so much good beer on the market these days. I'm a big fan of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Lagunitas Maximus IPA.
I only drink Anchor Steam Beer. Reasoning is it is the only beer that doesn't give me a sore throat. Wish I had a good connection that could send me some Erdinger Hefe-Wiese beer from Germany. Loved it when stationed there.

(quoted from post at 10:44:18 03/25/12) Erdinger Hefe-Wiese beer from Germany. Loved it when stationed there.


I just had six of them today (wife drove) :roll:

Where do you live? Way visiting my buddy in MD a couple years ago and got some at a gas station...... Erdinger doesn't change anything between the beer they sell here and what they export.
Last cheap beer that was any good was Hamms. Don't care for anything but Coors Light anymore.
Anchor Brewing is some really good stuff, the steam, porter and their seasonal's are outstanding. I have some of their Bock in the fridge, and boy does that go good with marinated venison tenderloins, potatoes, onions and carrots.

Fritz Maytag (Maytag Appliances) saved that brewery in the late 60's and is apparently the or one of the longest continuous brewing operations in the U.S. You can't get a job there, they'll steer you off, apparently a very secretive brewery. I've had their Christmas Ale every year for almost 20 years now. All their beers have a signature taste, which reminds you of other ones they offer, but each is also unique, best porter hands down is theirs or I've ever tasted. The steam is a top fermented cold brewed or similar, good stuff !!!
Is Olympia beer still available? They closed the brewery in Olympia about 20 years ago, but maybe Pabst is still making it. Nobody around here actually liked it- Haven't seen it in stores for years.

I like Busch Lite. Get teased a bit about it, but as they say, "I may have no taste, but I know what I like."
Grain Belt Premium is about $20 for a 24 pack
of bottles. Otherwise it's Coors Light or Busch
Lite, respectively.
Absolutely no interest in any of the cheap beers, since day one, must be fussy taste buds. Early on, when younger, and consumed in higher quantities, once those taste buds were inebriated, there was always a headache, gastro-intestinal disruption or what have you, even sinus headaches. If I drank similar quantity of a craft beer, none of that happened.

When I was a kid, there was always a beer (key word=A) allowed if I wanted, at appropriate times, my grandad started that, a sip at a time, it was always about taste. All through my teens, and young adult life, I would seek the best beer I could find when I wanted some, I used to fool the cashier without an ID and it was not about intoxication, (could do that easier with liquor), always about taste, after hard work in hot weather, cold water first to take up the slack in the thirst, then later a pleasant tasting beer.

Throughout the later years, what great timing, craft brewing finally comes back and is thriving now, and all those wonderful beers, we live in good times. Prohibition, then mass production ruined the brewing industry. Mass production pushed sales, cheapened the beer by using rice, (WWII?) and what have you, and even today I laugh when one of my friends parents are offered a beer from one of us, ("don't give me any of that funny stuff" = craft beer) However we have converted quite a few from bud, miller and similar, and they admit how good they taste, sometimes you have to try something new.

I just could never enjoy meister brau, old milwaukee did taste ok to me at one time, Genesee wreaks havoc on the system, PBR's back in the day were ok, some were tolerable when ice cold and some were just shy of being decent pilsner or lager, but then all these great craft brews matured into the most enjoyable beers, and some at first had terrible aftertaste's, one local place had a wheat that tasted like anbesol ! Took some time to develop, been good a long time.

I'm a Harpoon fan, they have nice seasonals, 100 barrel offerings, where they brew from all kinds of recipes, been to their Windsor VT brewery several times, met one of the owners locally at one of their sponsored events, its a great brewery with like minded happy people who put effort into making the best they can.

Absolutely cannot drink large quantities any more, and I never really did anyway never liked a strong buzz, after effects and so on. Moderation works the best for me. It was always about taste, a frozen celtic or similar glass, and a good meal, most times its just one, so it will be quality, summer time might be 2 or 3 after a long hot day and after drinking adequate water.

Well, did not mean for this to get that long, one of the few things I do enjoy is a quality, good tasting (to me) cold beer in frozen glass, love to talk about it too.
Enjoy? Well, that narrows it down a bit. Cheapest I ever saw was some stuff my future BIL brought over one time when he was in college - called "E&B Beer" and cost 69 CENTS for a six pack of 16 oz bottles (this was back in the '60s when you could get a case of Pabst or Coors for $4.00).

I brew my own beer occasionally; it's better than what you can buy but no cheaper.
Yes I know they make it. But for some reason Bud gives me a BIG headache.Couple of Buds and I feel like I have been on a week long drunk. I like the German and Mexican beers. Just can't afford them.
Yuengling. America's Oldest Brewery. Pottsville, PA. 17901. $15 per case in bottles, $15.50 in cans. Hic. (;>))
I remember touring the Olympia Brewery when I was stationed at Ft Lewis. Always an enjoyable experience but everything is relative.(;>))
I drink Northern Light at home. It's brewed in Cold Spring, Mn. It's 5 or 6 dollars a 24 pack cheaper than Coors and Miller light. It wets the whistle and tastes just fine. If I go out, it's usually Coors light as the bars don't have the cheap stuff.
Funny part is, when someone new comes over and you offer them a cheap beer, they usually say it's good, until you tell them the price of the beer, then they don't want any more.
Southern Cross! Just kidding, but that's what Arnie was
drinking in the movie Christine,,, must be real dunno,, lol
Don't drink anymore since I got drunk on the scooter and pulled the cops over. They were good about it and guided me to the interstate and told me to never come back, and since my speedometer light didn't work and it was dark so I followed some car half way to the next state to pace myself instead of existing where I was supposed to, I figure I was lucky enough and just don't drink anymore. Is the truth. Is never a good idea to pull the cops over.

But, I did have a neighbor, Fred, that would give me a handful of few $$$ and send me up to the drug store to purchase whatever beer was on sale that he'd name when I was under age and getting served. Seriously. Anyway, Fred would slip me and my brother a Drewrys, Fallstaff, or whatever he'd have, and then me and my brother would start handing him Michelobes, or whatevr we were drinking, and get him crocked. One time he came over complaining because we got him so crocked he woke up the next day with his wife. They didn't get along so good, slept in serperate rooms, and stayed married for the kids.

Agree with you on the Bud. I believe the headaches are because it is brewed with rice. Can't prove it, but it does give a headache, after only two.

I always keep 12-24 Miller Lite for when friends stop over. Stashed way behind that in the fridge is what I drink.
Guiness Stout, Frankenmuth Stout, Bells Cherry Stout, etc. You get the idea. Any heavy beer with a lot of flavor. A lot of the beers I buy are approaching 10% alcohol level, so one or two are plenty. Purchased Samual Adams Triple Bock one time, if I remember that was around 16%. One bottle is enough.

Hopefully none of my friends are on here that will now peak through the Miller Lite and try to get at my good beer.

Oh, my favorite beer, FREE.


I like Boxer. Brewed in Monroe, WI I think. I don't know how widely it's distributed though. It might only be available in Wisconsin. At $12 for a 36-pack it's half the price of PBR. I still prefer PBR, but not by twice as much. I'll stick with PBR or Budweiser over the other cheaper beers though.
(quoted from post at 00:28:00 03/26/12) Cold & Free

LOL! It doesn't get any cheaper than that, and ain't it funny how you can find something good about a free beer, no matter what it is. ;)

Coors Light is about as cheap as I like. I've always consider it as the "gatorade" of beers, but I'm finding myself drinking allot more iced tea than beer these days.
(quoted from post at 12:09:21 03/25/12) Is Olympia beer still available? They closed the brewery in Olympia about 20 years ago, but maybe Pabst is still making it. Nobody around here actually liked it- Haven't seen it in stores for years.

I like Busch Lite. Get teased a bit about it, but as they say, "I may have no taste, but I know what I like."

Oly is still around,....I think that Miller bought them out. I still have some of those at times.

Fact is, ....if one drinks a pale colored American brew, they are not really drinking anything very special since American beer was geared towards women during the World War due to many of the men fighting in that war.

I am a retired US Navy Chief, and I have had beer in about every port around the world. I have brewed my own, purchased some of the best here around Seattle, as well as around the world, but nothing is really better than drinking a very cold cheap beer when doing some sweaty hard work in one's own yard. Nothing!

I love beer, and I like it's history. ....CHEERS!
(quoted from post at 16:30:21 03/25/12) I remember touring the Olympia Brewery when I was stationed at Ft Lewis. Always an enjoyable experience but everything is relative.(;>))

I am amazed at all those who were at Ft Lewis. Cheers to my fellow military brothers who were at, who are at, and who will be stationed at Fort Lewis, as well the Navy commands here in the Pacific Northwest. Bottoms up!
beer is generally in 20 bottle racks for anywhere from 3-15 bucks. Have a drink handler in town that makes rounds like the old milkman. Set your empties out and he'll swap em and send you a bill..... Stuff I usually drink when working around the place is from the grocery store in plastic screw cap bottles. Beer has to taste good at room temperature. If not, I don't like it. When it's good warm, think how good it is in a frosty bottle..... Weizen is best at 50 degrees......
So america's oldest brew house is the cheapest? hmmm.. not here in western pa! I wish! duquesne beer is good, but miller lite is my poison.
I put quality and health above the almighty dollar. If the beer
does 't qualify for the Bavarian Brewing standard, I leave the
swill on the shelf for other people.
I put quality and health above the almighty dollar. If the beer
does 't qualify for the Bavarian Brewing standard, I leave the
swill on the shelf for other people.
(quoted from post at 06:09:53 03/26/12) I put quality and health above the almighty dollar. If the beer
does 't qualify for the Bavarian Brewing standard, I leave the
swill on the shelf for other people.

Does your arrogance ever get on your nerves the way it does mine and most others????
Do you try to adhere to the "Reinheitsgebot" first put forth in 1487 or the much relaxed "Vorlaufiges Bieresetz" of 1993? (;>))
I was saying in brief that the quality is lower in the discount
brew. And that some of us don't feel well. after drinking brew
made with additives besides grain, yeast hops and water. If
drinking brew it's worth spending a little extra to be feeling
better and productive the next day.
(quoted from post at 03:26:11 03/26/12) Agree with you on the Bud. I believe the headaches are because it is brewed with rice. Can't prove it, but it does give a headache, after only two.


Me too, if I drink any Anheuser Busch product I get a dang headache. My Dad bought the cheapest stuff on sale at the Air Force base NCO clubs store. He said it kept his buddies from bumming them off him.
Cheapest beer I can find in the summer...cut with tomato juice. Kokanee is also great after working up a good sweat. Microbrews in the winter....the heavier the better.
Remove most of
the Labatt,Molson,Coors or Bud products from
these lists then.........

or that
(quoted from post at 17:20:33 03/23/12)
(quoted from post at 14:23:55 03/23/12) What is the cheapest (most economical) beer that you can enjoy?

For me,..Rainier, Milwaukee's Best, and Olympia. When I went back home to Michigan last summer, I had some Stroh's.

Only thing I can remember that sucked about being stationed at Ft Lewis, was the Rainier beer and them goofyass commercials of the cowboys tryin to round up a herd of the longneck bottles.

American beer I like but can't get here is PBR, Busch, Hamms, and Old Milwauke Light... Buy my beer here at the Aldi store for pilsner and another grocery chain for Weizen. 6 pack of half liter bottles for 1.50...

Wife tries ta be efficient and buy both from the same store but Homey don't play that......

Oh Dave why would you drink American beer when you can drink German Beer? Ein Dunkel Hiefe Weizen, Bitte!

I drink Bud light here to keep my taste buds from getting ruined. Although I have found a local grocer who carries Franciskaenner Dunkle Hiefe Weizen. It's about $8 the six pack :evil: I reserve that for special occasions.
(quoted from post at 10:49:36 03/27/12)
(quoted from post at 17:20:33 03/23/12)
(quoted from post at 14:23:55 03/23/12) What is the cheapest (most economical) beer that you can enjoy?

For me,..Rainier, Milwaukee's Best, and Olympia. When I went back home to Michigan last summer, I had some Stroh's.

Only thing I can remember that sucked about being stationed at Ft Lewis, was the Rainier beer and them goofyass commercials of the cowboys tryin to round up a herd of the longneck bottles.

American beer I like but can't get here is PBR, Busch, Hamms, and Old Milwauke Light... Buy my beer here at the Aldi store for pilsner and another grocery chain for Weizen. 6 pack of half liter bottles for 1.50...

Wife tries ta be efficient and buy both from the same store but Homey don't play that......

Oh Dave why would you drink American beer when you can drink German Beer? Ein Dunkel Hiefe Weizen, Bitte!

I drink Bud light here to keep my taste buds from getting ruined. Although I have found a local grocer who carries Franciskaenner Dunkle Hiefe Weizen. It's about $8 the six pack :evil: I reserve that for special occasions.

I don't drink American beer here unless one of our dimestore cowboy friends offers me a budweiser and I can't think quick enough to talk my way out of it......... If ya got franciscaner, you don't need nuttin else and the price ain't all that bad. Them dark weizens always seem ta taste like the next one don't they?????
I don't drink much but when I do, Coors light, or busch. I also like wheat beer when I have a hankering for something a little more flavorful.
(quoted from post at 13:12:07 03/27/12)
(quoted from post at 10:49:36 03/27/12)
(quoted from post at 17:20:33 03/23/12)
(quoted from post at 14:23:55 03/23/12) What is the cheapest (most economical) beer that you can enjoy?

For me,..Rainier, Milwaukee's Best, and Olympia. When I went back home to Michigan last summer, I had some Stroh's.

Only thing I can remember that sucked about being stationed at Ft Lewis, was the Rainier beer and them goofyass commercials of the cowboys tryin to round up a herd of the longneck bottles.

American beer I like but can't get here is PBR, Busch, Hamms, and Old Milwauke Light... Buy my beer here at the Aldi store for pilsner and another grocery chain for Weizen. 6 pack of half liter bottles for 1.50...

Wife tries ta be efficient and buy both from the same store but Homey don't play that......

Oh Dave why would you drink American beer when you can drink German Beer? Ein Dunkel Hiefe Weizen, Bitte!

I drink Bud light here to keep my taste buds from getting ruined. Although I have found a local grocer who carries Franciskaenner Dunkle Hiefe Weizen. It's about $8 the six pack :evil: I reserve that for special occasions.

I don't drink American beer here unless one of our dimestore cowboy friends offers me a budweiser and I can't think quick enough to talk my way out of it......... If ya got franciscaner, you don't need nuttin else and the price ain't all that bad. Them dark weizens always seem ta taste like the next one don't they?????

Rodger that, my friend. I will tip the last one at the house tonight when I get home. Erdinger is my favorite, just can't get it here in SC. But the Monks brew a Da*n fine beer, so I will be happy till my next visit to the land of beer and Schnitzel.

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