Usually don't mix Wild Turkey and Coke, Someone did!!!


Well-known Member
Friend sent this to me. I bet the driver had to go home and change his tiddy whiteys.

Now that is funny!, but probably wasn't at the time it happened. Had an owl do that to me one night but didn't come on thru, just broke the window.
The turkey crossed the road to get a Coke. Still don't know why the chicken crossed the road...
A good friend from Guttenberg had a deers head come through his driver side window, and back out again before he saw anything. He was chewing out his sons, and it did tear his coveralls on his chest, but just brushed his skin a little.

There was buck blood on the right side of the drivers seat, and the boys said that probably wasn't the only stained material on the seat of the pickup.
It happened to a Life Flight Helicopter a few years ago(Duck) taking a lady to a heart transplant in St Louis. It makes the local paper every once in a while, they mounted the duck and the windshield and it sits in her house
I was on a flat faced bus on a way to a wrestling tournament back in high school when we had a red tailed hawk fly into the windshield. Shook the whole bus and most of us were trying to nap, so it scared the crap outta all of us.

It didn't come through, just broke it, but then it rolled to the side and it's wing got hung up on the mirror. We drove another 15-20 miles with it flapping in the breeze on the mirror, it finally fell off at a red light. As soon as we got to where we were going, the bus driver put an X of duct tape on it and drove back home to get a new bus for our ride home.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I hate when that happens. A buddy had a Hawk come through the open sunroof, he and his wife had a bunch of scratches, seems the hawk did not like to ride in their car nor did he want to be petted!
I'd think so..... thats a little too close, invading my space, the sanctity of my cab :)

Mild winter, just had a bunch of em around the house, after dried up small crab apples on nearby trees and ground, trees were loaded in the fall, just like dried fruit, deer, birds, squirrel, + others making use of it, still more on the branches, 4 toms in the flock, were mature, don't ever recall seeing 4 together either, nice size birds I'd not want in my windshield just the same, much better on the dinner table, even if they are a little stringy on the meat LOL !
When I was in the Air Force in Laredo Texas, we had a buzzard hit the front cockpit of a T-38 and take off the instructor's head. It was one of the early flights of the student. Student was assigned a different role and never flew again.
Know of a turkey that broke out the off drivers front window and was in side the bus alive until the driver got a hold of its neck. Family member.
Same thing happened to a school bus a couple miles east of me, luckily on the passenger side. Another reason to liberalize the season on those darn things.
I totally didn't expect this picture considering the title. Caught me totally off guard and got a reflexive good laugh.

Can't imagine how the turkey could go through the windshield. Seems body parts are to soft and with the essential one way velocity, even if the truck was doing 70, one would think that the WS would remain intact.

Quite a picture.

When in the USAF We were doing some low level training and one demolished the chin radome and equipment behind it on a B-52.

When in the USAF We were doing some low level training and one demolished the chin radome and equipment behind it on a B-52.


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