Question about disking


South Central MN
Should a single disk be pulled with a fixed drawbar or one that's allowed to swing? My disk tends to track with one gang going straight and the other at a severe angle. Hope that made sense? Seems to be worse the more angle I put to the disk and weight doesn't help. It just doesn't track staight so both gangs are working. I know some tractors have a so called swinging drawbar. Is this what it is for? Please help! Thanks
A swinging drawbar will help on turns, but not your problem. There's something else causing the disc not to track straight. Maybe something is causing one side to cut deeper, etc.
When I do discing I keep my drawbar stationary, that way I know where the disc is all the time. If I watch my tractor track next to a fence or tree I know right where my disc is. Stan
Measure the disk on both sides see if they are about the same. That is what an equipment buyer will do right away. I got ready to sell mine it was over an inch differents.
When I bought an old tandem disk to pull with my toys it had some broken blades on the front gangs. I was able to buy new blades.It is an old McCormick disk. Anyway, I replaced maybe 2 blades on one front gang and 5 on the other. It does not track straight now because of more larger dia. blades on one side.
I've never seen a disk that tracked perfectly straight but if it's off more than 6"-8" something is obviously pulling harder on one side. Maybe one side isn't level? One inch deeper on one end can make it pull quite a bit harder on that side. Jin
It is an old IH disk,not sure of the model#. It has 2 gangs side by side,about 10 ft total width. It has a latch on the drawbar you lift and back up or pull forward with the tractor to change the angle of the gangs.
I will check how level the hitch is when hooked to the tractor, seems like the weight pans are tilted forward when I'm pulling it so maybe it just needs leveling? Thanks
I have an IHC disk like that. There are adjustments you can make to add a little more or less angle to the individual gangs on mine. Either take a little out of the side it's pulling to or add a little to the other side.
That is not a ONE WAY. Had one. Swinging drawbar allowed you to change the relationship of the tractor to a drawbar implement in making turns, if swinging, or to lock it to one side if needed like a moldboard that wasn't adjustable itself.

I second the post about checking the angle of both sides, sounds like one has more than the other.
I had a disk similar to yours, angle changed in the middle but there were adjustments on the outside also. Measure where each disk gang is attached to the frame- front of the frame to the bracket holding the gang to the frame. I'll bet you find a difference. Good luck.

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